Everyone waited for a long time, but still didn't hear the choice, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and said first, "Is there a choice?"

However, the only answer to him was no.


"Get ready, 3, 2, 1, start."

When the beginning was over, Li Chen patted it up in a second, while Deng Chao's hand was still in mid-air.Seeing this, Li Chen said, "I definitely have to take a picture, and he doesn't know."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Brother Chen, are you stupid? If you don't grab it, just start over."

Li Chen was stunned when he heard the words, then looked at his teammates, and said, "Shouldn't I be filming just now?"

Hearing this, Chen Chichi slapped his forehead and said, "Old Li, this really shouldn't be done."

"Time is up, please give the answer to the yellow team."

At this moment, I can only guess, anyway, it was the last hammer. After hesitating for a while, Li Chen said, "Shen Xue."

Because everyone didn't know the answer, they could only guess. Even except for Li Chen, no one else guessed in one direction.

After Li Chen finished answering, Li Nina said, "This name is overlapping Yang Yang."

After the referee and the director introduced Yang Yang, they said, "Team Huang, please take off another 15 pieces, but you can also choose to admit defeat."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

At this time, everyone had nothing to take off except their shoes, so Chen Chichi said, "There are no more 15 pieces of clothes."

"So now the score on the Ambrose medal table is 2:1, with the red team leading."

Next is the fourth project, which can be regarded as the last one.This time the venue was a bit far away, so they took a car to their destination, the Telvers Ice Arena.

When everyone arrived, Li Nina said, "Welcome everyone to the Telvers Ice Rink. Ice sports have always been popular in winter sports. Short knife speed skating and figure skating are also very advantageous in our country." s project."


"Today, we are honored to invite China's first world figure skating champion. They are Chen Lu, the butterfly on ice, and her daughter Anna."

Not long after, Chen Lu came on stage, sat on a chair, and then started her performance.I have to say that although Chen Lu is already a young woman in her thirties and forties, she still wants to be in good shape because of her skating.

After the song ended, Deng Chao said, "I'm getting goosebumps just watching it."

The baby also said at this time, "Visual feast."

Just when everyone was praising her, the two had already arrived beside Li Nina, and Chen Lu said, "Aren't you going to say hello to everyone, Anna?"

Hearing this, the kid named Anna greeted everyone.Then the director also introduced this girl named Anna.

At this moment, Zheng Kai said hesitantly, "Who do you like the most among the running men?"

This can be regarded as a sharp question, and it is very likely to be slapped in the face, but fortunately, they are an entertainment program, and they are proactive about this kind of thing. .

Text 0689: Speed ​​skating relay

After hearing Zheng Kai's words, Chen Lu hurriedly said, "Whoever you like the most, you can give him a hug. Go!"

After Chen Lu finished speaking, although Anna was a little shy, she happily slid towards her idol.

Looking at the direction, it was definitely not Zheng Kai, and looking at the route, it was someone from the red team, but when Anna stopped beside her, An Chen still couldn't believe it.It seems that he is very popular with children, and not so much, he will not forget that he has an agreement with Huang Lei.

When An Chen and the other party hugged each other, Deng Chao asked Zheng Kai, "Why did you do this thing Kaikai, why did you ask this "[-]" question?"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Kai said with a shocked face, "Pretend I didn't ask, pretend I didn't ask."

At this time, Deng Chao said to Anna, "Okay, he is ranked first for the time being, and you make another choice."

With her first experience, Anna slid out without hesitation, looking in the direction of the red team.

At this time, Deng Chao had already taken a step on the road, and he felt that Anna had to give him, an old man, some face.

But at this moment, Anna slid away from Deng Chao mercilessly, then turned around and slid 270 degrees, and hugged Reba beside Deng Chao.

At this moment, Deng Chao said, "I think I may have owed my mouth. One blow is not enough, so I took the initiative to ask for two."

After Deng Chao finished speaking, Li Nina turned back to the topic and said, "Okay, then we will have a competition, speed skating relay."

In speed skating relay, members of each team must use different props to relay on the ice surface, and the team that reaches the finish line first wins.Two out of three games.

After reading the rules, Deng Chao said, "Red team, let's assign."

After looking at the props of the relay race, everyone proposed the props they wanted.An Chen chose ice skates in the first round, which can best reflect speed among all props, so An Chen chose ice skates.Reba chose the bouncy ball. The two bouncy balls collide with each other. Reba has good balance and strength. It seems to be a good choice to choose this one.

When everyone has chosen the game props, the game started after the director's timing.The first round was Reba playing against Lan Yingying. Lan Yingying was very stable, but Reba was not a vegetarian. In addition, the two were on the ice, so everyone had to be careful not to use too much power.

Although the collision between the two has been anxious, but when the director started counting down and there were 5 seconds left, Reba suddenly loosened his strength and took two steps back sideways.

Lan Yingying, who was unprepared, almost fell down, but fortunately stabilized, but at this moment, Reba stood in the circle, and then launched a collision with Lan Yingying who had just stood firm.

Lan Yingying, who had just stood still, was pushed by a force, and the next second she couldn't stand still, and fell forward.

Although he fell down, it will not cause injury. The upper body is protected by the ball, and the lower body is also protected by protective gear.But at this moment, the timer is over.

"The red team is ready, let's go."

Those who occupy the circle can get 5 seconds of starting time in advance, so An Chen set off first.At this moment, the ice blade drew one engraved line after another on the ice, and ran forward quickly.The sound of the wind rang in the ears, and each decoration quickly passed the corner of the eyes.

The distance of less than 30 meters was reached in an instant, and the next moment An Chen pushed Song Zuer out in an instant.At this time, Lu Han has just started, but the gap between the two teams is already so obvious

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