When An Chen stopped, everyone exclaimed incessantly, which meant nothing more than that it was too fast, as if the wind was blowing.

Because of Song Zu'er's push from An Chen and the lead, when she arrived, Kun Ling was still halfway there.The third relay person is Deng Chao, he just runs with flippers on, which is very familiar to him.When he finished and pushed Wu Xiubo, Zhong Chuxi of the yellow team started to run.

Because of the huge advantage, Wu Xiubo was not in a hurry. When the yellow team Zheng Kai just started skating, he had already reached the handover point.This stick was relayed by Hou Minghao, who was sliding on the ice on a sled.

The props were chosen by Hou Minghao because he can ski. Although there is something wrong with the ski equipment for skating, it still arrived.At this time, the opponent finally recovered a little bit, and the distance between the two teams to meet was only half the runway in this section.

Next is Zheng Wei's relay, which requires wearing a cloth bag to move forward.The cloth bag is not heavy, and it will not slip, but because the steps are not big, the forward speed is still a bit slow.

And the opponent's stick is sela. sela17 has always been a weak chicken, and Zheng Min is not in the best condition, and for a while, the speed difference between the two seems to be almost the same.But because Zheng Mi was already in the lead, he arrived first, and the relay was given to the baby.

Baby's physical fitness has always been very good, and he has already led so much, so he won the first game without any surprises.

At this moment, the director said, "In the first round, the red team won. In the first three rounds, the red team is ahead of the yellow team. If the red team wins this game, then the red team wins. If the yellow team wins, There will be a very easy overtime."

Text 0690: Crushing victory

After the director finished speaking, An Chen said, "Director, don't think too much, what you said is impossible."

The director smiled when he heard the words, but did not refute.But the director didn't refute, someone refuted, just heard Li Chen say, "Xiaochen, what do you mean, you look down on us, right?"

Lu Han also said at this time, "Come on, let's work harder and try to win the red team."

Chen Chichi also followed suit and said, "That's right, we just want to counterattack and slap him hard in the face."

"That's right, then I'll just wait to be slapped in the face by Brother He."

After An Chen finished speaking, the director said, "The last stick of the second round is to put the hand in the ice water, and then 30 seconds later, the needle will be threaded."

Now that the fighting spirit is already there, combat adjustments are necessary.Only Deng Chao said, "Xiaochen, I want to skate."

"Okay, Brother Chao, go skating." Having said that, An Chen said to Wu Xiubo, "Brother Bo, can you go around 16? I want to go sledding."

"Okay, then I'll walk around."

After Wu Xiubo went wild, Song Zu'er also said, "I also need to change. The one just now was quite tiring. Is there anyone who can change me."

At this time, the only ones who could change were Hou Minghao, Zheng Yu, baby and Reba, but Song Zuer didn't know how to ski, so he could only choose one of Zheng Ming, baby and Reba.

When the baby heard this, he took the initiative to say, "I'll come, but can you hold on to the ice water for 30 seconds?"

Song Zu'er nodded upon hearing this, and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine with this."

In this way, the exchange of the red team was completed, and the exchange of the yellow team was also completed at this time.

"The second round of the speed skating relay, 3, 2, 1, start."

As the two started, Reba took the lead in attacking.The bull-like collision is not much better than that of Zhong Chuxi.Although Zhong Chuxi was defending, he was still bumped and crooked.But that was the end of it. In the next quarter, Zhong Chuxi launched a counterattack, took the initiative to move forward, and retreated against Reba with soft strength and brute force.

At this moment, the 10-second countdown began.Reba repeated his old trick, and made Zhong Chuxi lose his balance a little by turning sideways.But Zhong Chuxi had been prepared for a long time, and he balanced it all at once.But Reba has already stood in the circle and started to defend.

There are still 6 seconds left in the next time, and Reba defends the ball very calmly.

With the whistle of the director, the red team won again.

"The red team departs."

Following the director's order, Deng Chao quickly slid towards the end of the first section, and Lu Han also quickly caught up five seconds later.Although there was a five-second gap between the two, Lu Han's speed was also faster than Deng Chao's. Fortunately, Deng Chao was not slow either, and at one time he arrived three seconds faster than Lu Han. The baby was very light, and with Deng Chao's help, it slid two meters away.

The next second, Lu Han arrived, and he also pushed Zheng Kai a meter away.It seems that the yellow team has nothing to lose, and even a tie here. After all, Zheng Kai is a man, and he must be better than baby in terms of strength, but they seem to have forgotten that this is also related to weight.Therefore, Zheng Kai's performance was not as good as that of the baby. When the baby reached the end of this section, the difference between the two was already four or five meters away.

At this time, Wu Xiubo set off, while Zheng Kai was still working hard.When Wu Xiubo arrived, he almost surpassed it by nearly one time.Then it was An Chen's turn to start sledding.An Chen's sled was moving forward quickly with the help of the stick, and he had already reached a very fast speed while breathing. The next paragraph was the focus of this paragraph because there was a curve.

At this moment, An Chen suddenly inserted a pole on the ice, and then slid the right pole to move forward with the strength of his legs, but because of the inserted pole, An Chen's straight line turned into an arc.After closing the shot and inserting it again, after doing this three times, An Chen has already passed the corner.

The next blow was Hou Minghao. With An Chen's one and a half advantage, it was passed to Zheng Min without any accidents.Although Zheng Min was a little slow due to physical exertion, in the end he was still handed over to Song Zu'er superbly.It's a full stick away, and if this is lost, then there is really nothing to say.

But there was no surprise, in the end Song Zu'er managed to thread the thread into the needle.

"Okay, this round the red team won 2:0, ahead of the yellow team. So the winning team in the speed relay is the red team. Congratulations, you have won another medal in the Ambrosia leaderboard. So today's final victory The team is the red team."

"Congratulations to the 797 red team for winning the first Anmuxi Ice and Snow Fun Games. Please invite guests to present gold medals to everyone."

"Wow, there is a gold medal."

"It's real gold."

Li Chen said, "I think now, let's do it again. If we do it again, we will definitely win."

Hahaha, how is it possible to do it all over again?When our funds are spent casually.The director spoke again and made a concluding speech, "Congratulations to the red team again for winning."

"In fact, our ice and snow fun games today are also to let everyone experience the fun of ice and snow sports. When bidding for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, we made a commitment of 3 million people to participate in ice and snow. In order not only to compete for gold in competition Silver, and hope that more people can enjoy the happiness brought by ice and snow. Here we also wish the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics a smooth holding.”

The recording is here, today's recording is finally over

s feels like I'm starving to death, please donate.

Text 0691:101's mysterious guest

Seven days later, An Chen boarded the plane back to China by himself. At this time, the confession ceremony was over, so we have to wait until we talk about the publicity.A few women just stayed for a day or two and then left.Later, he and Zuoliana returned to Vienna. Only Xu Fei shared some of the burden so that Zuoliana could bear it.

After filming Running Man, An Chen received a call from a variety show asking if he could attend the opening ceremony.It is not accurate to say that it is the opening ceremony, it is the ending ceremony of the first phase of shooting.However, ceremonies generally don't waste much time, let alone self-made dramas, so you can coordinate the time.

In this way, An Chen mysteriously joined this mysterious girl group variety show named Create 101.The reason why it is said to be mysterious is because An Chen still doesn't know how the girl group was born.

When An Chen got off the plane, someone sent him a plane ticket. The place they were going to was Suzhou.So a transfer is needed.

When An Chen arrived in Suzhou, the crew had already come to pick him up, and An Chen went directly to the crew without delay.

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