At this time, the crew only had the director and staff. After seeing An Chen, the director said, "An Chen, you are here, because you need to do the opening and closing performances, so you also need to rehearse in advance, no problem."

"No problem, I know, let's start tomorrow. After all, I just returned to China, and I still need to recover from the jet lag."

Hearing what An Chen said, the director said, "No problem, no problem. I called you here today mainly to see what you need to prepare. There are also backup dancers, and then we will prepare for you."

Hearing what the director said, An Chen was not polite, and said directly, "I need 4 all-round backup dancers, all of whom are women, and remember to be good-looking. But in order to prevent accidents, it is better to prepare 6 people. In addition, since it is a girl group, Then you might as well give them some surprises and ask the makeup artist to match me with four sets of neutral clothes. Besides, I hope to keep it a secret from the instructors, so that it will be more interesting, and I will prepare one for me when I go on stage. mask."

Hearing what An Chen said, the director nodded and agreed.

"Your request is fine, so if this is the case, let's do it separately during the rehearsal, and I will let the staff contact you later."

"Okay! Does the director have any other orders?" An Chen's hidden meaning was that he had something to say, so I left.

The director who heard what An Chen said seemed to understand what An Chen meant.He really has nothing to do, just heard him say, "It's nothing, that's fine, you go back and rest first. I wanted to ask you to have a meal together, so let's do it next time."

An Chen smiled, and then said, "It's been a few days of rehearsal, there is plenty of time, but remember to keep it secret."

"Okay, then go back and rest."

After 5 consecutive days of high-intensity rehearsals, this day finally ushered in the opening of Creation 101.But An Chen was not the beginning, but the end, so he has been quietly watching from the audience.

He was the only audience in the audience, and his masked appearance was full of mystery. Not to mention the students, even the instructors above were curious.

After several rounds of competition, Huang Zitao finally couldn't help but asked, "I'm sorry. I didn't remember that we invited a guest, the one wearing the mask. May I ask who you are?"

Hearing this, An Chen used Yang Mi's voice to exchange for voice-changing skills when he came back, "Huang Zitao, don't ask me who I am. I'm here to perform today, but it's at the end, and you'll know when the time comes. "

Huang Zitao heard this, pointed at An Chen and laughed, and said, "Sister Mi, don't be funny, your voice is so distinctive, how stupid are we, can't recognize you with a mask on?"

Hearing this, An Chen smiled under the mask, and then said in Reba's voice, "...Are you sure I'm Yang Mi? Let me tell you first, my long hair is fake, the original hair is not so long .”

At this time, An Chen was wearing a baseball cap with long hair fluttering around his shoulders.

At this moment, Huang Zitao's expression was bewildered, he still pointed at An Chen and did not let go, but he seemed to be stuck, not knowing what to say.

Don't say that Huang Zitao looked confused, even the other three were also confused.At this moment, An Chen said, "Okay, don't guess now, I will sing a part in my own voice during the performance, you can listen to it when it's over. For now, you should continue to allocate seats. "

When Wang Wangzhao heard this, Huang Zitao said, "Okay, I did digress, let's continue. Next, Duan Aojuan."

Duan Aojuan was one of the clear streams on this stage, and it was the first time An Chen heard such a clean voice live.After an hour, 101 girls finally found their seats.

Seeing this, An Chen also got up and walked backstage.Then An Chen walked up with her four backup dancers.

At this moment, a staff member took a small note and handed it to Huang Zitao.After Huang Zitao glanced at it, he instantly showed a surprised expression. He immediately picked up the microphone and said behind his back, "I just received a reminder from the crew."

Text 0692: Screaming in the audience

Speaking of this, Huang Zitao paused, and then said, "Even if you haven't studied before, don't be discouraged. The person in front of you is a first-line star."

"He hasn't gone through any systematic learning and training, but he can sing and dance now. He can do it all, and I believe you can start from scratch too. So don't be discouraged if you don't have any foundation, you guys in class F are better than him. Resources, one day you will also stand on a peak stage."

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly laughed angrily, and only heard him say in Zhang Jie's voice, "Huang Zitao, who gave you the guts to say that? Are you going to fight? If you lose, then" An Chen paused. Yes, after thinking about it, I didn't come here to ruin the situation, so let him go?So An Chen said, "If you lose, give me a limited edition Aston Martin. It's the same if I lose."

At this moment, Huang Zitao was dumbfounded, the limited edition of Aston Martin is at least 500 million, so this 753 is a bit ruthless.In fact, he didn't know that An Chen wanted to talk about Bugatti Veyron at the beginning. In that case, the cheapest one would cost 2500 million, and if it was a top match, it would cost 4300 million. This is not much worse than Huang Zitao's mentor's money.Therefore, An Chen thought about it, but still didn't go too far.

Although the bottom line is [-] million, no matter how good the configuration is, it will be worth [-] million. At most, you can earn less, and what if you win?So Huang Zitao said, "Okay, battle is battle."

However, An Chen watched Huang Zitao standing up, but said, "Don't get down, wait for my performance, if you can win me in any one, I'll be counted as the loser."

Arrogance, arrogance, and arrogance are the unanimous thoughts of the four mentors.But An Chen caused 101 girls to scream.

An Chen didn't have time to care about their thoughts, so he said in a baby's voice, "I'm going to perform for a long time, and the music is a mixed cut, but in order to let you understand the difference, I decided not to add music to the singing part. It's not my arrogance, but strength. By the way, RA is not as important as you think, and there is no need to be a c position. The c position is actually about strength."

The next moment, An Chen stretched out his arms and snapped his fingers.At this moment, all the lights on the stage were focused on An Chen. Today's duel was completely unexpected, but it made the crew extremely happy.As for the bet?Although what Huang Zitao said was a little too much, no matter who wins the production crew is willing to bear half of the cost.

At this moment, An Chen's voice rang out. It was an old song, the old one couldn't get any older, but few people could surpass it.

"Just because I looked at you one more time in the crowd, I never forgot your face"

Faye Wong's voice brought the legend to an end, and An Chen quickly switched to another song, which was a song with ancient lyrics and a song with a Chinese style.

"If you don't see it, it will flow to the sea and never return. If you don't see it, Gao Tang's mirror will be sad and white-haired"

After a piece of Phoenix Legend's about to drink, An Chen's voice turned again, directly to the bass. When the singing sounded, everyone was attracted by Andy Lau's bbee bass.

Hearing this, the four mentors looked at Huang Zitao in the middle. Everyone knew that Huang Zitao had lost, and Huang Zitao was also very raspy, but An Chen's previous general had already shown super rascal ability in the wine.Want to surpass?At most half a catty.But in other respects, An Chen was absolutely crushing.

At this moment, An Chen's voice changed again, and replaced it with an electronic sound with its own sound card.Immediately after foreign music, pastoral style, punk style, opera style, all kinds of sounds resounded in the studio for a while.

Suddenly, An Chen's voice paused, and he snapped his fingers again, and then the music started.This time, An Chen sang and danced to the music, and the hip-hop continued to unfold. Mechanics, lock dances, free dances, moonwalks and ghost steps were mixed together to form various novel gestures that appeared along with the music.But the retraction and release of each dance step is on the dance point, without the slightest deviation.

Suddenly, the music stopped, the lights changed, and this extreme performance finally came to an end.Because it was so shocking, the applause and screams continued for a long time.

At this moment, An Chen raised his head and asked in Chen Chichi's voice, "What, did you guess who I am? Also, Huang Zitao, don't forget my car."

At this moment Huang Zitao was really convinced, he only heard him say, "The car is fine, but you have to take off the mask, otherwise I will give the car to someone."

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly realized, and then took off his mask under the eyes of everyone.The next moment, exclamation sounded, and almost everyone stood up in exclamation.

"An Chen"

"An Chen"

"An Chen"



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