It wasn't until this time that Zhang Jie said, "My God, how could it be Xiaochen, I didn't expect it at all."

Luo Zhixiang followed suit and said, "Xiaochen, how could it be you?! You didn't tell my brother when you came, it's too much."

Elle also blamed at this time, "That's right, we simply don't pay attention to us brothers and sisters."

An Chen also filmed a few episodes that were extremely challenging, so there's nothing wrong with that.

"I agreed to keep it secret, so I can't tell you of course, I'm sorry."

Body 0693: Comments from An Chen

When Huang Zitao heard An Chen's words, he also said at this time, "If I had known it was you, An Chen, I wouldn't have bet with you. Oh, the program team cheated me."

Pit or not, don't you have a b number in your heart? It's not that you have spoken!

"That's why I didn't ask you for ~ Bugatti Veyron."

Hearing what An Chen said, Huang Zitao hurriedly said, "Thank you so much, otherwise I wouldn't be able to afford it. But since you're here, you might as well give me some advice."

Hearing this, An Chen shook his head, and said, "It's better to say goodbye, otherwise, how embarrassing would it be to hit a member of the girl group?"

"It's okay, they just need to beat more."

Following Huang Zitao's words, Luo Zhixiang followed suit and said, "It's okay, Xiaochen, you can give me some pointers. You are the second smartest in our Extreme Challenge. You will definitely have good suggestions."

Second smartest?Just when An Chen thought Huang Lei was the smartest person, Luo Zhixiang immediately said, "Of course, I can't compare with the smartest person, hahahaha."

An Chen laughed when he heard this, this is Luo Zhixiang.So he said, "Then I'll just say a few words, don't mind everyone, just take it as a joke."

"Let's talk, this will be more conducive to their correction."

Hearing what Zhang Jie said, An Chen said, "I just looked at it, and I found that the members of the girl group like you like to cry, cry every now and then, and it's ugly. To be honest, it's normal to cry. , sometimes it is difficult to hold back tears when they come, but the moment you stand here, you are already public figures."

"You can cry, but who are you crying so ugly, so sad, so desperate? For the audience? Do you remember your slogan? Come back against the wind, born to the sun, I hope you won by your own efforts It’s not the first place won by crying. If that’s the case, China’s strongest girl group is nothing but a joke.”

"Zitao, did you cry for your achievements today?"

Huang Zitao heard the words, and immediately said, "Of course not, as I said just now, our assessment was very strict at that time, no one laughed or applauded during the whole process, as long as you fail, you will basically be eliminated."

After Huang Zitao finished speaking, An Chen continued, "You are in China, we are not that inhuman. But I hope you all remember, even if you cry, you have to cry with a smile. Bring your positive energy to audiences all over the country, not to let The national audience is sorry for you. There are many girls in China who are prettier than you, and to be honest, I hope you can be worthy of the words "China's strongest girl group."

Hearing this, El turned his head and shouted behind him, "Did you hear that?"

"heard it!"

El yelled again "Louder, I didn't hear you."

"I heard~~!"

Seeing this, An Chen laughed, and then said, "Since I said something bad, let's say something good. Actually, you can guess who are the two people I will remember deeply on this stage."

At this moment, everyone looked at me, and after I looked at you, voices yelled out, such as sunnee, yay, Mei Qi, Xuan Yi, and Fu Jing appeared one after another.

Seeing this, An Chen opened his mouth and announced the answer, "During the whole game, the two people I remember deeply are Sunnee and Duan Aojuan."

At this moment, Duan Aojuan opened her mouth in surprise, covered it slightly with her small hand, and widened her eyes, as if she never thought that among the 101 girls, one of the only two remembered was her.And sunnee bowed to express his thanks after being surprised.

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Seemingly able to understand everyone's doubts, An Chen said, "Sunnee's previous performance was not bad, but it was not enough for me to remember deeply. The reason I can remember her is because of her contagious smile. , if you can perform well, this is definitely your big killer. Of course, the song in the battle later is also quite good."

"But Duan Aojuan reminds me of her innocence, youthfulness and clarity. Clear voice, youthful appearance, and innocent character. Although I don't know how long it will last, I hope you will not forget Beginning."

After hearing An Chen finished speaking, sunnee was the first to speak, "Thank you teacher."

When Duan Aojuan heard this, she hurriedly imitated bowing and said, "Thank you teacher."

Hearing what An Chen said, everyone nodded, and several instructors also thought that what An Chen said made sense. These two students really made everyone's eyes shine.But it was a bit harsh, and it was a bit of a blow to the other girls who showed up.

Therefore, at this moment Huang Zitao said, "An Chen, your standards are really high, yay is so special, you can't even remember it?"

"It's true, yay is very special, but if she doesn't change, she won't be suitable for the entertainment industry. Maybe she can become popular, but she will be eliminated soon. No one wants to be a partner with someone who is cold and cold. How about you Do you remember who was the last female artist who was as cold as her? A smile is the best communication between people, so if she hasn't changed, I actually don't like her."

At this moment, yay suddenly realized that she actually came out of the aisle, but why didn't she become popular?Although very different, the popularity is not bad.

"Thank you, teacher.".

Text 0694: Lucky Duan Aojuan

An Chen thought it was over here, but at this moment Yu Meihong stood up and said, "Teacher, what are my shortcomings?"

At this moment, An Chen looked at the girl named Yu Meihong, and then said, "It's about the same as everyone else, normal. Your teacher Zitao said it very well. If you want people to remember you, you must have your own killer." technology."

After hearing what An Chen said, Yu Meihong thanked her and began to think, what is her ultimate skill?High emotional intelligence?Still funny?

At this time, An Chen thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Since you're here, it's fate. Brother Jie, do you still remember that you owe me a favor, right "[-]"?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jie immediately said, "Remember, Xiaochen, whatever you want, I can do it. Just say it. Bugatti Veyron is also fine."

An Chen walked towards the instructor's seat and said, "Give me a pen and a piece of paper."

At this time, An Chen had already walked in front of Zhang Jie, and Zhang Jie immediately transferred his small notebook and pen to An Chen.

Seeing this, An Chen directly tore off a piece of paper from the last page, then scribbled down something, and then said, "Duan Aojuan, come down."

At this moment, Duan Aojuan was stunned again.What does it mean?For a while, Ao Juan seemed to be in a dream.Just when Duan Aojuan was in a daze, everyone reminded Duan Aojuan one after another.It took a while for Aojuan to realize this, and she walked down the steps excitedly.

When Duan Aojuan came close, An Chen smiled and said, "Brother Jie, then I'll leave Duan Aojuan to you, and you can teach her more in private." Having said that, An Chen turned to Duan Aojuan. At the same time as Aojuan, she handed the note to Duan Aojuan, and continued, "This is my contact information. If you get the affirmation from Brother Jie, then call me on July 7th. You will be on stage with me , as one of my guests at the Tanabata concert."

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