"And I found that your slogan is very important and very rhythmic."

Hearing what Chen Chichi said, the teacher said, "That's right, the front is huh, huh, take two shots."


Li Chen had just learned how to shout, when Deng Chao sang, "Who brought you to my side"

Just when An Chen thought that the teacher would say that the two of them are very skinny, unexpectedly the teacher continued in a serious manner, "Yes, followed by Hey Soo Hey So Hey, five characters."

At this time, Xiao Lu suddenly thought of something, and said, "Tianba, Dongba, tua"

Hearing what Xiao Lu said, Deng Chao also read it, but just when he felt good about himself, the teacher suddenly said, "Tianba, Dongba, and tua are actually a bit silly."

At this moment, Deng Chao looked at the teacher stupidly, as if he hadn't recovered from the violent blow, and seemed speechless.But if he didn't respond, it doesn't mean that others didn't. Regarding this, An Chen laughed directly, "Brother Chao, you're broken, why don't you guys think about it again."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi stepped forward, patted Deng Chao's arm and said, "Chao, you have to stick to yourself. Try it once, and your heart won't break."

Hearing this, the baby said, "Then let's call Brother Chao one."

But when the baby finished speaking, Reba said with a cute face, "I don't want it, how silly.".

Text 0708: Drumming requires vigor

Hey, it's fine if others say that, but Reba, how can you hit us?You must know that you have also shouted.

Hearing this, Deng Chao blew the drum hammer to make sure it was quiet, and then held the drum hammer with a serious expression and started brewing.The next moment, Deng Chao sounded the gongs and drums without fear.

"Heaven, Ba, Dong, Ba, tua"

After finishing beating the drum, Deng Chao's style suddenly changed when he continued to beat the drum.I saw Deng Chao's little butt twisting and twisting, full of enchantment, like Zhang Guowei.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi stepped forward and said, "Hey, why wait? What is your ass moving?"

At this time, Di Lieba had already covered his eyes and looked away, and at the same time, he shouted, "You stop me, the pepper is so hot that your eyes are so hot, so hot!"

Hearing this, Deng Chao smiled and said, "I also realized this, so I can't fight anymore."

Hearing this, Li Chen said, "I'm looking forward to Guowei's version."

Hearing Li Chen's invitation, Zhang Guowei came up.Seeing this, An Chen suddenly said, "I realized that we all have masochistic desires. We know that our eyes are hot, but we just can't help but want to see them."

Hearing this, Li Chen also said, "That's right, although I know I've abused my eyes, I just can't help but want to watch it."

Zhang Guowei heard the words and said, "Don't worry, I promise to satisfy you." After saying this, Zhang Guowei paused, turned around and said, "First of all, there must be love."

After Zhang Guowei finished speaking, he kissed the drum head first, and then kissed the drum hammer.Then he opened his mouth and continued, "1, 2, 3, let's go."

After Zhang Guowei finished speaking, he swayed from side to side and tapped on the drum surface, and then a small tap brought out the rhythm of his buttocks swaying.

Seeing this, Deng Chao immediately said, "Would it be twisted? His crotch will be twisted."

Hearing this, An Chen immediately opened his mouth and said, "He is a person who can twist himself, Brother Chao, you too?"

Hearing that Deng Chao was speechless, is he that kind of person?Even if it is, it can't be said, the human design will collapse.Then it was everyone else's turn, and drumming was something everyone had to do, so everyone got on the stage.But the most speechless is Lu Han.He actually called Lu Han really handsome, this level of narcissism is really no one else.

Hearing Lu Han's shout, Deng Chao said angrily, "Actually, he looks pretty good, but he still has the mentality to call himself handsome every day, really."

After the deer was finished, Chen Chichi handed the drum hammer to An Chen, and said, "Actually, I would like to see Xiaochen play drums more. I want to know if Xiaochen really knows everything. If he can even play drums such a remote skill, Then I really fell down."

An Chen heard this, and said, "Although I don't know how to play drums, my momentum should be fine."

"Okay, it's good to see the momentum."

An Chen also stood in front of the drum at this time, and then calmed down.He has a lot of aura, among which the murderous aura is the weakest, because he has killed only a handful of people and creatures.So he chose one of the martial artist's momentum, fierce.


These few sounds An Chen made with the exhalation of the warrior, and each of them was imposing like a rainbow, containing a trace of the power of Shaolin's unique lion's roar.

After An Chen finished beating the drum, Chen Chichi said, "Oh my god, I was really scared just now. I never thought that Xiao Chen could have such a loud voice."

At the same time, Deng Chao said, "The key is momentum. Xiaochen's momentum is really powerful. Standing on the side, I feel thrilling."

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Deng Chao's words won the unanimous affirmation of everyone, even the teacher also affirmed An Chen's momentum.Except for An Chen, everyone's performance was remarkable, but in terms of momentum, no one could compare with An Chen.

After everyone finished playing a round, the coach said, "Just now you all played very high, and you also have momentum. Of course, I think An Chen is the one with the best momentum, but everyone still has a chance. Okay, Then the following training is related to the sense of rhythm, and the other one is the ability to resist interference.”



Hearing Wang Zulan's doubts, the coach explained, "When you are playing, everyone is playing drums. You listen to yourself and don't be disturbed by others."

Hui Ruoqi pursed her lips unconsciously when the coach was talking, that cute look made An Chen half evil in his heart.

"Understood, focus."

"Okay, let's simulate our 2000-meter race. When we play later, we will use one minute of paddle frequency, which is 60 strokes per minute. When you row 2000 meters, the first 6 paddles must be firm, deep, and steady. After 6 paddles Accelerate to about 30 oars, turn into the middle. Then finally, follow the inertia, go forward 20 times, and sprint."

The coach gave dry goods this time, but the pace was a little faster.Therefore, Deng Chao shouted, "Teacher, I think we can hit the 18th and win."

Seeing Deng Chao's actions at this time, An Chen said, "Brother Chao, open your eyes first when you say this, and stop daydreaming."

An Chen's words made everyone laugh, Deng Chao put down the drum hammer, opened his eyes and said, "Xiao Chen, do you see it through or not?"

Text 0709: Is drummer selection so hasty?

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