After everyone said a few words, the director said again, "The drummer is the soul of the dragon boat. We will select the drummer for our dragon boat race through drum training."

Hearing what the director said, Zulan said, "Everyone is fighting for this position, right?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "I won't fight, it's up to you. I hope we can fight as a whole in the end."

Hearing what An Chen said, the coach couldn't understand and said, "Why don't you grab An Chen? The drummer has the ability to rule the boat like a coach, so don't you want to be it?"

An Chen shook his head when he heard this, and said, "I just hope that everyone can find their own positions, and I will be the last substitute to take the last position for everyone. For me, I should be able to try any position." Give it a try, so this position should be reserved for the most suitable person~."

When An Chen said this, the coach said, "Are you very confident in what you said, but it's one thing to have confidence, but another thing to be able to do it."

Hearing what the coach said, Deng Chao stood up first, and retorted, "Coach, I don't know anything else, but if Xiaochen says he can, then it's probably possible."

Li Chen also said at this time, "Yeah, Xiaochen is a promoted ability user in our team, all-around. I really didn't find that he doesn't know anything."

Hearing this, An Chen hurriedly said, "Brother Chen, don't flatter me. If you ask me to build a spaceship, I definitely can't."

"Look, look, you can do everything except building spaceships."

"Brother He, don't make trouble, I don't know how to have children."

At this moment, everyone was amused, and the three women even smiled with rosy faces.Except for baby, the other two women are willing to give birth to monkeys for him.

After laughing, the coach continued, "But even so, you still have to participate in drumming training. Even if you can fill any position, what if the missing players happen to be drumming players?"

"I didn't say not to train, but not to compete. Well, coach, you continue."

"Okay, the first thing we'll do later is momentum training. If the drummer doesn't have momentum, the whole boat will go limp."

Hearing what the coach said, Li Chen felt that he was completely fine, so he asked, "Do you need to show off your momentum?"

Hearing this, the coach said, "You also need momentum yourself, and you also need to play momentum."

As soon as the coach finished speaking, Li Chen let out a nervous roar and beat the drum.The sudden sound startled everyone, even An Chen was not spared.

After He Yijun was frightened, he immediately said, "This, this, frightened me, this is really imposing."

Deng Chao also said at this time, "That's all good for you. Look at Reba. At that time, he was froze with fright, as if he was stunned like a rabbit, and he didn't dare to move at all."

Everyone followed Deng Chao's gaze, and it turned out that Reba still had lingering fears at this moment.Seeing this, An Chen said "." How about it?all right? "

"It's okay, it's just too sudden, without any psychological preparation."

Hearing this, An Chen didn't say any more, but Deng Chao had already said, "Come on, I really want to see the performance of the other side."

Deng Chao was talking about the place where Zhang Guowei and Wang Zulan were standing. The two are definitely fighters in the funny competition.Zhang Guowei volunteered and said, "Come on, I'll go first."

"1, 2, 3, let's go."

As soon as Li Chen's slogan ended, Zhang Guowei said softly, "Hello, King Nuo~ha~" appeared.

You are a delicate ghost, can you still have fun?When Zhang Guowei was finished, the coach said, "Let the girl come one."

At this moment, Zhang Guowei said, "Then lift it up." As he spoke, he lifted up a drum.

But seeing this, Li Chen, who didn't think it was a big deal, said, "Wait, wait, this is not enough. Come on, let me lift you up?"

Ai?Lift me up?Okay ah?Don't look at Zhang Guowei's thinness, but his height and muscles alone have weight, not to mention adding a drum.But before he could say anything, Li Chen had already reached his crotch, and then Zhang Guowei was lifted up with a force.

This! ?What else can I say? .

Body 0707: jump height of baby

Next is the first person, the first person is Hui Ruoqi, with a height of 190, and her status as a volleyball player makes it easy for her to shoot the drum, even without a drum hammer, just beat the drum up.

The second one was Lu Han who went up to join in the fun. Although Lu Han was not tall, he was nimble and could jump high, so he easily slapped the drum.

Lu Han's performance is even more impressive than Hui Ruoqi's. After all, one is tall and the other is high jumping. In addition, Lu Han's movements are very handsome, which easily arouses the screams of the surrounding girls.

Just as the onlookers were screaming, Li Chen shouted, "Hurry up, hurry up."

There is no way, two hundred catties are carried on your body, you are still not in a hurry, and let no one have a good time.

At this moment, the baby rushed out with a drum hammer.She is very self-aware, knowing that it is impossible to beat the drum without a drum hammer, but she also has no self-knowledge. Do you think you can dance?

Sure enough, the baby quickly rushed in front of Li Chen 320, and while jumping up, he threw out the drum hammer in his hand, but before the drum hammer touched the drum surface, the baby stopped from rising, and then quickly fell down .The drum hammer also hit Zhang Guowei's chest instantly because of a wrong prediction.

At this moment, not to mention laughing at everyone around me, even the baby couldn't accept it, the laughter was too good to be true. Although the baby made a lot of effort, but because he fell later, he still withdrew part of his strength.

Everyone thought that the baby hit Zhang Guowei's teeth, but in fact it didn't. With the baby's height and jumping height, at most it hit the neck.However, it only hit the chest.

After everyone paid attention to Zhang Guowei, it was time to get down to business, and the director said, "Because the coach just said that playing drums needs momentum, we invited the Jiumu Percussion Group of the Beijing National Orchestra for everyone to play drums and momentum for everyone." Show. Please invite them."

Accompanied by applause, a group of men and women in red clothes came to the drum, and then began to perform.The performance is not exciting, but it is not bad, at least not as good as the performance of Xi'an Drum Tower.But even this did allow everyone to understand something called aura, but the feeling is really just that.

"First of all, welcome, we are from the Jiumu Percussion Group in Beijing. Welcome everyone!" At this point, the director paused, and after everyone's applause, he continued, "We ask the teacher to teach you how to play the drums. , release nature."

Hearing what the director said, the drumming teacher walked to the side of the drum and started his speech, "I think drumming is like this. We don't talk about professionalism now. But for us, no matter boys or girls, what they want is an aura. The momentum must come out."

Speaking of this, the teacher started his own performance, but this is purely a joke. If it is a live broadcast at this time, if someone watches the barrage at this time, there will definitely be a barrage that will say "There is no wave in my heart, even a little I want to eat ice cream."

I won't say what the hell it is to eat ice cream, but this momentum really doesn't feel like it.But even so, the members of the men's running team still praised this teacher very much for their face.Deng Chao walked up to him and said, "I found a detail, the face of the drummer doesn't tremble, and the beating is not in place."

Hearing this, the teacher smiled and said, "Do I tremble?"

Hearing what the teacher said, Deng Chao, who had been prepared for a long time, started an exaggerated performance like a hair dryer.Seeing this, Zulan also came on stage and said, "Slow motion playback is like this."

The next moment, Wang Zulan also started to imitate his strength, but this move might have been Wang Zulan's signature move, and there was no dissonance in the set.

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