At this moment, the director said, "The two teams with the least number of times wins."

Hey?Hearing this sentence, Deng Chao was in a bad mood, and complained, "If I had said earlier, I would not have been so hasty."

After the second start, Deng Chao landed perfectly, then turned his toes and said, "Whoever you come, I'll catch you."

However, Deng Chao's posture can't bear the force at this time, who do you want to catch?So An Chen smiled and didn't speak.The second person to play was actually Zhang Guowei, with an enchanting face, and his contrived appearance forced Deng Chao to say, "Hurry up, Guowei."

Seeing this, Chen Chichi couldn't stand it anymore, and directly pushed Zhang Guowei.Then something happened that Chen Chichi couldn't believe happened, Zhang Guowei was actually pushed down.Chen Chichi looked at his palm in bewilderment, did I use my strength?Did it fall in a gust of wind?Is it too exaggerated?

At this moment, Zhang Guowei stood up and punched Chen Chichi with a loving little fist.At this moment, Chen Chichi felt that he was really disgusted.what's for dinner?Peach blossoms seemed to appear on any dish, and then Zhang Guowei's disgusting posture appeared on the plate.

At this moment, Chen Chichi couldn't help shivering, what do you want?

At this moment, He Chief Jun said, "This, is it possible to step over?"

Zhang Guowei, who is afraid of pain, is very confident after hearing the words and looking at it, which is really trivial.The next moment, he really walked over as the chieftain said.

After looking at the position, An Chen said, "Brother Chen, it's time for you to perform your skills, and now you have to get in. Otherwise, there are three of you who may not be able to complete it."

Hearing this, Li Chen looked at the same thing, and said, "Guowei, you're so stupid, do you want me to get in?"

"Brother Chen, believe me, this must be inserted, otherwise you will definitely not be able to stand six people."

Hearing this, Li Chen said to Chen Chichi beside him, "Why don't you push me in the air when I jump out? It's like Tetris."

Naturally, Chen Chichi couldn't really push him.So Li Chen chose the fine-tuning posture in mid-air and inserted one leg obliquely in front of Zhang Guowei.Seeing Li Chen standing upright, Chen Chichi said, "Chen, put that leg away."


"Just lift it up."

It was said that Zhang Guowei hugged Li Chen's thigh very actively, that posture was very sexy.Seeing this, An Chen couldn't help but imagine some disgusting pictures in his mind, and at the same time couldn't help but suspect Zhang Guowei's sexual orientation.

The next moment, Chen Chichi also jumped in, followed by Lu Han, but at this moment there was not much space left. When Lu Han jumped in, there was only space left for two feet.Seeing this, Reba said, "There's only such a small place, baby sister, you have to get in?"

After seeing this space, the baby said, "It should be fine."

It's too narrow, and everyone is trying their best to make room, but at this moment, baby does not disappoint 357.Really drilled in.

The second group was An Chen and the others, and An Chen chose to go first.He only heard him say, "Come on, I'll come first. In this case, the load in front shouldn't be a problem."

"Okay, then I'll be second."

No one is arguing with Hui Ruoqi about this, after all, everyone needs to stand up.Next, An Chen stood on the line and jumped out instantly.An Chen who was in the air suddenly turned around and fell with his back turned.Seeing this, the young ladies onlookers let out a burst of exclamation.Even those who ran the men's team were surprised one by one.

When An Chen fell, there was no ripple at all, which made Hui Ruoqi and the others scream.Seeing this, An Chen smiled, and then said, "Ruoqi jump over here, as long as you jump in the right direction, I will definitely be able to support you."

Hearing this, Hui Ruoqi jumped out when she was ready.Hui Ruoqi was really aggressive, anyone who looked at her could see that she was using too much force. .

Text 0711: Supreme Treasure and Bull Demon King?

Although Hui Ruoqi jumped violently, no one was worried. The people here were basically acquaintances. They all knew An Chen's strength, and with this position, it was not a problem at all.

Sure enough, although Hui Ruoqi slammed into An Chen's body vigorously, he only knocked An Chen down and leaned back slightly.Of course, it wasn't Hui Ruoqi who bumped into it, but An Chen was helping Hui Ruoqi relieve her stress.Force is mutual, if An Chen does not let go of force, then Hui Ruoqi will definitely hurt herself.

In the next second, Hui Ruoqi slipped his hand, and then fell into An Chen's arms in an instant.Seeing this, there was bursts of screams from the sidelines at this moment, even the members of the men's running team were booing.

Although Hui Ruoqi and An Chen already had a skin-to-skin relationship, they still blushed from embarrassment.Seeing that Hui Ruoqi didn't dare to raise his head, An Chen said to Reba who was beside him, "Reba, you can come too, there is still room for my brother's arms."

Hearing this, Reba felt dark, but walked up with a blushing face, and then jumped suddenly.Reba was born in dancing, this kind of thing didn't pressure her at all, but she still pretended to lose her balance and fell into An Chen's arms.But at this time Hui Ruoqi had already got up from An Chen's arms, and she didn't let everyone see the presence of Qi Renzhi's blessing.

Next came Zheng Kai, Wang Zulan, and He Yijun. All three were not bad, especially Zheng Kai and He Emirates, who had no pressure at all.Although Wang Zulan is short in stature, he is still a nimble dwarf.

In the end, An Chen's group won with one result.After the balance training is over, it is a matter of strength.After they had dinner first, they arrived at the Hong Pai Ancestral Hall by car, to carry out the last training of the day, strength training.

When they came here, they were surprised to find a lot of sports equipment next to them.Seeing this, Li Chen shouted, "Is this a martial arts contest to recruit relatives?"

An Chen heard the words and said, "That's right, it was Sister Bingbing who recruited the relatives, is Brother Niu going to explode?"

"That's a must! Whoever wants to win against me, be careful that I'll do something wrong after I get down."

"Brother Niu, isn't this too ruthless? I don't even dare to win."

Hearing this, Wang Zulan suddenly said, "I suddenly feel that Xiaochen is the Supreme Treasure, and then came to snatch the marriage."

At this moment, Li Chen's heart tightened. Everyone knows An Chen's ability to chase women. If he wants to get involved, who knows what will happen in the end.

At this time, An Chen, who didn't know anything, said, "Come on, brother Zulan, Zhizunbao and Zixia are in love with each other. Sister Bingbing and I just know each other, okay?"

Hearing this, Li Chen breathed a sigh of relief.That's right, Xiaochen and Bingbing didn't even talk much, how could they rob his wife.

At this moment, the little deer who followed said, "You are trying to insult me."

Although Xiaolu is fast, his physical strength is definitely his weakest point. No wonder Xiaolu said so.

"Okay, everyone stand up.

Hearing what the director said, everyone stood up, and then the director continued, "The next thing we will do is the strength test. The position of the oars for dragon boat rowing is determined based on comprehensive consideration of factors such as strength, weight, and rowing skills. So the coach Through the final training, give your comprehensive score and arrange oar positions. The member with the lowest score will become a substitute."

Strength test.Hit the sandbag to break the egg shell, two chances, 10 points for breaking two, 8 points for one, and score according to the situation.

After hearing the rules, Deng Chaodang pointed behind him and said, "So this is just for fun?"

Li Chen also said at this time, "Is this a decoration?"

After the two finished talking, Chen Chichi said, "Do you know how sad Li Chen is? He came to this place, and these are all his relatives."

The baby also said at this time, "I thought this was Li Chen's home game, but it turned out to be eggs."

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