Hearing this, Li Chen hurriedly said, "No, no, this is also Xiaochen's home game."

An Chen heard this, and said, "V No, I never go to the gym, nor have I used these equipment."

Ai?Not going to the gym?No equipment?At this moment, Li Chen couldn't understand and asked, "How did you train so well without these equipment? I don't believe it."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "I'll just skateboard, play parkour, nothing else."

"That's impossible. The one you're talking about seems to have no strength training, right?"

An Chen shrugged his shoulders when he heard this, and said, "Brother Chen, I'm afraid you don't understand parkour, but parkour training is very comprehensive."

When the two said this, the director said, "Okay, let's hire a coach again."

When the coach appeared to the applause, Deng Chao said Qian Wanghao, "Miss us?"

Hearing this, the coach said with a smile, "Not bad."

Hearing this, Deng Chao immediately complimented him, "Hey, the coach is becoming more and more gentle."

Although Deng Chao praised the coach to make him happy, the coach still didn't intend to release the water.If you praise you, I will listen to it. Do you want me to release water?There are no doors.

The coach who thought this way said, "The strength below is the same as other sports, basketball is the same, and volleyball is the same. Your lower body is unstable, and your upper body is dangling. The root of all strength lies in the lower body. Then we kick the legs, turn the hips, raise the waist, all the way to my back and shoulder joints, and then pass it to the hands."

Sorry for my poor health a few days ago.

Text 0712: An incomprehensible punch

"Actually, what is my hand equivalent to? It is equivalent to a chain, holding the paddle, and cannot actively exert force"

When the coach said this, Deng Chao suddenly said, "Coach, you told me this, I feel that I can't row anymore." Before the coach could speak, Deng Chao emphasized again, "Indeed, if I pay attention to that movement, I won't It's done."

Chen Chichi also added at this time, "I feel imprisoned."


Seeing this, the director said, "Okay, let's start the strength test now."

Following the director's words, Zheng Kai was the first to step forward to prepare, and said, "Let me try it for you."

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Brother Kai has practiced before, so let's show off."

Hearing what An Chen said, Deng Chao also said, "Kaikai go, don't be ashamed, someone who is in the gym every day." 283

Zheng Kai has also been doing all kinds of cool moves to warm up, and he looks quite capable like that.But at this moment, Chen Chichi suddenly yelled, "Don't fix these flowers, it's useless."

When Chen Chichi said this, Zheng Kai naturally couldn't do it anymore, but Wang Zulan still insisted on adding, "The demonstration is the most important thing, it doesn't matter if you can win or not."

Zheng Kai heard the words and said, "Okay, ready."

After Zheng Kai's words fell, the director also said, "Zheng Kai's first challenge, 3, 2, 1, start."

Zheng Kai ran over at a trot all the way, without any pressure at all, so why can't he hit?nonexistent.He'll let the facts speak for himself, he's really handsome.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel, and the violent blow will only pass by.At this moment, some members of the men's running team let out a pity sound of "Oh".

"Did you hear the voice of the crowd below?"

"There was a boo."

"So what's the use? What's the use of going to the gym?"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Kai quickly argued, "No, no, I didn't hit the middle."

An Chen said at this time, "I think it's because you bothered Brother Kai to do warm-up exercises. If you warm up well, Brother Kai will definitely not miss."

Hearing this, Zheng Kai turned his head and pointed at An Chen, then gave him a thumbs up.He said, "That's it. If you didn't let me finish the warm-up exercise, how could I miss it?"

"Then why don't you finish it? Let's see what you can say if you miss this time."

"I won't go to the gym again if I miss a hit." Zheng Kai said while doing a few moves, and then said, "OK, come on."

The next moment, Zheng Kai stepped forward suddenly, and then threw out a punch.I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the eggshell shattered at the sound, clearing away Zheng Kai's grievances in an instant.

"Did you see it, did you see it, as long as I finish warming up, how could I miss it?"

Seeing Zheng Kai's arrogance, Chen Chichi said, "You are a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

"That happened too, if you have the ability, bgcj you come."

When Chen Chichi heard this, he said, "If I come, I will come, no one can hit an egg."

Zheng Kai heard this, and said, "If you miss it, you will be hit in the face."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi said indifferently, "Twice, how could you miss it." However, sometimes the slaps in the face happened while pretending to be aggressive, and Chen Chichi didn't break any of them.

After the beating, Chen Chichi looked at the ground in disbelief.And Zheng Kai couldn't stop laughing.

"You missed twice, did you hit your face?"

"I'm unlucky today. When I get lucky one day, I will definitely hit two hits."

Hey?I just hehe.

The next one to play was Lu Han, a man who was said by Deng Chao to be only a showman.But even if it was a show, he broke an egg.Next came Zhang Guowei, Zhang Guowei missed both times, but just like Chen Chichi, he hit the ground.

Zhang Guowei is Deng Chao, and then He Yijun, Wang Zulan, and Reba.Each of the four hit an egg.But when it was the baby's turn, there was an accident, the baby didn't even hit the ground.Seeing this, An Chen frowned, secretly thinking that luckily he didn't go there in the morning.

At this moment, Deng Chao asked, "Xiaochen, why haven't you come up yet? I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

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