"Okay, quick, quick, quick."

Chen Chichi heard this and walked up.At this moment, Li Chen also quietly followed.

After Chen Chichi stood still, when the number jumped, Chen Chichi took a step back and shouted, "Is someone adjusting it? What is this?"

Chen Chichi looked stupid, and after a while, he continued, "I still weighed 83 today, why is "92" [-]? It weighs more than [-] catties."

"Come, come, come, I haven't stopped just now, come again."

The second weighing was still exaggerated, and the weight increased again, only to hear Chen Chichi say, "How is that possible."

This time when Chen Chichi was about to retreat, he suddenly saw Li Chen standing behind him, he would be stupid if he didn't understand this.

"Hey, you~"

When Chen Chichi was speechless, the coach said, "Come on, weigh it well, weigh it well."

"Come on, real weight."

After Chen Chichi stood up this time, his weight finally stabilized.The body fat scale finally revealed Chen Chichi's weight at this time.

"Your weight is 847 kilograms."

"170 kilograms, 73 kilograms revealed on the Internet."

After Deng Chao finished speaking, the baby said, "73 and 84, what's the difference?"

Hearing this, Chen Chichi shouted, "Did I say I'm 73?"

"So there is still a lot of water between what is exposed on the Internet and what is real."

After Deng Chao finished speaking, the coach smiled and said, "No wonder you guys capsized today."

Chen Chichi was taken aback when he heard the words, isn't this the reason for Li Chen?Why are you pulling on me?

Only Chen Chichi shouted, "What does this have to do with me?"

Lu Han said at this time, "No wonder every time I hit you, it's like hitting a wall."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "Isn't it more flexible if you are more fleshy? How could you hit the wall?"

"Maybe I hit the wall of meat."




After laughing, the second person to play was Deng Chao. There was not much difference between Deng Chao's weight and the weight on the Internet, and the difference of less than two kilograms was acceptable.

Everyone scales up one by one, and the weight appears one by one. Although some people's weight is correct, there are still many people who are wrong.

When it was Hui Ruoqi's turn, something unexpected happened to Hui Ruoqi. His weight was originally 785 kg, but this time it was only 725 kg.

Although Hui Ruoqi was shocked, she didn't ask. After all, what if it was a weighing problem?Although Hui Ruoqi thought so, she half-believed in her heart, after all, everyone else was fine.So why?

At this moment, everyone finished the test, and it was Reba's turn.With a bitter face, Reba pouted aggrievedly, and said, "Can I not go up, I will tell you about your weight in private, is it okay?"

Hearing what Reba said, Chen Chichi was the first to say, "That's not okay, we've all exposed it, so it wouldn't be good if you didn't expose it?"

"That's right, the most curious thing on the Internet now is Reba's weight, or you can expose it."

"No, I don't either."

Even though Reba said so, he still went on the body fat scale with a grievance on his face.The next moment, Di Lieba's weight was exposed.

"Your weight is 526 catties"

"Wow, Reba actually weighs 105 catties."

At this moment, Di Lieba had already covered his cheek, shyly not wanting to take it away.

"Okay, let's announce our results today."

Hearing this, the coach said, "There are not many reliable ones."

After the coach finished speaking, Deng Chao immediately said, "No, the coach is like this, but in fact this is not allowed. Coach, do you know why? It means that muscles are heavy."

At this moment, Wang Zulan said, "Look at the coach, she rolled her eyes while you were talking."

Hui Ruoqi said, "Isn't explaining just covering up?"

Just when everyone was laughing, the coach said again, "It was already decided, but you messed it up. The weight has to be recalculated."

The director also said at this time, "Now we will recalculate the weight and matching positions for everyone, so everyone wait a moment."

Hearing this, Chen Chichi said, "We are not in such a hurry to know, I think we can get the answer tomorrow."

"Substitute, he will announce who is the substitute."

Hearing Wang Zulan's words, the coach said affirmatively, "The substitute will be decided today."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "I'm already like that, so I'm not the substitute? You don't want baby to be the substitute?"

"Although Xiaochen played very weakly, he still has to count points."

After a long time, the coach said, "Okay, we have already figured it out. First of all, Hui Ruoqi, Deng Chao, and Zheng Kai are very good, while Wang Zulan, Zhang Guowei, and Chen Chichi are relatively poor. Especially Wang Zulan, so we plan to Let Team Lan try to play the drums. Baby’s score is the lowest, but we still decided to let An Chen, who is one point behind, be a substitute to satisfy him. So baby, you need to practice more in these two days.”

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