Body 0715: An Invitation That Cannot See the Light

"Okay, I will definitely strengthen my exercise, thank you everyone, thank you Xiaochen." The baby's eyes are shining with crystal water at this time, and her smile is also extraordinarily charming.

"Okay, today's training is over, and there will be a masseur to help everyone recover later."

On the way back, the director sat directly in An Chen's car and said, "Since you already know that you can challenge the helmsman, then I won't say anything. But tomorrow you will have more training than others because you are the helmsman. is the most important part."

"Okay, no problem, just tell me the time."

Hearing this, the director said, "Others' training starts after 9 o'clock, but you have to be at the pier at 7 o'clock."

"Okay, I chose the road in the first place, so see you at seven tomorrow morning."

The recording ended at 18, but after the massage, An Chen received a small invitation.

An Chen was the first to come out, but what he didn't expect was that when he came out, there was already a person waiting for him.This person is not Reba, not Hui Ruoqi, but baby.

An Chen, who thought she was the second to come out, said, "I thought I was the first to come out, but I didn't expect you to be faster than me."

Hearing this, the baby said softly, "You came out first, because I didn't go in at all." Having said that, the baby glanced at the door, and said again, "Let's go, it's not convenient to talk here, let's change A place."

Ai?What is this unfolding?Is there a wrong way to open it?Do I need to reopen the door?

Although An Chen had already started running the train in his mind, he kept up with the baby.An Chen originally thought that the private chat was over, but he didn't expect the baby to bring him into his room.

After the two sneaked in, An Chen said, "Baby, it's not good for us to do this. If someone sees it, something will happen."

The baby rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and his voice became much more natural, and he said, "But it's not convenient anywhere else, isn't it?"

The baby has said that, what else can he say?An Chen shrugged, and then said, "Then why did you call me here, baby? Can't you send a WeChat message?"

The baby rolled his eyes again when he heard the words, and said coquettishly, "Why are you afraid that I will eat you? Or do you mean you don't want to see me?"

"Neither, it's just that it's not necessarily worth taking such a big risk."

In fact, An Chen wasn't worried that the camera would see it. When he came in, he blocked the camera the whole time. The key was what if he bumped into someone?

Hearing that the baby's eyes seemed a little lonely, he said, "It's okay, it's just that I suddenly had a snack and wanted to drink some wine. Then my mood kept stirring, and I thought of you for no reason, but I couldn't hold back the impulse and went to call you .”

Ai?You want to drink, but on my side is a spring night worth a thousand dollars ah?Have you considered my feelings?An Chen, who was thinking like this, didn't know that the two girls over there were already exhausted, and they had already locked the door at this time, so they didn't intend to go to bed at all.

Just when An Chen felt speechless, his phone rang, and when he opened WeChat, An Chen was speechless.

The wechat was sent by Reba, and it said the emperor, the two concubines will not be attending bed tonight, they are too tired, so go to bed first.Mehhh~ Don't call the door, it's already locked.

Ai?Who came up with such a scratchy operation?

Seeing this, the baby said, "What's the matter, did I need you for something? If there is something, forget it."

An Chen heard the words and said, "It's okay, since you want to drink, you can drink it. Let's say it first, there is training tomorrow, so you can't drink too much."

"Well, I know." Baby said as he stood up and took out four cans of beer from the wine cabinet, and said, "Two cans of beer per person, no problem."

The alcohol content of the beer is not high, and two cans are just a bit more than one bottle, so there is no problem at all.So An Chen nodded and took the beer.

Just as An Chen was about to sit down, the baby said, "Sit here, it's more delicious."

Um, sit on the carpet?But An Chen didn't say anything, and sat next to the baby on the carpet.This direction is facing the door and window of the balcony, and the sky can be seen along the window.It's a pity that 423 Hangzhou is already a metropolis, and it's hard to see the stars at night when it's brightly lit.

"Bang~bang~" sounded twice, and the two pull rings were pulled off.

The two touched each other, and after taking a sip, An Chen said, "Do you have something on your mind?"

The baby's state at this time is not as smiling as it is on the screen, but a little bit astringent.

"Yes, and a lot." Speaking of this, the baby didn't know what to think of, and took another big sip of wine.

Seeing this, An Chen didn't say anything. He knew that if she wanted to say something, she would definitely say it.And when she said that sometimes, she had already indicated what she wanted to say.So An Chen didn't urge her, and after taking a sip with the baby, she waited quietly.

Sure enough, the baby finally spoke after buffering for a while, and I don't know whether it was through alcohol or something else.

"Xiaochen, do you know? I'm so tired and under a lot of pressure now. I don't understand why this happened, why?"

Text 0716: Helping the baby relax

"I don't understand why I was fine before I got married, but not after I got married. If I had a baby, I would say I was a surrogate. If I acted, I would say I have no acting skills. If I acted in a variety show, I would say I am artificial. Why didn't they say I was ?”

An Chen heard the words and said, "You really need to hone your acting skills. The reason for having a child is that you are a surrogate because some people are born dark and like to watch the excitement. As for variety shows, haven't you noticed your problem?"

"what is the problem?"

"Now you are not the same as you used to be. If you want, you can watch it again from the first season. At that time, you were very hardworking, but you were not artificial, and your smile was sincere and beautiful."

"But I'm also working hard now?"

"Do you really fight? You are mainly stealing the spotlight now, but you seldom really fight. Why do you like Reba? Does Reba not fight? No, Reba is like you before. So you have to do well Variety show, first of all you have to let go of your psychological burden, I don’t know what you are worrying about now, what is there to worry about. The most important thing is your smile, your smile is not as hearty and sincere as before.”

When the baby heard this, he suddenly leaned his head on An Chen's shoulder, and then seemed to feel uncomfortable, and took An Chen's arm and placed it on his shoulder.

After feeling more comfortable in this position, the baby took another sip of wine, and said melancholy, "Because I'm afraid of losing, the more I get, the more afraid of losing. You should understand this best, right?"

Hearing this, An Chen suddenly laughed, and said, "I'm sorry, I really don't understand this. Because I can get along in any variety show without Running Man. Running Man is my starting platform, but it's not a platform that restricts me. .'."

The baby was taken aback when he heard the words, but it seemed to be true.I saw the baby smiled wryly and took another sip, and said, "Yes, you are the all-round king of variety shows now. But I am different, whether it is participating in other shows or taking another development route, it seems that I am now A black hole-level character."

Hearing that An Chen took another sip of wine, he said, "It's still the same sentence, get back to your original intention of photographing the running man, then everything will be fine."

"En." The baby paused at this point, and continued, "Thank you, Xiaochen."

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