At this moment, the coach walked up to An Chen again, and suddenly said, "Come on, hurry up, Chen Chichi."

At this moment, Chen Chichi did not agree.Seeing this, the coach smiled, and said again, "Chen Chichi? I call you Chen Chichi, you're all embarrassed, aren't you?"

Chen Chichi reacted after hearing the words, and said, "I don't even know who Chen Chichi is. You call me Chen Chichi, and I'm embarrassed to answer you. Am I right or wrong?"

It was said that everyone was amused again.Indeed, after listening to Chen Hao for two days, the sudden appearance of Chen Chichi really made people wonder who he was talking about for a while.

"I think Brother He will have a new name after today. What the hell is Chen Chichi? Everyone only remembers the male heartthrob Chen Hao."

At this moment, Chen He laughed first, but then said, "The title of heartthrob is very good, I like it."

After the coach smiled, he said again, "Come on, together. Go up, go up, go up first, inhale. Exhale, two people touch hands and hold, heads touch knees."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Everyone has already started to act.But the coach went to Chen Chichi.Just when Deng Chao said, "Is this the farthest distance in the world?", the coach said to Chen Chichi, "Come on, let me help you."

As the coach said, he already pushed Chen Chichi's old waist slightly.The next second, Chen Chichi let out an exclamation, and lifted his legs slightly.

"I lighten, I lighten, you relax, relax."

At this moment, Chen Chichi felt that he had suffered ten thousand points of damage. His old waist had been injured in his early years, and using his waist was a burden to him.Even when he was doing something he loved, he insisted on letting Zhang Zixuan move on it.

Therefore, feeling the malice, Chen Chichi said, "Can you go to the opposite side?"

Hearing this, Deng Chao immediately said, "Coach, don't come here." Your waist is not good, and I am not good either. A dead fellow Taoist is not a poor daoist, hehe, just hold on.

At this time, the coach said again, "You can't get down."

When Chen Chichi heard the words, he immediately said, "Do you see me going down the opposite side?"

Deng Chao is a bit better than Chen Chichi, but obviously they are about the same. They are more or less the same.But at this moment, An Chen said, "Coach, don't be too hard on Brother He. Brother He suffered a back injury in the early years. Although nothing happened now, it still has some influence."

The coach heard the words, looked at Chen Chichi, and said, "Chen Chichi, are you okay? If you can't insist, just say it."

Chen He was a little moved after hearing An Chen's words, this brother did not hurt in vain.But it wasn't as serious as An Chen said, the injury had healed early.It's just a dull pain if you overuse it. .

Body 0729: Tasteful programs

"It's okay, coach, I'm not that fragile."

The coach nodded when he heard the words, and then said, "Okay, the people on the right of each group stand up and help him press."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Let's not use it for our group, we both have no problems."

"Okay, very good, just like An Chen and Reba."

When Chen Chichi heard this, he lost his temper and said, "It seems to be very simple, what does it mean to be like them? Can't that level be done in a day or two?"

The coach heard the words and said, "It's okay not to press, but don't call tomorrow."

This sentence similar to "[-]" seems to have become the coach's mantra, so Wang Zulan followed it naturally.

"Call now, don't you need to call tomorrow?"

"You can call now, but you don't need to call tomorrow!"

Oh, that's really the sentence.The coach said so, what else can everyone say?Even Chen Chichi tried his best to suppress it.

After this action is completed, the coach talks about the next action again.

"Okay, the next move. Separate the two legs in a splayed figure, the bigger the splayed figure, the better, and hold the two legs together."

After the coach finished speaking, he first guided Zu Lan and Li Chen, and then walked towards Deng Chao and Chen He, who were the key objects of care.

At the same time, Reba and An Chen had already stuck together.There was no pressure between the two, and the interaction was more than in place, it was completely beyond the standard.He only heard Reba say, "Are we okay like this?"

Hearing this, An Chen said, "What's the matter? Is it going to put pressure on them? Probably not." At this point, An Chen paused, and continued, "But this action is still very interesting, what do you think? "

An Chen knew what Reba meant, so Reba naturally heard the hidden meaning.For a while, her face turned rosy, and she didn't know how to interface.The microphones of the two are not turned off yet, it would be bad if someone could hear something they said.

At this moment, there was a loud fart sound behind him, loud and long.In the next second, An Chen jumped up quickly, and then pulled Reba and ran away.

At the same time, Chen He fell to the ground as if poisoned.Several people behind Deng Chao protested even more.

"Brother Chao, I'm behind you."

After Zhang Guowei finished speaking, Chen Chichi shouted instantly, "Behind, I'm in front of him."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Brother He, what you said is wrong. Brother Chao's butt is at the back, and the rear has more influence. Unless there is a wind blowing right on your side, otherwise, Guowei will still be injured." Bigger."

Deng Chao also begged to let go at this time, raised his hands, and said rry.

After hearing what An Chen said, Chen Chichi also felt that this seemed to be the case, and then said, "I have wronged you, Guowei."

Reba wrinkled his little nose at this time, and said with a look of disgust, "I think the audience friends can smell the smell through the screen. This may be a smelly show."

At this time, Hui Ruoqi had already laughed into a ball, and the whole person lay there curled up.That way, like a national treasure, very cute.

"Come on, let's go on."

After everyone finished, the coach said again, "Come on, the next move is to lie down with your head facing the center line, your right leg close to the ground, your left leg at 90 degrees, and your knees straight. Look at Hui Ruoqi, An Chen and Reba , the three of them did a good job, and everyone did the same. Keep your knees straight and the lower leg firmly on the ground. An Chen, Reba, Hui Ruoqi, you all help them press down and work harder."

Hearing this, the three of them stood up and began to help everyone stretch their legs.But when Hui Ruoqi helped Deng Chao stretch his legs, Deng Chao suddenly shouted, "I want to fart, run, run."

For a second Hui Ruoqi was in a daze, and the next second she immediately let go of Deng Chao, and ran to the side laughing.

At this moment, everyone laughed, but while laughing, An Chen said, "Fortunately, I didn't go to help Brother Chao stretch his legs. Brother Chao, did you eat sweet potatoes today? Or fried beans? It shouldn't be. , We didn't see these two dishes in the meal we ate together."

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