At this time, Deng Chao emphasized, "I haven't done it yet."

Hearing this, the coach said, "Hui Ruoqi will do it for you."

When Hui Ruoqi came over, the coach also came over and said, "Separate like this first."

Ai?separate?Is there such a step?Deng Chao parted his hands in a daze.

Seeing this, Chen Chichi was also stunned, and the next second, he said, "Then what you and I did just now was wrong? I was wronged by you for a long time just now!?".

Text 0731: Is Sisi her own?

At this moment, Chen Chichi's resentful eyes made everyone laugh again.

After the two finished, the coach said, "Okay, the last movement is relatively simple, like a baby sleeping."

After the coach finished the demonstration, Wang Zulan asked curiously, "What kind of baby sleeps like this?"

Isn't it weird to sleep on your stomach?The strange thing is not lying on the stomach, but curling up on the stomach.

"It's how you were born in the mother's womb? How do you come out again."

When Deng Chao heard this, he immediately retorted, "Why is it like this in the mother's womb?"

After Deng Chao's words fell, the coach patted Deng Chao and said, "Then you perform one, what is it like in the womb?"

At this time, the coach looked unconvinced, saying that you seemed to know what you were like in the womb.But Deng Chao was not convinced at this time, he had observed it before.

The next moment, while lying down and curling up, Deng Chao said, "The mother's womb is like this." After Deng Chao finished, he emphasized again, "It's like this!"

"Brother Chao, you are so goddamn restored. You are only short of a B-slip!"

An Chen's words made everyone laugh again.

Seeing Deng Chao's appearance, the coach suddenly remembered that it seemed to be the case, but she said, "Then you can lie down."

At this moment, Deng Chao said, "I've seen the birth of a child, how could it come out like this?" Deng Chao said as he got down on the ground, making everyone laugh again.

"Coach, do you have any children〃~?"

Hearing this, An Chen immediately said, "Coach, you didn't adopt Sisi, did you?"

Hearing this, the coach gave An Chen an angry look, and said, "What nonsense!"

"Otherwise, you shouldn't even know the position of the child in the womb."

The coach was speechless, then changed the subject, and said, "Come on, everyone, sleep for a while, sleep for a while. Let your body hang down and relax. Relax, relax, close your eyes, and stop talking."

Ten minutes later, the coach said, "Okay, okay, rest."

Stretching training is finally over, followed by mind training.Mind training is similar to rowing, the only difference is that holding a towel is much lighter.

At this time, there was nothing wrong with An Chen, but An Chen still pretended to be.The next day's training was finally over, and everyone was exhausted.At this moment, as long as there is a bed, they can definitely fall asleep in minutes.

Therefore, An Chen went to find He Chaoqiong at night.He was going to go last night, but he didn't go when he heard that there was only one person on the other side.So today a person came to accompany He Chaoqiong, and this person is Deng Ziqi, the little goldfish.

When An Chen entered the room, Deng Ziqi snuggled up first, An Chen was not polite, and directly hugged Deng Ziqi in his arms, and started his attack.

Seeing such an interactive performance between the two, He Chaoqiong couldn't help it.The next moment, she also joined the game.Although there is still a competition the next day, it is really not a problem for An Chen.There was no way, physical strength was good, the two who were killed at once threw away their helmets and armor, begging for mercy in a hurry, An Chen let them go.

Early the next morning, everyone sat on the Xiasha Jinsha Lake for the dragon boat race after eating.The sun is just right today, but everyone's condition is still a big problem.Even after a day of rest and a massage experience, it is difficult to recover.Not to mention girls, even Li Chen is wearing knee pads, which shows how serious it is.Chen He cried last night, let alone Chen He, Zulan and baby cried.

When they arrived at the arena, there were cheers one after another, and there was an endless wave of welcome.

The coach was already waiting, and when he saw the coach, Li Chen ran over first.An Chen didn't go forward, but walked slowly with the others.

As soon as they walked over, the coach pointed to the lake and said, ".v This is the 200-meter semi-final, you can take a look."

Hearing what the coach said, everyone looked around, and then Deng Chao said, "The blue one is fast, okay?"

"Their frequency is really fast."

An Chen heard this, and said, "There's nothing I can do about it. They're all contestants for 13 years. We've only been contestants for two days. My goal is not big. As long as I can get in the top three, I'll be satisfied."

Li Chen also said at this time, "If we are in the second half of the journey, we will basically be useless."

"Let's not talk about the second half, they basically cover the whole journey."

Hearing what An Chen said, Li Chen said, "Well, we will definitely be abused."


The coach also said at this time, "You should set sail like this."

An Chen said at this time, "So we mainly want to gain time in the curve. Overtaking is not allowed in the curve, so if we can quickly cut the curve to gain time, we can still fight."

Hearing what An Chen said, Zu Lan immediately said, "Xiaochen, we will follow your command."

"Yes, all under your command."

"rely on you."

Everyone's voice fell, and the 200-meter semi-final over there was also completed.I just heard the coach say, "Then let's go into the water first and try the track."

When everyone went into the water, we came to the starting line.Then the coach began to give instructions one by one. .

Text 0732: The dragon boat race is finally over

The trial run was very fast, and with An Chen's control, everything was under control.Not long after, they passed 200 meters, 500 meters.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Let's go back. The trial is almost done, and wasting too much energy will not be good for the game in the afternoon."

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