"Okay, back, back."

When everyone went back, the coach said, "You performed well. Although the number of strokes is not enough, if you perform well with this number of strokes, you can also fight for the third place."

An Chen heard the words, and said, "It's the same as I thought."

Hearing this, Deng Chao came up and said, "Then let's work hard, work hard, work hard, and try to win a medal."

Hearing this, everyone walked up and clapped their hands.

"come on."

"Come on~"


Next is the break and meal time, this time there is no delicious food, only some bread, drinks, burgers and other fast food.

After lunch, everyone took this opportunity to take a good rest. Although we tried rowing 1000 meters at noon, we were still very tired, okay?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, before the game started, a pre-match performance began.After everyone organized the team, they ran neatly to the lakeside of the game 167.

As soon as we arrived, the host shouted, "We invited the Escape Plan band, and asked them to cheer for the teams on the scene with warm singing. Let us welcome the Escape Plan with warm applause."

what band is thisNever heard of it.Although I have never heard of it, but face is to be given, and the rock music is very exciting.For a moment, the entire beach seemed to be set on fire, and all kinds of screams couldn't stop.

It seems that this is really a popular band, but for An Chen, who is blind in the entertainment industry, he may not be able to see whether it is popular or not.

After the opening music, the next thing is the game.

"Fight it, brothers."

"Hundreds of boats are fighting for the top, running man, come on. Drink!"

With a shout, everyone started to board the boat.After boarding the boat, they came to the starting point.

After all the teams arrived, only the referee shouted, "12-person dragon boat 2000-meter circling race in the mixed group, two minutes to prepare."

The team is divided into two groups, and the running men's team is in the 7th track of the second group.

As time passed, Deng Chao said, "I feel so nervous that my legs are weak."

"It feels like the Olympics."

Following Lu Han's words, everyone expressed their nervousness.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "There's nothing to be nervous about. Just let everyone do their best. Relax your hands first, and now you're prone to cramping if you grasp them too tightly. Grasp them loosely and then tightly, with a weak grip."

Just after An Chen finished speaking, the referee shouted, "No. 1, No. 2, get ready, get ready."

With the sound of a whistle, the two teams rowed quickly.These two teams are Tsinghua University and Harvard University, both of which are symbols of the strength of universities.But I don't know how the dragon boat rowed.But it's definitely better than them.

Li Chen said again, "I'm still a little nervous."

However, it was useless to say anything at this time, An Chen basically said everything he could say.The next moment, No. 3 and No. 4 set off, followed by No. 5 and No. 6.Seeing this, An Chen said, "Everyone is ready."

"Ready to issue the number. Ready!"



After the uniform voice fell, the referee continued to shout "3, 2, 1." The moment the whistle sounded, everyone's two rows of oars fell into the water quickly, and then waved quickly to the beat of the drum.

Seeing this, An Chen shouted, "Hurry up, Guowei catch up, come on."

Everyone soon came to the first turning point, and the No. 5 dragon boat had not yet reached the turning point.Seeing this, An Chen shouted, "Quick, go faster bfaj, overtake them." It is forbidden to overtake them at the curve, but it is allowed before that.As long as they enter the corner, they will occupy the best geographical position.

The next moment, they were almost entering the corner on the fifth, and then they rowed at a non-stop speed.The moment they entered the corner, An Chen shouted, "Lu Han, Zhang Guowei, Deng Chao stop the oars. Baby stop the oars."

The four oars stopped at once, but the speed did not slow down.Instead, he thought that the third right oar stopped and quickly cut the bend.At this time, An Chen's operation also played a role, and the pressure on the boat allowed the dragon boat to exert its maximum speed.There was no problem in the next voyage. They caught up with Dragon Boat No. [-] again at the second bend, and quickly overtook them after turning the corner.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see the hope of victory, and everyone's firepower was high.In the last [-] meters, he mustered up his strength and rowed quickly to the finish line in one breath.When the finish line was crossed, everyone gave out their own shouts.Two days of hard work, two days of sadness, two days of perseverance.

At this moment, many people were crying, but everyone was still positive, laughing, singing and rowing slowly all the way to the shore.

Next, there is a break, when everyone speaks one after another.Many of you cried, and many praised An Chen, but An Chen didn't say anything.When it was almost over, Chen Chichi said first, "Let me tell you, what are we going to have for dinner tonight? Let's change the atmosphere, shall we?"

Hearing this, An Chen finally said, "Let me say a few last words. Today, although we only got the third place in the group, we won. In my heart, we just won. Everyone is the best today." Great. Don't say anything, don't blame yourself, we are all one. Finally, I cook tonight, and everyone can't leave unless they are drunk."


"This is the best reward."

"Everyone must be hi today."

When the director heard this, he said, "Xiaochen, it's not good for you to be like this. I've prepared my emotions and thought about a touching meal, but you've made me unable to find the atmosphere to speak."

Everyone heard the words and laughed haha.An Chen said, "Director, don't say anything, we all understand."

Although An Chen said so, the coach still said a lot of touching words in the end, and finally managed to make him and the two assistant directors next to him cry.

Finally came the awards ceremony. Although they only finished third in the group stage and fifth overall, they still received awards.Of course it is not a formal award, but a New Era Pioneer Award. .

Text 0733: Huang Zitao's Invitation

Everyone didn't leave early the next day, and they started to leave one after another in the afternoon.An Chen spent the night alone last night, He Chaoqiong and Deng Ziqi left after the night.Both Reba and Hui Ruoqi were exhausted, they ate and drank enough last night, and fell asleep in a hurry.

Today, both of them are gone.It's not that An Chen doesn't want to play more with Hui Ruoqi, but Hui Ruoqi just broke up after all, so it's not good.Now she also has to deal with the matter of breaking up and annulling the engagement, after all the invitations have been sent out.

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