Hui Ruoqi left, but promised An Chen that he would look for him as soon as he was done.What Hui Ruoqi said was not An Chen's request or what he said, but what Hui Ruoqi said spontaneously~.

In the afternoon, An Chen didn't leave, but he received a call.It was Huang Zitao who called. Because of the previous bet, the two left their contact information.Isn't the car already given?An Chen was a little puzzled, but connected.


After Huang Zitao heard the voice, he said, "Hello, An Chen."

"Well, what happened?"

"It's like this. Our 101 is now at a stage, which is class training. I would like to invite you to be the teacher. There is not much time, just five days. Do you think you have time?"

After hearing the words, An Chen thought for a while and asked directly, "How about the fee?"

"500, 100 a day, if it's not enough, we can talk about it."

500 for five days is not too little, but it also scores points.An Chen felt that the price was a bit low, so he said, "1000, no second price."

Although this price is not very high for An Chen, but An Chen has nothing to do.It was precisely because the price was not very high that Huang Zitao said, "Okay, 1000, come over tomorrow."

The shooting location of 101 was in Hangzhou, and the journey was only half an hour away, so An Chen didn't leave.When An Chen arrived, Huang Zitao said, "Why so early? Didn't you take a break and go out for a walk?"

Hearing this, An Chen said speechlessly, "Do you think we're going for a walk, or blocking traffic?"

"You don't know how to wear a mask, sunglasses, and a peaked cap? Don't everyone go out like this?"

"Don't mention it, now the stars all wear this suit, and then you will be more conspicuous when you wear it. And now they are all sharp-eyed. You don't even know, the last time I wore this suit, I was recognized before I got off the car 50 meters away gone."

Uh, Huang Zitao thought about it for a while after hearing the words, it seems that this is really the case.Thinking of every travel experience, Huang Zitao was speechless.

The two had already entered the instructor's office while they were talking, and several people were there at this time.Seeing An Chen, several people stood up, Zhang Jie was the first to say, "Xiaochen, why are you here? Are you here to lead the class?"

Hearing this, An Chen nodded, and said, "Isn't this just a ten-day break after filming the running man, and then just received a call from Zitao and came over."

Hearing what An Chen said, El said, "That's a good relationship. We are dividing classes, but you can't come and compete with us for a job."

When An Chen heard el say this, he nodded and asked, "Then how are you divided into classes? You didn't leave a place for me, did you? Don't embarrass me too much!"

"No, we are divided into groups of 5 people. If you come, you can bring two groups, and there are two more people."

"At this time, in addition to 55 promotions, there are 7 auditors, 62 people in a group of five, and there are two more. However, the auditors have to follow the captain who chose them at the beginning, so those who choose the captain of the previous group will choose less one person."

· · · Flowers · ·

Hearing this, An Chen said, "If that's the case, then I'll lead a team." After speaking, An Chen glanced at the groups, and said, "The group I lead should also be in the singing group. Otherwise, it would be too conspicuous to divide into an all-around group alone."

At this moment, Hu Yanbin opened his mouth wide, and exaggeratedly said, "Almighty? Xiaochen, you are adding a play to yourself. How is Almighty different from our singing group?"

An Chen didn't care about it, and said, "Original songs, original dances, or stage plays. Anyway, we have what you have."


Hearing what An Chen said, Luo Zhixiang immediately shouted, "Give it to him as he said, so as to highlight his specialness."

Hearing this, Hu Yanbin said, "Xiaochen, do you really want to add an all-around team? It's a slap in the face if you can't do it."

When Luo Zhixiang heard the words, he immediately smiled and said what was in his heart, "Haha, it's fun to slap your face."

An Chen laughed when he heard that, there was no such thing as a slap in the face.

"Okay, just give me an all-round group."

Hearing what An Chen said, the matter was settled.Tonight everyone will start to fill in their volunteers, and then An Chen will choose first.Because he is in a single group and plays such a big game, he has priority.Of course, even if you have priority, you can only choose the first choice to choose the all-around regiment.

When An Chen got the volunteer form that the first choice was Almighty.An Chen looked at Huang Zitao and asked, "Can I meet them? After all, I voted against them, and I don't know them very well."

Hearing what An Chen said, Huang Zitao said, "Of course, are these? I told them to gather in training room No. [-]."

Body 0734: Members of the Almighty Group

An Chen got more than [-] lists, so before An Chen made the selection, everyone had to put away the people who chose their first choice and wait for the second wave of selection.

When An Chen came to the third training room, he glanced at the girls and said, "I called everyone here because I'm not very familiar with you. Besides, I still want to announce my rules, so You are here."

"First of all, I want to say thank you for picking me. Second, I wonder if any of you have introduced themselves. If so, please raise your hand."

After An Chen finished speaking, more than a dozen hands were raised in the next second.Seeing "June [-]", An Chen clicked on a girl at the front, and said, "Fu Jing, you speak first. The rest of the people who raised their hands speak from left to right."

Upon hearing this, Fu Jing said, "Hello, teacher, I'm Fu Jing from Banana Entertainment. I chose the all-round group because I feel that I am average in everything and fit the teacher's group name."

After Fu Jing finished speaking, she looked at the next person, but before the next person could speak, An Chen interrupted, "There is no need to add which entertainment company you are from, because I don't pay much attention to entertainment companies, so I don't know if you say it. Which. Just say the name or something, I choose people without looking at the relationship behind you."

Fu Jing was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, but she didn't add anything, and the second one was a player named Zi Ning.She only heard her say, "Teacher, my name is Zi Ning. I chose this group because I think I still have a lot of room for growth, so I am here."

"Teacher, my name is Gao Qiuzi"

"Hi teacher, my name is Li Zixuan"

"Hi teacher, my name is Fan Wei"


"Hello, teacher. My name is Duan Aojuan. I chose this group because of the teacher. I think the teacher likes me very much, so I came here."

At this moment, An Chen couldn't refute, this girl.Cute, people are wild, but a little baby fat.

At this moment, a voice suddenly said, "I think you will like me too, teacher. My name is Yang Chaoyue."

In fact, An Chen is also interested in creating 101. In fact, he is not optimistic about Yang Chaoyue.But before he came, Yang Chaoyue had already advanced to second place by voting. It can be seen that she represented the will and dreams of many people.Therefore, An Chen said, "You, I know, you are a ch2 trainee, right? But your level seems to be a bit low."

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