At this moment, Yang Chaoyue was startled, and then said, "Yes, I am a trainee of ch2, but I have basically never practiced much before. After becoming a trainee, I have been participating in various announcements under the arrangement of the company, so I also Not much time to practice."

Yang Chaoyue is far from being as simple and silly as others see.Otherwise, she wouldn't have said that she was from the village on the first day, lied to everyone that she was the hope of the villagers, and cried so much.She has had enough hard times since she was a child, and she knows how to use her own advantages to get the greatest benefit.

An Chen didn't say anything when he heard this, but nodded and said, "If I choose you, then your training time will be longer than others. Maybe others only need to train for 810 hours, but you need to train for 14 hours a day." Hours, not counting meal time."

At this moment, Yang Chaoyue was stunned, and then asked with an unhappy face, "Why?"

Why?You have the nerve to ask why?What strength do you have, don't you have any doubts in your heart?An Chen smiled, didn't say anything more, then looked at Yang Chaoyue's side, and said, "That classmate, continue."

"Hi teacher, my name is Ivy Chen, and I can train 14 hours a day."

An Chen was stunned when he heard this, but also smiled when he saw Chen Yihan's beautiful but aloof face.

At the same time, Yang Chaoyue looked at Chen Yihan, his expression was not so good.I just asked why, you are here to slap your face.

"Hi teacher, my name is Lai Meiyun, everyone calls me Lai Xiaoqi. I like teacher very much, and teacher is the best artist I have ever seen, so I am here."

Seeing Lai Meiyun's smile, An Chen also smiled, and then said, "If other teachers hear your words, they must clean you up."

The next introduction continued, and after a while more than 10 people finished the introduction.An Chen glanced at it, and then said, "Among you, those who stay in the all-round group are sunnee, Duan Aojuan, Lai Meiyun, and Chen Yihan." At this point, An Chen paused, looked around, and continued, "Still There are Qi Yan 28 flutes. In addition, because Duan Aojuan resurrected Liu Nian in the last group, Liu Nian automatically joined the all-round group."

After An Chen finished speaking, regardless of the expression of the girl behind her, whether she was screaming or unhappy, she turned and walked out of classroom three.

Back in the instructor's office, An Chen said, "I've chosen, and here are the 6. I'll leave the rest to you."

After looking at it, several instructors said, "These ones you selected are good. Although some of them are not high in rank, they are all very capable."

Hearing this, An Chen smiled and said, "It seems like someone has no strength, but the moment I saw Yang Chaoyue, I was really surprised.".

Text 0735: You are entertainers

An Chen's meaning is very simple, if anyone is said to have no strength, Yang Chaoyue is undoubtedly.

Hearing this, Hu Yanbin laughed, and said, "She really dared to choose, but why didn't you choose her? Fortunately, she is the third in the likes list. After training, maybe it will take off. And you are so good, maybe you can Train her up."

An Chen suddenly laughed when he heard the words, and said, "It's already the second time, Teacher Hu really wants to train Yang Chaoyue so much?"

Hu Yanbin didn't understand what he said, so he said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Hearing what Hu Yanbin said, An Chen looked like he had succeeded, and said, "Then your chance has come, because Yang Chaoyue's second choice is the singing and composition group."

Hu Yanbin was really surprised when he heard the words, this girl really dared to choose.But Hu Yanbin still said, "If I come, I will come."

It seems that Hu Yanbin still likes Yang Chaoyue, but An Chen has no regrets about it.She is pretty, and can be ranked in the top three, but she is useless, and she is not even willing to pay.

There will be another group next night, but it has nothing to do with An Chen. Their group has already been fixed.

Early the next morning, there was another encouragement session, so An Chen still met all the young ladies.If you take people's money, you have to do things well.

When An Chen entered the arena, everyone applauded and screamed.An Chen said, "Hi everyone, we meet again. Today I will give you a tutoring class. I hope you don't come to make things difficult for me."

As soon as An Chen finished speaking, many people shouted, "It doesn't exist, how can I let you pass the test easily."

"But now is not the time for you to ask questions. If you want to ask anything, wait a moment. Actually, I was a little strange when I came here at first. But after I heard what happened last night, I understood."

When An Chen said this, everyone stopped talking. At this moment, they all felt guilty in their hearts.Huang Zitao had taught them a lesson last night, but they still had no face.

"Actually, I want to say that the moment you stand here, you are no longer an ordinary you. You are artists, do you know what an artist is? An artist is to bring your positive energy to everyone. Here I want to praise sunnee, although she is not grabbing the brand, but she is the first and has been by her side."

"At any time, there may be accidents. Competition is very important, but as artists, even if you are not a team, shouldn't you ignore it? No, morality is more important. No matter what time it is, being a talent is fundamental. Do you know why singer Tianyou was blocked? Because he didn’t learn how to be a human being, and he publicized his negative energy.”

"When you learn to be a kind person, then you will be touched by your kindness. Finally, you must remember that in addition to learning to be an upright and kind person, you are also a group. What is a group? It is to help each other, and It’s not about watching her fall and being indifferent. When you help others, you are actually helping yourself. Who can guarantee that you will never fall? No one, even I can’t guarantee that there are so few true friends at this time It's really important to give you a hand. Thank you everyone."

Following An Chen's words, everyone applauded and thanked.Seeing this, An Chen said again, "I saw this blackboard just now, and I heard that it was an impression of me, so let me see what everyone's impression of me is."

An Chen glanced at it, and there were a lot of comments. After looking at it, An Chen pointed to a slogan and said, "I don't understand what it means to be unforgiving. When did I stop being unforgiving. Who is it?" A classmate wrote it, come out and explain it.”

At this moment, Yu Meihong raised her hand shyly.

Seeing this, An Chen said angrily, "Student Yu Meihong, please explain, if you don't understand clearly, I will really be unforgiving."

Yu Meihong heard the words, and hurriedly said, "Don't, what I mean is that I really like your running man. Then I watched a lot and I found that you are not humble at all. Whenever you are desperate want to win, so I think you're a little unforgiving."

Hearing this, An Chen said speechlessly, "Our 290 is a variety show. It's normal for everyone to want to win. And what do you mean by desperately trying to win? I'm also very positive. If someone falls, even if It’s my part, and we’ll all care about it. If you don’t want to win, wouldn’t it be a weird show?”

An Chen said, looked at the air beside him and said, "Brother Chao, you run, I'll leave it to you."

After An Chen finished speaking, he immediately stood at the place facing An Chen, and imitated Deng Chao and said, "No, leave it to the young people, Xiao Lu, run away."

Then he said again in Lu Han's voice, "Don't, don't, I can't do it, let it be Brother Zulan."


"You said, is this the variety show you want to watch? In fact, isn't the purpose of variety shows to be hard work, to take the first place? Of course it is also funny. It seems that you are all doing your best for the top position. As long as you can spread Positive energy, fight hard, who is afraid of whom."

After An Chen finished speaking, everyone applauded again. .

Text 0736: An Chen's Small Classroom Starts

What are you doing here?Isn't it for the top position?Isn't it about winning?So what An Chen said was completely correct.So yay shouted "Teacher, you are right, we support you."

"Okay, I've read all the impressions on the blackboard. Basically, they are all accurate except for the unforgiving one. But it seems that these understandings are actually very one-sided. The director team asked me to come and hope that I can get acquainted with everyone. So , If you have any questions, you can ask me."

As soon as An Chen finished speaking, someone asked a question.Seeing Wang Ju raised her hand, An Chen said, "Okay, tell me."

Wang Ju stood up happily, and said, "Hello, Teacher An Chen."

An Chen laughed a little when he heard the words, and said, "Hello, Sister Ju."

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