An Chen nodded when he heard this, and said, "Okay, but since it's a general's uniform, then I won't ask you."

Sunnee heard the words, and immediately said, "Well, thank you teacher."

After An Chen finished speaking, the paintbrush in his hand began to draw on the paper. The rustling sound was so pleasant that it attracted several girls who couldn't draw to come over.When they saw An Chen's paintings, they still couldn't help being overwhelmed.But they didn't bother An Chen either.Just like that, five minutes later, a young Shining Armor general appeared on the paper.A red cape adorned the slightly domineering silver armor, giving the silver armor a little more heroic spirit.

The next moment, An Chen handed the drawing paper to sunnee and said, "sunnee, can you see it? You have to look at it. If there is anything you want to change, you can tell me."

After sunnee happily took the photo, Qi Yandi said in the next second, "Teacher, I can't draw either, and do you have any suggestions? For example, what kind of look do I suit?"

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Qi Yandi, and said, "It's okay to draw, but shouldn't you choose what kind of look suits you? Your lyrics are also based on that, right?"

Qi Yandi smiled when he heard the words, and then said, "If the role given by the teacher is suitable, maybe it can be more inspirational? Isn't the lyrics already there? Take a step back, even if you don't like it, you can refer to it." .”

sThe website crashed last night. .

Text 0742: Dajuan is suitable for student attire

After hearing Qi Yandi's words, An Chen thought for a while, and said, "Well, you are right. In your case, I think you are very suitable for Dongfang Bubai. Wearing a big red robe on you, I think it will be very eye-catching."

Qi Yandi's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she had made her debut in acting, and it could be said that it was her dream to control Dongfang Unbeaten.And such a role itself makes her like it.Not only that, her previous lyrics also refer to Dongfang Bubai, so this role is tailor-made for her.

"Thank you teacher, then can you help me design clothes in the style of Dongfang Bubai?"

An Chen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "Although Dongfang Bubai is very vivid, since you are required to draw the image yourself, then you can only complete it yourself."

Qi Yandi was a little disappointed when he heard the words, but he still said, "Okay, teacher." At this point, Qi Yandi thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he asked, "Teacher, can you help me draw a 050 piece of Ming Dynasty women's clothing?"

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and while drawing, he said, "Ming Dynasty women's clothing is a bit conservative, and Tang Dynasty women's clothing is a bit bold. I will help you draw first, and you can search on your mobile phone first."

Hearing what An Chen said, the others picked up their phones and started searching.However, there were two people who surprised An Chen, one of them was Chen Yihan, and the other was Liu Nian.Both of them are actually good at drawing, and their thinking is clear and they are not moved by foreign objects at all.

At this moment, Qi Yandi said, "Teacher, I want Song clothes, but I don't plan to use Song women's attire for my hairstyle. Can the teacher help me?"

When An Chen saw this, he suddenly thought, did he make a mistake?As if you have become a consultant yourself?

"Choose yourself, tell me if you choose."

After An Chen finished speaking, he put down the drawing paper in his hand. On the drawing paper, a woman in a red dress in Song fashion appeared on it, but there was no decoration.Then An Chen picked up a blank drawing paper and said, "Which one of you will come next."

Hearing what An Chen said, Lai Meiyun looked at Duan Aojuan and said, "Let Dajuan come first."

There are only two of them left, Lai Meiyun doesn't care about these, and Duan Aojuan doesn't care either.Therefore, upon hearing what Lai Meiyun said, Duan Aojuan stepped forward first, and said, "Teacher, what kind of image do you think I am suitable for?"

Hearing this, An Chen took a serious look at Duan Aojuan, and said, "Dajuan is suitable for school attire."

As soon as An Chen's serious words came to an end, everyone burst into laughter.Duan Aojuan also blushed, not knowing what to say.She remembered that An Chen said that she was attracted by her awkward dance, and the most important thing was that she was wearing a school uniform that day.Could it be that Teacher An Chen likes schoolgirls?Thinking of this, Duan Aojuan suddenly wanted to wear a school uniform.

Everyone's laughter made the two girls who were concentrating on painting also raise their heads. After they glanced at the few people in confusion, they lowered their heads again, as if they didn't want to find out.

Seeing this, An Chen shook his head and said nothing.With Chen Yi bbfahan like this, it's no wonder there are so few likes, it's so peaceful.She looks like a little fairy who is out of place, so it's no wonder there are no shots.

At this moment, Duan Aojuan said, "Teacher, don't make trouble, our theme is female heroes, what the hell are you pretending to be a student?"

An Chen smiled when he heard the words, and stopped joking, but directly said, "Then let's dress up as a chivalrous woman. There are many chivalrous women's decorations. You can choose it yourself. If you choose, just sue me."

Speaking of An Chen, she was about to turn her head, but at this moment, Duan Aojuan hugged An Chen's arm and said, "Teacher, I don't know how to choose, can you help me choose?" Duan Aojuan As he spoke, he shook An Chen's arm, and looked at An Chen pitifully.

An Chen swallowed hard, feeling the softness, and looking at the expectant eyes.Well, he gave in.I just bullied someone at noon, so I don't want to finish my pick.

"That's fine."

As soon as An Chen finished speaking, Qi Yandi came to An Chen's other hand, then grabbed An Chen's other arm, and said coquettishly, "Mr. We ask, but you are not happy. I don’t care, I don’t care, I want you to be responsible, teacher.”

At this moment, An Chen was speechless, I am in charge, what am I in charge of?I bullied Dajuan, did I bully you?But after feeling the softness on his arm, An Chen secretly felt guilty, this shouldn't be considered bullying by me, right?I'm the one who suffers, right?

Although An Chen was thinking wildly, he definitely couldn't say that. Looking at Qi Yandi's bulge again, An Chen said, "Okay."

As soon as An Chen finished speaking, Lai Meiyun squatted in front of An Chen, looked at An Chen with a sweet smile and said, "The teacher will help me design it, right? What do you think, teacher?"

Before An Chen could speak, Lai Meiyun had already leaned forward and leaned close to An Chen's ear, saying in a low voice like a mosquito, "Teacher, there are a lot of student pretends."

Uh, at this moment, An Chen was speechless.He looked at the girls with a resentful expression, and said, "Okay, okay, you won, can't I help you draw?".

Text 0743: An Chen's Confidence

In the end, apart from Liu Nian and Chen Yihan, An Chen was responsible for the design of everyone else's clothes, and even the hairstyle and small decoration details were completed by An Chen.

But when An Chen got the paintings of Chen Yihan and Liu Nian, he was stunned for a moment.He did not expect that Liu Nian would draw a beauty in a green shirt, while Chen Yihan would draw a female assassin in black.

After glancing at Liu Nian, An Chen said, "Liu Nian, I remember you said in the morning that you wanted a show that would explode."

Upon hearing this, Liu Nian nodded and said, "Yes, teacher."

Hearing that Liu Nian still had the same idea, An Chen took out Liu Nian's blueprint, and said, "But do you think this one feels explosive? Pure, jasper, and weak. So either you change someone else, or you can only Give up the words that ignite."

As soon as An Chen finished speaking, Liu Nian froze.Because of her appearance and height, I am afraid that there are not many types that she can control.But she was unwilling to give up the explosive lyrics.

Seeing Liu Nian's silence, and then looking at the others, An Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Okay, there's no need to change, you can sing the eulogy of others separately. Only in this way, you will have the opportunity to perform a wonderful dance .And I want to teach you that your dance is also very exhausting, so it's better to save you from being unable to breathe."

Do you sing someone else's words?This is the first time for a few people to encounter this situation.But the teacher said so, so let's do it.

After An Chen helped Chen Yihan and Liu Nian improve the details of the costumes, he handed over the blueprints to a few people, and said, "I've done it for you, can you see if there is anything that needs to be improved?"

A few people looked at it, and after making some improvements, An Chen handed over the blueprint to Lai Meiyun, and said, "Xiao Qi, after class, you hand over the costume design to the props team, so they can rush to work as soon as possible."

Lai Meiyun smiled sweetly when she heard the words, and she was not at all unhappy about being instructed.

"Okay, teacher."

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