Once the costumes are designed, the lyrics are finalized. After the lyrics are determined, then the tune and choreography need to be done.

The next time is the lyrics. Everyone racked their brains to think of sentences they like, or create sentences that can express their favorites.Time passed by, and soon it was time for dinner.

While everyone was heading to the restaurant, Lai Meiyun also went to the costume props group.But when she handed in the design, the other party said with a look of embarrassment, "We can't accept your design, because there is no such precedent, why don't you let your mentor talk to the director?"

Lai Meiyun had no choice but to bring the answer to An Chen.

After An Chen heard Lai Meiyun's report, she didn't say anything. Looking for the director?Forget it, it's not worth a few bucks anyway.Thinking of this, An Chen called Reba.

Most of his female subordinates have a clothing design team, and they can make this kind of directly designed clothing in a day or two.

The reason why they called Reba was because it was the most convenient to call Reba. Although the two didn't say anything, everyone knew that they were a couple.Next is Guan Xiaotong, Timo and the others.

Reba directly sent the design drawings sent by An Chen to the work group and handed them over to the designers.She definitely has the most costume dramas, so her costume design team is also the strongest in costume design.Although there are as many as six pieces of clothing, her design team alone can take on this task.As for the time, four days is enough.

Seeing that An Chen solved the problem so lightly, everyone seemed very happy, but felt a little guilty for making An Chen bother.

· · Flowers · · ·

After dinner, it was still time to write lyrics. At 11pm, the lyrics were finally written.No one else has anything to do, An Chen will naturally combine these messy lyrics, filling in and subtracting is a simple matter for him.After An Chen announced that get out of class was over, she suddenly said, "Dajuan, stay here for a while, and I'll help you practice dancing later. Alright, everyone else should go back first."

Everyone heard the words and looked at it. Although they thought it was impossible for the two of them to be so simple, they turned around and walked out. But when the others walked out, there was one person who stayed behind except Duan Aojuan.


Seeing this, An Chen asked puzzledly, "Yihan, why don't you leave?"

Chen Yihan heard the words, smiled calmly, and said, "Teacher, I said that I can train for 14 hours. It's okay if everyone leaves, but it doesn't make sense that Dajuan hasn't left yet, so I will leave."

Hearing this, An Chen took a deep look at Chen Yihan, and then said, "I'll teach you floor moves later. Floor moves mainly focus on strength, coordination, and flexibility. Simply put, it's impossible to master them all at once, so I'll teach you floor moves later." Help you adapt little by little, and try to let you reach a certain foundation within three days."

Although time is tight, An Chen has always been confident, not only because of his strong ability, but also because he exchanged for a teaching skill before.It can increase students' comprehension and learning ability by [-]%, teaching by precept and example, and the speed of mastering is tripled.In other words, one day can be used as six days, and with the bonus of comprehension, it is not impossible for one day to top dozens of days.

This is why An Chen is so confident that he can take care of Yang Chaoyue. Unfortunately, Yang Chaoyue missed out on An Chen because he had no choice.

Everyone said that Jin Yong's martial arts was newly written, okay? .

Text 0744: Temporary three-person appointment

"Dajuan, hold on, change your movements in three minutes. Yihan, your movements are wrong." An Chen walked up to Chen Yihan while talking, and then helped her body up.

Because it is a dance practice, contact is unavoidable.And An Chen didn't intend to avoid it, and he was merciless in taking advantage of all kinds of advantages.After a while, Chen Yihan's face was already rosy, and her breathing became short of breath.

Of course, An Chen wouldn't go too far, after all, Chen Yihan is not Da Juan, and she hasn't reached the point where she can take advantage of An Chen.

After the training of the two, An Chen asked them to go back to rest.Although they wanted Dajuan to sit with him after taking a shower, but Dajuan and the others didn't have a mobile phone on "August [-]", so they had to let it go.

But what An Chen didn't expect was that before he could go out, Da Juan had slipped back.As soon as she came in, Dajuan said, "Teacher, I dropped something, look for it."

Dajuan said, pointing to the camera vaguely.Seeing this, An Chen directly took out his phone and paused the camera.

"Okay, it's closed."

Hearing what An Chen said, Dajuan breathed a sigh of relief, then hugged An Chen and kissed her, then said, "Teacher, I'm going back to take a shower, can I come to you later?"


Although she didn't know what Dajuan wanted to do, An Chen was still tempted.Seeing that the time was already 1 o'clock, An Chen said, "Okay, then you can come over at two o'clock next. I will turn off all the surveillance screens."

Duan Aojuan laughed when she heard the words, and then said, "Okay, teacher. Then adjust the monitoring now."

After Duan Aojuan finished speaking, she had already stood up, obviously she had already experienced this.The next moment, after An Chen nodded, Duan Aojuan went to the place where she put her things before, picked up a small pendant, and walked out happily.

An Chen thought for a while, went out to buy something, and returned to the training room again.Although it was a private flirtation, but it was so late, it's always good to have some supper, so An Chen bought two self-heating convenient hot pots.

When Duan Aojuan sneaked in, she hugged An Chen without saying a word, sniffing her little head in his arms, as if An Chen had something nice to smell.

Seeing this, An Chen helplessly patted Duan Aojuan's back, and said, "Are you hungry? I bought you delicious food."

Duan Aojuan immediately raised her head when she heard the words, and said, "It's delicious? What is it?" As she spoke, she looked around.

An Chen was speechless when he saw this, and said, "Little greedy cat, you are really a foodie. I just went downstairs and bought two small self-heating hot pots. Unfortunately, I didn't prepare them today. I'll cook them for you tomorrow."

Duan Aojuan smiled when she heard the words, and said, "I am already very satisfied to be able to eat hot pot. You know, I am from Sichuan."

"Okay, then I'll cook you authentic Sichuan hot pot in two days. Come on, let's eat hot pot first."


However, when the two were eating, the door suddenly opened.The next moment, a girl came in, and this girl was Lai Meiyun who lived in the same dormitory as Dajuan.After seeing the two of them in surprise, Lai Meiyun quickly came in and closed the door, and said, "Teacher, you are so bad that you didn't call us for supper."

While speaking, Lai Meiyun ran to An Chen's side. After sitting down, she grabbed An Chen's chopsticks and said, "Teacher, you don't mind."

Well, you've already said that, what else do I mind?

At this moment, Dajuan said, "Teacher, let me feed you."

As Da Juan said, she had already picked up a piece of meat, and then handed it to An Chen.Seeing this, Lai Meiyun swallowed the food in her mouth, and said with a smirk, "Oh, you two have a problem." Before the two of them could open their mouths, they had already opened their mouths and said, "Don't worry, I'm just here to eat Yes, just pretend you can’t see me, I’m sure I won’t talk nonsense. But are there so many cameras here?”

Speaking of this, Lai Meiyun suddenly remembered the question, and she covered her mouth in the next second, watching the two of them not knowing how to speak.Did you say something wrong?Fortunately, she didn't bring a microphone, and she didn't know if the camera recorded it.

Duan Aojuan was only shy when she heard the words, she was not worried, she just heard her say, "Xiaoqi, it's okay to say it now, don't let it slip when you go back."

Hearing what Duan Aojuan said, Lai Meiyun froze for a moment, then asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because I have turned off the camera, anyway, everyone has basically fallen asleep at this point." 41

Hearing what An Chen said, Lai Meiyun gave a thumbs up and said, "Teacher, this is really trying to please Dajuan of our family. But doesn't the teacher like Chen Yihan? Why are you with Dajuan instead?" Speaking of this, Lai Meiyun seemed to remember What, she suddenly said, "Did something happen at noon that we don't know about? Dajuan, you're so quick."

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