"Okay, teacher."

After Lai Meiyun nodded in response, An Chen marked a section again, and said, "This section is full of the general's tenderness and the explosiveness of gold and iron horses. It needs a gradual change. Liu Nian, try this. Of course, if it doesn't work, You can change with Dajuan."

Speaking of this, An Chen circled a section again, and said, "Dajuan, you sing this section, and this section is also tender, but in the later stage, you will have the momentum of an emperor through the ages. I will teach you how to sing after composing."

"Okay, teacher."

So three people have been assigned work, and the remaining three are better assigned.After glancing at the three of them, An Chen said, "The remaining three sections, two sections are pure bombing, sunnee, you sing the assassin section. Qi Yandi, you sing the heroine section, and the last section, Chen Yihan, you come Sing. It means that you also need to turn from low to high in this section. In addition, I have marked out the places where ra and chorus are needed. Everyone has ra, but the tunes are different. You decide first, and I will help you in the end. change."

Hearing this, the girls glanced at each other and said, "Thank you teacher."

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Then go hum the tune, hum it, save it, I'll help you sort it out."

"Okay, teacher."

Seeing this, there was nothing wrong with An Chen, so An Chen left the training room and started wandering around.

During this stroll, I happened to come to the outside of the training room c2, and heard a slightly strange sound inside.An Chen was slightly taken aback, what's going on?Could it be that the real level of these students is like this?Could it be that the reason why they sang so well is because of post-processing?

At this moment, An Chen's expression was a little strange, but he didn't say anything, maybe it was before training.Otherwise, this level is just better than baby, far below the level of professional singers.

Although An Chen guessed some of them right, they weren't all that bad.Everyone still has a solid foundation. Although not everyone is professional, the remedies are not bad.Especially a few of them, even if they don't have a sound card to fix the sound, they are still great people.

An Chen didn't go back to the classroom, but accidentally saw a few people, they were Yang Chaoyue's creative team.At this time, several people were waiting outside classroom b1, and they didn't know what they were doing.

".v You guys didn't train well, what are you doing standing here?"

Hearing An Chen's voice, Yang Chao Qian Nuo seemed a little startled for a moment.She always felt that An Chen didn't like her, and it seemed to be confirmed in the last class.Therefore, she was a little afraid of An Chen.Seeing An Chen at this time, his little head lowered unconsciously.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaocao said, "Our teacher is still in their class and didn't come to give us tutoring lessons, so we came here to wait for the teacher."

Hearing what Lu Xiaocao said, An Chen nodded and was about to leave.But at this moment, Liu Renyu said, "Teacher An Chen, it happens that our teacher is busy, so can we ask you a few questions?"

Hearing this, An Chen said with a half-smile, "Oh, what do you want to ask?".

Text 0747: Yang Chaoyue's changes

"I would like to ask Mr. An Chen, can you tell us about your group selection style? After all, if it is repeated, then if you enter the venue nearby, it will definitely have an impact."

Hearing Liu Renyu's question, An Chen smiled and said, "You will ask, we are Gufeng, I hope it won't affect you."

Liu Renyu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said to Yang Chaoyue, "Fortunately, Chaoyue didn't choose Gufeng."

Lu Xiaocao said at this time, "Even so, it's a pity. I believe that behind every girl there is an ancient plot."

An Chen nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter what style you have, the key is whether you have confidence. How did you say that? It's not scary to bump into a shirt, it's embarrassing to be ugly. The song is the same, it's not scary to bump into a style. Whoever sings is embarrassing." At this point, An Chen didn't wait for a few people to speak again, and said again, "Okay, you wait, I'll go first."337

At this moment, Yang Chaoyue suddenly said, "Teacher, I had 4 extra hours of practice yesterday."

An Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at Yang Chaoyue.It took a long time before Yang Chaoyue said, "This is very good, so that you can be worthy of yourself and those who like you." An Chen said this, thought for a while, and said again, "If there is anything you don't understand , you can ask me."

Yang Chaoyue said these words to An Chen not because he wanted to gain anything, but because he wanted to tell An Chen that she could actually do it.But she didn't expect that she would gain so much.So, then, isn't the teacher biased against himself?

Whether An Chen had prejudice against her, she didn't know, but from this moment on, she couldn't blame An Chen anymore.

Seeing Yang Chaoyue's dumbfounded look, An Chen smiled again, and then continued, "Of course, if I help you bgai complete the composition, that's not acceptable. At most, I will only teach you some singing and dancing knowledge."

At this moment, Hu Yanbin came out. Seeing An Chen and Yang Chaoyue together, Hu Yanbin asked curiously, "Xiaochen, you are not in your training room, why are you here? Are you here to inquire about the military situation?"

Hearing this, An Chen looked at Hu Yanbin and shrugged, and said, "I'm thinking too much. I finished the task over there, so I came out for a walk, and I happened to meet you. Okay, you go to class, I'll go first." An Chen said After finishing, he walked directly outside without wasting a few people's time.

Seeing An Chen leave, Yang Chaoyue shouted first, "Goodbye, teacher."

As Yang Chaoyue's words fell, the girls also reacted and shouted quickly. "goodbye teacher!"

An Chen didn't look back, but waved his hand directly.

To be honest, An Chen didn't know why he came out, but it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.Just like that, An Chen walked aimlessly to the door of a supermarket.

Hearing the cries coming from inside, An Chen suddenly laughed.Since Dajuan wants to eat hot pot, why wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when she can eat it at noon.

Thinking of this, An Chen turned in, and after choosing vegetables, beef and mutton, he went to a hot pot restaurant to buy some shabu-shabu food.Finally, I borrowed the wok from the hot pot restaurant to fry a base material, and then went back to the training room.

When An Chen entered, everyone became curious.They stopped recording the song, and ran to An Chen's side quickly one by one.

Then the fragrant smell came oncoming, and at that moment, they knew what was in the covered pot.

At this moment, Dajuan's heart seemed to be hit.She didn't expect that she said she wanted to eat Sichuan hot pot yesterday, but he already got it today.Smelling the familiar but more fragrant smell, this is undoubtedly Sichuan hot pot.

"Why are you all around me? Have you finished humming the song? Go back and continue humming. It's not time for get out of class to end yet."

Although he has been walking for almost three hours, there is still more than half an hour before get out of class ends.

Hearing what An Chen said, the girls turned their heads and walked aside.But looking at the situation, it is obvious that Shensi is out of control.They have been here for almost a month. Although the food in the restaurant is good, there is definitely no such thing as hot pot.Not only that, in order for them to manage their bodies.Most of the food in the restaurant is a nutritious meal, and whoever eats it will know the taste.

Next, the humming of the girls can be described as horrible.Even though they were far away, An Chen could hear some of it, not only that, the newly recorded song seemed to be mixed with the sound of saliva and mouth smacking.

In the end, An Chen said helplessly, "Delete that part just now. If I listen to you humming, I feel like my ears will be broken. Forget it, you little greedy cats don't want to hum." That's it. Let's get out of class and come over to help!"

At this moment, the girls let out a happy cry, and then agreed neatly, "Yes, teacher."

As soon as the words were finished, the girls happily ran to An Chen's side, and everyone started to get busy.After putting things in place, start adding water to adjust the dipping sauce.

Because of the way of eating in the north and the south, An Chen brought back a lot of seasonings. It can be said that they can all taste what they want. .

Text 0748: Bet with Qi Yandi

After an hour, everyone ate to their hearts content.Although the food inside was hot, people outside didn't notice it.One is that the air conditioner is well ventilated, and the other is that they locked the door, otherwise if they are found, they will definitely fry the pot.

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