Seeing this, An Chen said, "Okay, you guys clean up. After cleaning up, take a good rest, and practice at [-] o'clock in the afternoon to make up for the time you've missed. Before dinner, give me your songs, and I'll talk about them today." Done."

"is teacher."

Just as An Chen opened the door to go out, he was stunned by a person at the door.It wasn't that he was surprised that this person was Yang Chaoyue, but that there was a person at the door.It's one o'clock now.No matter what class it is, the class has already ended early, so this time should be the time for eating and resting, and no one should be there.

"what's up?"

Yang Chaoyue shrugged his nose when he heard the words, and then said, "Teacher, you stole~ eat."

"Student Yang, you are wrong. We are not stealing, but eating openly."

Um, teacher, is it really okay for you to say that?But Yang Chaoyue didn't know what to say for a while.After thinking about it, Yang Chaoyue said, "Teacher, can you call me next time you eat? Don't worry, I will definitely not tell others."

An Chen heard the words, but before she could speak, Da Juan behind her said, "Teacher, you should agree. Otherwise, if she sells us, we won't be able to eat anyone in the future."

After Duan Aojuan's words fell, Lai Meiyun and Sunnee behind her also spoke.Hearing this, An Chen said, "Okay, but don't say it out loud. Besides, it won't be too early to eat next time. It will take two days, right?"

Hearing what An Chen said, Yang Chaoyue immediately said, "It's okay, you can eat it anytime, but if you eat it, you must call me, teacher. Otherwise, otherwise"

When An Chen heard that Yang Chaoyue still had something else, he asked with great interest, "What else?"

Yang Chaoyue naturally didn't expect otherwise, she just blurted it out, and when asked by An Chen, she said in shame, "Otherwise, I will rely on you."

Um, is that so?At this moment, An Chen looked at Yang Chaoyue, already wondering if he didn't call her on purpose.As he said, Yang Chaoyue's body shape and beauty can already be ranked in the top five. It would be a lie if he said that An Chen had no idea.

At this moment, Qi Yandi just came over, and after hearing Yang Chaoyue's words, he said maliciously, "Teacher, don't you deliberately not call Yang Chaoyue?"

Qi Yandi thought that An Chen would retort, but she didn't expect An Chen to say, "You remind me like this, I have to think about it."

Yang Chaoyue blushed when he heard the words, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, An Chen said, "Did you come to me after surpassing you? Is there something wrong?"

Hearing this, Yang Chaoyue seemed to remember why he came here, so he hurriedly said, "Teacher, I want you to teach me singing and dancing. You said before that I can come to you whenever I need it. "

An Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he said, "You are really fast, are you really ready? If you are ready, then you can come over after class in the evening, but because of time constraints, I can't Train you to be stronger than sunnee, at most let you reach "

Having said that, An Chen looked behind him, and then said, "It must be at Qi Yandi's level now."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Qi Yandi opened his mouth in surprise when he heard the words, and then he didn't believe it and was not convinced.So it seems that I am the weakest, you should know that I am also very strong, okay?

Just as Qi Yandi thought, she is not weak, but that's what makes it even more exaggerated.You must know that Yang Chaoyue at this time is definitely the worst existence in the class, bar none.And what about Qi Yandi?Although she debuted in film and television, she has actually learned talent.Although she is not the strongest among the 101 girls, she can definitely reach the top [-].

"Teacher, are you kidding me?"

An Chen heard the words, but said, "Your teacher, I never joke."

"What if it doesn't happen?"

"Not reached? Doesn't exist."

Hearing what An Chen said, Qi Yandi said again, "Then teacher, let's make a bet."

Hearing this, An Chen said, "Even if you want to gamble, there is no standard, right? You know that she will grow up, and so will you. Could it be that the teacher is partial to teaching her and not you?" Having said that, An Chen After a pause, she suddenly said, "But since you want to bet, then bet. You decide the criteria for yourself. If you think she has reached it, then it's considered. If you think she hasn't reached your standard, then count it as me." Lost."

Ai?Is this really good?But it seems to be a safe bet.So Qi Yandi shouted excitedly, "Teacher, this is what you said. If I win, I want three tickets for your concert, and it must be the best seat."

"Okay, what if you lose?"

"Then I will leave it to you, Teacher."

When An Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth slightly curved, and he said, "It's a deal."

Text 0749: Chen Yihan's Unexpected Discovery

An Chen looked at Yang Chaoyue and said, "You come to train for 4 hours every day after class, is it okay?"

"Well, no problem."

Seeing this, An Chen turned around and left. As long as Yang Chaoyue was willing to work hard, there would be absolutely no problem reaching Qi Yandi's level four hours a day.And it doesn't matter even if you lose, it's just three tickets.

Although his concert tickets were basically sold out, none of the best VIP seats were sold.This kind of thing may not be enough to be human, and his women, which one can't vote?

There was nothing to do in the afternoon, An Chen also took back everyone's recordings of humming "Eight Two Three" when get out of class was over in the afternoon, and then he didn't go to the cafeteria, just listened carefully.Everyone hums more than a dozen paragraphs.

An Chen kept pondering which hum tune each line of the lyrics fit into.He matched all the sentences with suitable tunes, then added those that did not have suitable tunes, and then made associations. Finally, An Chen sorted out the tune of the song before class in the evening.

"Tonight's training is to get familiar with the song first. This is your song."

Hearing that An Chen had already released the song, Sunnee couldn't help but said, "Teacher, you are really amazing, you have put together the song in just a few hours. If you give it to me, I'm afraid it won't be possible if you give me another three days. "

Hearing this, An Chen smiled, and said, "Maybe this is talent, so you guys practice the songs. Also, because of the uniqueness of the theme you choose, I will customize the song and dance for you. Of course, if you At that time, if you have an idea, you can also mention it.”

"Thank you, teacher."

At night, after a night of practice, everyone finally became familiar with the song.After class, An Chen stayed with Duan Aojuan and Chen Yihan as usual, and Yang Chaoyue also came after a while.But what people didn't expect was that after Yang Chaoyue came, Qi Yandi also followed.

Seeing Qi Yandi coming, An Chen said, "Qi Yandi, why are you here?"

Qi Yandi heard the words, and said as a matter of course, "The teacher is right, if you don't work hard, you will be surpassed sooner or later. So in order not to be surpassed, of course I have to work hard to improve."

Hearing what Qi Yandi said, An Chen certainly didn't care.Anyway, he took advantage of this special training dance class, didn't you see that Chen Yihan's face was always pale and red?Sure enough, when the two joined in, the complexions of the four girls turned rosy from time to time, one after another, continuously.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the night that An Chen said, "Okay, get out of class is over."

At this moment, the four girls were exhausted. Today was not a basic class. Apart from warming up, An Chen taught all kinds of movements, as well as flexibility and coordination.Although it alternates back and forth, the intensity behind it is almost all done by willpower.

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