At this moment, An Chen felt his heart skip a beat.An Chen hurriedly said, "Stop, Jia Er, don't get excited, there must be a brother who suits you, but it must not be me. If you do this again, I will beat you."

With the end of An Chen's side, Chen Chichi talked about some of his things again, his fear of the Internet, his apology to Xu Jing, and his attitude towards life.With the end of Chen Chichi's story, the refrigerator entered the final stage of this recording.

"Next, we will ask Chen Chichi to put forward his request. What kind of bdbh cuisine does he want?"

As He Jiong's voice fell, Chen Chichi gave the topic of cooking.

Genius Cuisine

"Why are you a genius?" Not only Wang Jiaer wanted to know, but other people also wanted to know. Even An Chen, who had a certain answer in mind, wanted to know if his guess was right.

"Now when it comes to the word genius, there will be a happy feeling."

What the hell? Following Chen Chichi's explanation, An Chen couldn't understand at all.This baby can't do it.Fortunately, Chen Chichi's later addition made him understand a little bit.

"It is to eat food to be happy and happy, and then let everyone become very smart."

Well, this last sentence is absolutely nonsense, just ignore it selectively.Sure enough, at this moment, He Jiong also said, "I think it is easier to become happy after eating, but it seems not so easy to become smart after eating."

"Then let's listen to the proposals of our dear chefs. Let's start with Xiaojie, shall we?"

"Today I will use the steak in Brother Chen Chichi's refrigerator to make a dish called Three Cups of Steak, which is combined with the genius Three Cups of Chicken Sauce and a Western-style steak."

"Okay, Lele."

"My name is Eat Me. Yes, just let everyone eat me after seeing it, eat me."

At this moment, another Song Xiaobao appeared in front of An Chen's eyes, but he was a good-looking Song Xiaobao, but even so, he couldn't accept it.The good thing is that He Jiong stopped Lele immediately.

"Okay, Teacher Huang."

"The dish I designed for Chen Chichi is called Inspiration 1. I will use the meat in the refrigerator to make a famous French dish. I will use the fruits in the refrigerator to make a Macedonian dessert."

"Okay, Teacher An."

"Today I will use a coffee siphon pot to make you a soup that is comparable to Buddha's jump over the wall,"

Following Teacher An's words, after Rusha explained, Chen Chichi said, "Oh, this soup has arrived at my order."

"The name of this dish is Genius and Genius."


Text 0121: An Chen's Mysterious Proposal


When it was Yao Weitao's turn, Yao Weitao didn't directly talk about his cooking ideas, but started singing every week.This can be regarded as his characteristic, but other people sitting here may not like this characteristic.

It wasn't until a simple tune fell that Yao Weitao said, "The name of my dish is Faiy."

"Let me tell you, when I go back, I will ask you, those people in the closet, please improve your quality. What are you doing all day long?"

Following Chen He's voice, He Jiong continued: "Okay, Shushu."

"My proposal is called Jade Still in the Raw, which means the difference between ordinary people and geniuses, which is equivalent to the difference between uncut jade and beautiful jade. You need to carve carefully and work hard to make a piece of beautiful jade genius."

"Come on, Sasha."

"Brother Chi Chi, the dish I designed for you today is called Super Seafood Express. The inspiration comes from a movie Super Express you participated in."

"Come on, hoy."

"I want to cook this dish for Chen Tiancai today. I will use salmon, lettuce, and cheese powder. So this dish is named Sansheng Sanshi, so that the taste of genius will linger in your mouth Sansheng Sanshi. The same , Three lives and three generations are all geniuses."

Wow, this dish is amazing.

"Come on, Chen Chichi, which proposal do you like, find his name and click on it, okay?"

However, Chen Chichi didn't order after taking the phone, but said abruptly, "Since Xiaochen is also a chef, to be honest, I'd like to hear if he has any good cooking ideas. Especially his braised sauce What the meat said has always made me fantasize, so, can I give Xiaochen a chance?"

When Chen Chichi said this, he also meant to help An Chen earn the screenings.Therefore, after He Jiong nodded, An Chen said, "Actually, I don't really want to do it, because I promised Reba that she would be the first to eat my cooking. But before I left the day before yesterday, I also sent Give her a delicious meal, so it shouldn't be considered a violation."

"Actually, I was very touched after hearing the last story of Brother Chichi, and I can satisfy you with Brother Chichi's braised pork, but the taste is a little different from traditional braised pork. I am very good at traditional cooking, but this braised pork Meat, I am willing to break the rules. In addition, I will make you a soup, a soup that is as clear as water. Every proposal should have a name, and mine is no exception, but I will not say the name, because you eat it. Understood. On the contrary, if I say it, it will disturb you."

After An Chen's voice fell, Chen Chichi became even more curious. Compared to the curiosity of Chen Chichi and others, some people didn't take it seriously.After all, An Chen is self-taught, even if he is good at cooking, he is only good at Sichuan cuisine, so how can he compare with them? But I have to say that An Chen did attract Chen Chichi's attention.

Chen Chichi thought for a while, and said, "To be honest, what I admire the most are Teacher An's cooking and Xiaochen's cooking. Although other people's dishes are also good, I really like the soup and the meat. , but it doesn’t matter whether the two soups will be repeated, let’s have a duel between Shuangan.”

As Chen Chichi finished speaking, An Chen and Papa An both laughed.At this moment, Chen Chichi suddenly said, "But this song is very nice."

"I'm here to sing this episode because I haven't cooked yet." Looking at Wei Tao who was about to cry, An Chen smiled.

ask for flowers

"Now we start our Jingdong assist plan, and the two can choose the same assist product in Jingdong."

When An Chen received the phone, he selected the things he needed.In fact, he originally wanted to choose fish soup at the beginning, using the latest wall-breaking technology to make fish soup, removing the spine, fish head, and fish fat, and adding seasonings to make fish soup.But now he chooses to make boiled cabbage. The process of boiled cabbage is simple and complicated.But it doesn't really need any assists.After thinking about it, An Chen chose the electric pressure cooker. After all, braised pork won't be delicious if the cooking time is too short. With a pressure cooker, this shouldn't be a big problem, and the cooking time of boiling water and cabbage should also be included.

It has to be said that Chen Chichi has a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, but in fact, not all of their dishes are ingredients in the refrigerator.For example, some auxiliary materials may not be available in the refrigerator.Like basil, like lemongrass.

The ingredients An Chen took were cabbage, soft tofu, chicken soup, and the bowl of pork belly.Other accessories, such as chili, salt, basil, Jinhua ham, etc. are all given by the program group.

Not long after, their assist items have arrived.Because this is in the Jingdong warehouse, so the time will not be long.

"Xiaochen, your electric pressure cooker has arrived, as well as Papa An's teapot. But why use a pressure cooker? Generally speaking, the taste of cooking in a pressure cooker will be very different from that of a pot."

"In theory, yes, but there is no way. After all, we only have fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of cooking is a bit harsh for Chinese food, but fortunately, I have confidence in myself."

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