"En!" Zhong Ling nodded and followed behind Mu Han.

When the two were about to go back to Jian (Liao Nuo's) Lake Palace, they heard a strange sound as they passed by the valley.

"Manggu Zhu clam?"

When Mu Han heard the voice, he suddenly remembered that in the Wuliang Valley, there was the Manggu Clam, an extremely poisonous strange beast, known as the king of all poisons!

"Brother Mu Han, what's the sound?" Zhong Ling was less courageous, and there was a look of fear on his pretty face when there was such a strange noise in the middle of the night.

"Don't worry, I'm here for everything?"

Mu Han patted Zhong Ling's shoulder lightly, put his arms around his slender waist, and with a movement of his body, he had already landed on a big tree.

Manggu bull clam is the king of all poisons, even Mu Han is not sure whether it will not be affected by its poison, so he is quite cautious.

"Jiang Ang, Jiang Ang."

At this time, the cry was like the sound of a bull, and it was getting closer and closer, but from the forest, first a cloud of red mist spewed out, and then, a vermilion toad less than two inches jumped out. . "

Chapter 10 When Two Beasts Fight, Mu Han Gains Benefits (The third update! Please subscribe! Please customize!)

"Jiang Ang, Jiang Ang!"

The manggu Zhu clam is no more than two inches long, and its whole body is more red than blood, but its eyes are shining with golden light.It opened its mouth, and the thin skin under its neck vibrated, and Jiang Ang let out a roar like a cow.

"Is this the Manggu Zhu clam?"

Although it was mentioned in the original book that the manggu and Zhu clam were less than two inches long, it was the first time seeing the real thing, which made Mu Han extremely surprised.

The manggu Zhu clam, known as the king of all poisons, is so long?

"Brother Mu Han, what is this? So scary?" Zhong Ling said.

"This is Manggu Zhuha, the king of all poisons." Mu Han said in a low voice.

"The king of all poisons?" Zhong Ling stuck out his tongue and said in a startled voice.

And the Lightning Sable in Zhong Ling's arms called Mang Gu Zhu Ha provocatively a few times.

However, Manggu Zhuhu didn't pay attention to the lightning mink, but raised his head and barked a few times, there was another rustling sound from the jungle, and a seven-inch-long golden-winged centipede also rushed out.

Look at its colorful color, you know it is a highly poisonous thing.

"Manggu vermilion clam, golden-winged centipede, all of them."

Mu Han couldn't help being a little excited. The manggu clam and golden-winged centipede are both extremely poisonous beasts, and they are also good materials for refining poison pills.

It just so happens that the Wanjie lottery system has activated the alchemy subsystem, why not try it.

You must know that there are quite a few people who use poison in the Jianghu. The methods of poisoning are not only unpredictable, but also tricky and cruel, which makes people hard to guard against.

Although Mu Han has Qiankun Shengyang Art by his side, it will be safer if he can improve his ability to avoid poison through these two beasts.

After all, the cultivation level of my own Qian Kun Sheng Yang Jue is not high enough, and this Tianlong World is obviously much more dangerous than the Divine Condor World.

"Jiang Ang, Jiang Ang."

"Hiss, hiss."

Two alien beasts confront each other.

Mu Han and Zhong Ling quietly watched the changes.

Mu Han knew that the manggu vermilion clam and golden-winged centipede were both aggressive, and when they got into an inseparable fight, it was time for him to strike.

The two beasts confronted each other for a while, and the manggu vermilion clam spewed out a cloud of red mist. Seeing this, the golden-winged centipede retreated a few steps. When the red mist dissipated, the golden-winged centipede suddenly Gliding across the ground, it landed directly on Manggu Zhuha's body, the jaw hook biting Manggu Zhuha's back fiercely.

Immediately, the Manggu Zhu clam sprayed out red mist uninterruptedly, and Jiang Ang's voice became more and more urgent, obviously feeling scared, and kept trying to shake off the golden-winged centipede. (bjbd)

And the gold-winged centipede's seven-inch-long body tightly entangled the manggu vermilion clam.

The two beasts are entangled.

Just when the manggu Zhu clam and the gold-winged centipede were fighting to the death, Mu Han made a move.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

Mu Han stood under the high ground, and slapped a palm in the air. The force of the powerful palm immediately landed on the two beasts.

Although the two beasts were strange beasts, they couldn't bear Mu Han's palm, and were directly stunned by Mu Han's palm force.

"System, can these two poisons make alchemy?" Mu Han asked in his heart.

"Yes, but it will consume 1000 system points." Wanjie lottery system replied

One thousand system points, for Mu Han now, is completely negligible.

You must know that he now has more than [-] system points.

Holding Zhong Ling in his arms, Mu Han jumped down from the tree, and brought the manggu vermilion clam and golden-winged centipede into the system.

"Would you like to consume 1000 system points to refine the Pill of Repelling Dust?" The system prompt sounded.

"Yes!" Mu Han said without hesitation.

A moment later, the Manggu vermilion clam and the golden-winged centipede disappeared, replaced by a vermilion golden elixir.

Anti-Drug Great Returning Pill: It is a kind of elixir that forms anti-toxic antibodies after taking it. However, all poisons in the world of Tianlong can't have an effect on the user.

Mu Han did not hesitate to take the Pill of Repelling Dust and Great Return, at least in the world of Tianlong, there is no poison that can affect him, after all, he is the Pill of Resisting Dudu that was refined by the King of All Poisons.

After taking the Pidu Dahuan Pill, Mu Han suddenly felt a surge of heat in his body.

It should be that the medicinal effect of the Pidu Dahuandan began to take effect, transforming his body.

This feeling didn't last long before it disappeared.

And Mu Han also knows that now he is invulnerable to all poisons.

"Brother Mu Han, what's wrong?"

Mu Han took the Pidu Great Return Pill without saying a word, which made Zhong Ling who was at the side a little worried and asked aloud.

Mu Han came back to his senses and looked at Zhong Ling. The moonlight shone on Zhong Ling from the dense forest, reflecting her beautiful figure vividly.

Looking at the tall and straight mountain in front of Zhong Ling's chest, although it is not as good as Huang Rong and Li Mochou, if you reach out and hold it, it should still feel full.


Mu Han couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

And Zhong Ling also noticed Mu Han's gaze, and couldn't help blushing.

"Ling'er?" Mu Han said softly.

"Brother Mu Han..." Zhong Ling looked at Mu Han with admiration in his beautiful eyes.

There seems to be a play!

Mu Han was secretly happy, and slowly moved his head closer, sealed Zhong Ling's small mouth, and wrapped his hands around her slender waist.


But just when the two were about to make the next move, several figures rushed toward them.

What the hell!

Being interrupted twice in a row made Mu Han annoyed, with a killing intent in his heart.

"Master, son..."

Those figures shouted loudly, causing Mu Han to frown slightly.

Are the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect looking for him?

"what's up?"

Mu Han slowly walked out from the shadow of the jungle, and said in a cold voice.

"My lord, it's not good. The four great ministers of Dali came to Jianhu Palace and want us to hand over the son of Dali?" a disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect said out of breath.

The four great ministers of Dali?

A sneer twitched at the corner of Mu Han's mouth, and he said, "Then you just hand over Prince Dali to them. Where's Zuo Zimu?"

"But... but... Isn't the prince of Dali dead? The sect master delayed the four great ministers in the hall, telling us to invite the young master to come over quickly, otherwise the sect master may not be able to last long?" said the disciple of the Infinite Sword Sect.

"This Zuo Zimu is really trash."

Mu Han shook his head, and led Zhong Ling towards Jianhu Palace.

Now that Zuo Zimu has surrendered to him, and the Wuliang Sword Sect is also under his name, then it depends on the master to beat the dog!

Thinking of this, a chill emanated from Mu Han's body, which made the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect shudder uncontrollably, and hurriedly followed. . "

Chapter 11 Dali is here, the four ignorant ministers (the first update! Please subscribe! Please customize!)

Wuliang Mountain, Jianhu Palace!

In the hall, it is now brightly lit, and the atmosphere in the hall is quite tense.

Zuo Zimu had a bitter look on his face.

If the white-clothed killing god refuses to come to rescue him, or if the disciples under his sect fail to find the white-clothed killing god, I'm afraid it's time for him to die today.

And Gong Guangjie at the side was trembling even more.

Duan Yu was killed by him.

In the hall, there were four people standing, exuding an extremely powerful aura, much stronger than Zuo Zimu.

One person held a fishing rod in his hand, one person had a hatchet on his waist, one person carried a cooked copper rod on his back, and the last person held a stylus pen.

Of the four great ministers of the Duan family in Dali, Chu Wanli used the fishing rod, Gu Ducheng used the hatchet, Fu Sigui used the cooked copper stick, and Zhu Danchen used the stylus.

These four people came to the Wuliang Sword Sect this time for Duan Yu.

Originally, the four of them followed Duan Yu secretly to protect him, but when Duan Yu noticed, he threw the four of them away and disappeared without a trace.

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