After some investigation, the four great ministers concluded that Duan Yu should have entered the Wuliang Mountain Realm, and this also worried the four of them.

There are a lot of poisons on Wuliang Mountain, I heard that there is Manggu Zhuha, the king of all poisons, and his son, who doesn't know martial arts at all, if something bad or bad happens, they don't know how to go back to Dali?

The four great ministers were very anxious, they searched everywhere, but they saw a Southwest Wulin hero who fled from the Wuliang Sword Sect.

The four great ministers randomly stopped one of them to inquire about the situation, but by chance, they asked Nama Wude.

When Ma Wude heard the word Duan Yu, he was frightened to death.

The four great ministers immediately sensed the clues and concluded that Duan Yu had indeed appeared in Wuliang Mountain.

So the four of them came to the Wuliang Sword Sect to inquire, but all the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect had weird faces, and when they answered, they were lost and lost, and Zuo Zimu's words were even more suspicious.

He said that he would wait for some son to come before he could reply.

The four great ministers were suspicious, but they had no direct evidence, so they could only wait patiently.

"Zuo Zimu, how long do we have to wait?" Zhu Danchen asked.

"My son, are you in your Wuliang Sword Sect? Tell me quickly, or I'll kill you with an axe!" Gu Ducheng, who was on the side, had a bad temper and shouted.

Duan Yu is the eldest son of Dali, and he will inherit the position of Datong in the future. If anything happens, the four of them may not be able to escape the heavy responsibility.

Zuo Zimu trembled all over, and stammered: "When our son comes back, you will naturally know."

"We have been waiting for half an hour, how long do we have to wait?" Gu Ducheng shouted like thunder, making everyone's ears buzzing.

"Who dares to behave wildly in my Jianhu Palace?"

A cold voice came from the door at this time.

Everyone looked towards the door and saw a young man in white walking in slowly.

The young man in white was handsome, chic and elegant, with a faint smile on his face, but on his body, there was an aura of calm and prestige, which made everyone around him feel an invisible pressure.

And behind the young man in white, followed a young girl in green clothes. The girl had a pretty face and a pair of clear eyes, like an ancient spirit.

"Young master, you are back."

When Zuo Zimu saw Mu Han, he rushed to greet him as if seeing a savior.

"Are you the son Zuo Zimu said?"

Gu Ducheng shouted angrily: "Where is my family's eldest son?"

"Ling'er, do you still have melon seeds, I want to eat some."

Mu Han ignored Gu Ducheng, but turned his head and said to Zhong Ling.

"Yes, I have."

Zhong Ling took out some melon seeds from her bosom and handed them to Mu Han.

Mu Han lightly tasted one, nodded, and said, "This rose-flavored melon seed is really delicious."


Seeing that Mu Han didn't take himself seriously at all, Gu Ducheng was so angry that he reached out to grab the ax at his waist, but was stopped by Zhu Danchen at the side.

Mu Han smiled, and glanced at the four of them.

Name: Gu Ducheng

Sex: Male

Age: 44

Status: One of the four major guards of Dali Kingdom

Cultivation: first-class late stage

Name: Chu Wanli

Sex: Male

Age: 41

Status: One of the four major guards of Dali Kingdom

Cultivation: first-class late stage

Name: Fu Sigui

Sex: Male

Age: 42

Status: One of the four major guards of Dali Kingdom

Cultivation: first-class late stage

Name: Zhu Danchen·································································

Sex: Male

Age: 43

Status: One of the four major guards of Dali Kingdom

Cultivation: first-class late stage

The cultivation bases of these four great ministers are all in the first-class late stage. If they are placed above the rivers and lakes, they are not bad, but in Mu Han's eyes, they are not even as good as ants.

It's easy to kill them.

Mu Han's gaze also made the four great ministers feel an inexplicable pressure.

"Young Master, I don't know if my family has offended you, please forgive me and let my family off?"

Zhu Danchen is a cautious person, and after all, he has read a lot, after stopping the impulsive Gu Ducheng, he clasped his fists at Mu Han and said.

He has concluded that Duan Yu is in the Wuliang Sword Sect. 0

Mu Han nodded slightly, and then calmly said to Zuo Zimu who was beside him: "Since he is so polite, Zuo Zimu, hurry up and invite Duan Shizi out."

Zuo Zimu's face turned pale, showing embarrassment.

This Duan Yu, after his son died today, was buried in a big pit in the back mountain together by the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

How can you come out?

However, since Mu Han gave the order, Zuo Zimu didn't dare to disobey, and hurriedly led more than ten disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect to the back mountain, and dug out Duan Yu's body.

Mu Han and Zhong Ling didn't pay attention to the four great ministers, but went straight to the chairs in the hall and sat down, kneading sunflower seeds, enjoying themselves leisurely.

And the four great ministers obviously saw that Mu Han was extraordinary, and they didn't dare to make mistakes easily.

"This person is extraordinary, brothers, don't be impulsive, lest you offend your powerful enemy." Zhu Danchen whispered to the three of them.

Now Dali has a lot of powerful enemies, it is not easy to offend powerful enemies, so the three people in Guducheng nodded and forcibly suppressed the anger in their hearts.

One must know that in Dali territory, as long as the names of the four great ministers of the Duan family are reported, which sect or sect is not respectful to each other, but this Wuliang Sword sect is so rude and even detains the prince.

If you don't have any confidence, you absolutely dare not do this.

After waiting for a while, Zuo Zimu came in from outside the hall with more than a dozen disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and then threw a corpse to the ground with a bang.


Looking at the blood-stained and mud-covered corpse, the four great ministers were dumbfounded and completely dumbfounded.

The prince is dead? . "

Chapter 12 Improve the proficiency of Lingbo Weibu and kill the four great ministers (Second update! Please subscribe! Please customize!)


Gu Ducheng, Fu Sigui, Chu Wanli and Zhu Danchen all cried out in sorrow.

Seeing the gentle, handsome and handsome Dali prince in the past turned into a cold, stiff and blood-stained corpse, they were all heartbroken, and the eyes of the four were all blood-red.

This is the prelude to going berserk!

Seeing the appearance of the four people, Zuo Zimu was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated to Mu Han's side, and said: "My lord, the Prince of Dali has been returned to them."

Mu Han nodded slightly, looking at the four of them, he already had a plan in mind.

"Since you have seen your eldest son, take him away quickly." Mu Han said lightly.

"Brat, kill my family's heir, I will kill you!"

Among the four great ministers, Gu Ducheng has the most irritable personality, but seeing him full of beard and beard, with a mighty demeanor, holding two broad axes, he used [-] "two eight three" axes, all of them aimed at Mu Han's vital points.


The four ministers cooperated quite tacitly. When Gu Ducheng made a move, Fu Sigui and Chu Wanli stood on both sides of Mu Han, blocking Mu Han's retreat.

And Zhu Danchen drew a few streaks of white light in the void with the judge pen, like a word "kill", attacking Mu Han's back.

Gu Ducheng's beard was spread out, like long thorns, shining with black light. At this time, he was like a madman, with eighteen axes intertwined and hurricane, and his attack was quite ferocious.

The current him is wide open and full of flaws, but he only wants to kill Mu Han and avenge his son.

Looking at the sharp ax that was slashing furiously, Mu Han showed a smile on his face, with his left arm around Zhong Ling's slender waist, he performed Lingbo micro-steps, very skillfully avoiding the attacks of Gu Ducheng and Zhu Danchen.

But at this time, Fu Sigui and Chu Wanli who were on the side made a move, wanting to take advantage of Mu Han's exhaustion and hit him with one blow.

It's just that Mu Han and Zhong Ling, like a ghost, flashed between the two of them.

With Mu Han's cultivation level, killing four of them was a piece of cake.

But Mu Han just got Lingbo Weibu, so he happened to take four of them to practice.

The people around were dumbfounded.

The four great officials of Dali besieged Mu Han and Zhong Ling, but they didn't even touch a piece of their clothes.

This white-clothed killing god must be too powerful.

Zuo Zimu was also dumbfounded, and felt a sense of awe in his heart.

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