In this life, I am afraid that he will not dare to have the slightest rebellious heart towards Mu Han again.

This killing god in white is probably more powerful than the current Nan Murong and Bei Qiaofeng!

"Boy, don't hide if you have the ability!"

Gu Ducheng was so angry that he yelled loudly, and a pair of broad axes came towards Mu Han angrily.

"Even if I don't hide, what can you do to me?"

Mu Han put his arms around Zhong Ling, smiled faintly, put his two fingers together, and tapped towards Gu Ducheng.

"call out!"

A streak of golden finger force shot out, which directly pierced through Gu Ducheng's axe.


Two golden and iron sounds sounded, Gu Ducheng immediately felt two huge forces coming from the broad axe, and when he took a closer look, there were actually two holes poked out by Mu Han's fingers on the broad axe.


Zhu Danchen at the side recognized that what Mu Han just cast was the Dali Duan's Yiyang Finger.

But the yang finger is not passed on to outsiders, so how can this young man in white know the yang finger?

Fu Sigui and Chu Wanli also showed surprise on their faces, and hurriedly asked: "It's really a yang finger, you read it right?"

"It's a Yang finger."

Zhu Danchen nodded, looked at Mu Han, and asked in a deep voice: "How can your excellency have a yang finger? Could it be that your excellency is also a member of the Duan clan?"

"Hehe, who stipulated that only the Dali Duan family can have a Yang finger?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Since you are not a member of the Duan clan, you must have secretly learned the Yiyang finger of my Dali Duan clan, and you should be killed."

Gu Ducheng yelled angrily, and came towards Mu Han again with a broad axe.


Mu Han has played enough, and Lingbo Weibu's proficiency has also been raised to the level of Xiaocheng, so as soon as he pointed out, another golden finger force shot out, directly sinking into the center of Gu Ducheng's eyebrows.


Gu Ducheng didn't react at all, and was killed by Mu Han's finger.

"Brother Gu!"

Seeing that Gu Ducheng was killed, Fu Sigui and the other three were deeply saddened, and attacked Mu Han.

"Brother Mu, be careful!"

The attack of the three of them was so fierce that Zhong Ling's pretty face in Mu Han's arms changed dramatically.

"Ling'er, don't panic!"

Mu Han smiled slightly, and patted out with a palm.


Immediately, the sound of a dragon chant resounded, and the mighty palm force swept out, engulfing the three of them in an instant...

"Bang bang bang!"

Chu Wanli, Zhu Danchen and Fu Sigui were all sent flying away by the shock, and then landed heavily, when they landed, they had already died of exhaustion.

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for killing Gu Ducheng, a first-class late-stage martial artist, the reward system points are 60 points, and the extra reward system points are 200 points."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing Fu Sigui, a first-class late-stage martial artist, the reward system points are 60 points, and the extra reward system points are 200 points."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing Zhu Danchen, a first-class late-stage martial artist, the reward system points are 60 points, and the extra reward system points are 200 points."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing Chu Wanli, a first-class late stage martial artist, the reward system points are 60 points, and the extra reward system points are 200 points."

Hearing the system prompt, Mu Han nodded in satisfaction. Although he only got 240 system points for killing four people, he got an additional 800 system points.

Suddenly, the entire hall became quiet.

Many disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect looked at Mu Han with expressions of awe.

Mu Han was able to deal with four first-rate late game masters so easily?

Even Zuo Zimu's heart was pounding.

"Gong Guangjie, send these five corpses to Dali Palace, and tell Duan Zhengchun that I, Mu Han, will pay a personal visit soon." Mu Han said coldly.

"Young Master 5.5, I don't dare?" Gong Guangjie was about to pee out of fear when he heard that.

If the corpses of Duan Yu and others were to be sent to Prince Duan's mansion, he would definitely not be able to come back.

Mu Han patted Gong Guangjie's shoulder lightly, and said, "If you don't send him away, you will die now. If you send him over, there is still a chance of survival. Which one do you choose?"

"My lord, I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you!" Gong Guangjie nodded quickly and said.

"If you escape halfway..."

Mu Han smiled slightly, but didn't say the second half of the sentence.

Only in this way will it have a more deterrent effect.

He wasn't worried about Gong Guangjie escaping either, he had already secretly sent an internal energy into his body just now, and it would explode in a month.

Therefore, no matter whether Gong Guangjie sent him off or not, it was a dead end.

Since the matter was caused by him, it is natural for him to solve it, and Mu Han is not willing to help him take the blame. . "

Chapter 13 Mu Han's plan, the envoy of Vulture Palace (the third update! Please subscribe! Please customize!)

Seeing Gong Guangjie take away Duan Yu and others' corpses with several disciples, Zhong Ling asked in puzzlement, "Brother Mu Han, why did you tell them to send them to die?"

Even Zhong Ling knew that Gong Guangjie was bound to die in this line of work.

"Now that I've said it, you still don't understand." Mu Han smiled slightly, touched Zhong Ling's little head, and said.

With Duan Zhengchun's means, he will definitely learn from Gong Guangjie how Duan Yu and the four great ministers died.

He killed the four great ministers by himself, and he will definitely go to Dali Tianlong Temple to capture the Six Meridian Sword in the future. Sooner or later, he will have to confront the Dali Duan family head-on, so there is no need for him to hide it.

If you want to grab it, you have to grab it openly!

With one's own strength, it is not difficult to control Dali.

"Brother Mu Han, can you let me go?" Zhong Ling said blushing.

Now Mu Han is still hugging Zhong Ling tightly, and he is still in full view, making Zhong Ling quite embarrassed.

"It's okay to let you go, but you have to..." Mu 19han pointed at his cheek and smiled wickedly.

Seeing that Mu Han had no intention of letting go, Zhong Ling stood on tiptoe, quickly pecked Mu Han's face, and said with a pretty face, "Bad brother, let's go now."


Mu Han laughed loudly, but he didn't let go of his left hand.

"Brother Mu Han, you are lying!" Zhong Ling patted Mu Han's chest lightly with his hands, and said angrily.

"Ling'er, it's not that I lied to you, but another bad guy is here, I have to protect you." Mu Han said with a smile.

"Another villain?" Zhong Ling glanced suspiciously at the door, but saw several black shadows rushing in from the door.

These people were all wearing green cloaks, black robes, and a painting on their chests?/p>

Mu Han would know without going through the system that these people must be the so-called holy envoys of Vulture Palace.

The Shennong Gang did not control the Wuliang Sword Sect, and the envoys from the Vulture Palace were getting impatient with the wait.

Several black shadows broke into the hall, and then dispersed, and a black shadow walked in slowly, with beautiful long hair and white jade-like wrists faintly visible.

Name: Fu Shengshi

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Identity: Holy Messenger of Vulture Palace

Cultivation: first-class late stage

Except for the talisman envoy who is a first-class late stage, the rest of the women in black are all first-class early stages.

A woman in black looked around, then said in a cold voice: "This is the talisman envoy of Vulture Palace. Child Elder has ordered that the Wuliang Sword Sect submit to the Vulture Palace and change its name to Wuliang Cave. Which one of you is Zuo Zimu? "

"I am, I am!"

When Zuo Zimu heard about Vulture Palace, his face turned pale.

"From now on, you will be the cave master of the Wuliang Cave, and you will be dispatched by the Vulture Palace, understand?" the woman in black shouted.


Zuo Zimu hesitated for a moment, then looked at Mu Han and Zhong Ling who were at the side.

Whether it's Mu Han or Vulture Palace, he can't provoke them.

The woman in black followed Zuo Zimu's gaze, only to find that there was a young and handsome young man in white standing beside him, who was holding a beautiful, smart and lovely girl in his arms.

It's just that today's young man in white has a stern complexion, and a palpitating chill exudes from his body.

"Zuo Zimu, what do you mean?" The woman in black shouted sharply seeing Zuo Zimu's hesitation.

"Return to the Holy Envoy, now the Wuliang Sword Sect has surrendered to Mr. Mu Han, so everything must be obeyed by Mr. Mu Han." Zuo Zimu said in a low voice, and then stood behind Mu Han.

Obviously, he respects Mu Han.

Regarding Zuo Zimu's performance, Mu Han nodded, this Zuo Zimu is quite qualified to be a dog's leg.

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