Seeing Zhuyan Dan's introduction, Mu Han nodded in satisfaction.

There are more than [-] pills in this bottle of Zhuyan Pill, you can give one to each of your confidante, so that they can keep their youth forever.

With [-] system points, if you win a bottle of Zhuyan Pill, you will definitely not lose money.

Zhuyan Pill, in the world of Xianxia, ​​is like a tasteless existence. After all, practitioners seldom pay attention to their appearance, but in the world of martial arts, it is definitely a top-quality pill.

"System (getting money is good), how to return to the Condor World?" Mu Han asked.

He couldn't wait to give Zhuyan Pill to his confidante in the world of divine carvings.

"As long as the master contemplates the world he wants to reach, the door of space will open, and the master can go to the world he wants to reach, but opening the door of space must be done in a place where no one is there, and it cannot be opened if there are other people The gate of space." The system replied.

"But it's better for the master to reduce the number of trips to other worlds as much as possible?" the system added.

"Why?" Mu Han asked curiously.

"Going to other worlds because you haven't completed the cultivation in the current world will affect the master's cultivation path." The system replied.

Mu Han nodded, stopped talking, and began to meditate in his mind.

And not long after, in front of Mu Han, the space twisted, and a door of space slowly emerged.

Mu Han stepped into the door of space and disappeared... "

Chapter 15 Goodbye Huang Rong, a brief reunion (2/4)

Xiangyang, City Lord's Mansion!

Night has come!

In a deserted place, the space suddenly distorted, and a door of space emerged, and Mu Han walked out slowly.

Looking at the familiar scenery, Mu Han was filled with emotion.

Although he had only been away from the Condor World for two days, it felt like he had been away for a long time.

"Isn't this Rong'er's room?"

Looking at the room in front of him, Mu Han couldn't help but smile.


Mu Han pushed open the door, and saw Huang Rong sitting at the table, as if in a daze.


Mu Han called softly.

Huang Rong turned her head, looked at Mu Han in surprise, and said, "Han'er? Why are you still here? Didn't you say you have something to do and need to leave for a while?"

Because of the difference in the passage of time, although Mu Han has been in the Tianlong World for two days, it has only been a moment in the Condor World.

Mu Han smiled slightly and said, "I need to leave for a while, but before I leave, there is one thing I want to give you."

After saying that, Mu Han stretched out his palm, and in his palm was a vermilion pill.

"This is?"

Looking at the vermilion pill, Huang Rong asked with some doubts. 707

"This is called Zhuyan Pill. After taking it, you can stay young forever." Mu Han said with a slight smile.

"Really?" Huang Rong said with surprise on her face, but she still couldn't believe it.

"When have I lied to you?" Mu Han smiled.

Huang Rong had already noticed that Mu Han was not an ordinary person, so she completely believed what Mu Han said, and quickly dispelled the doubts in her heart, took the Zhuyan Pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

For a woman, appearance is obviously the most important.

Huang Rong was still worried before, if she got old, would she be rejected by Mu Han?

But with Zhuyan Pill, this kind of worry is not a problem at all.

"Han'er, thank you!" Huang Rong looked at Mu Han and said gratefully.

Mu Han gently stroked Huang Rong's hair, looked at Huang Rong with fiery eyes, and said with a smile, "Rong'er, why are you so polite to me?"

Seeing Mu Han's gaze, Huang Rong's pretty face flushed slightly, and even her fair neck was tinged with pink, which was very attractive.

Seeing the always strong Huang Rong acting so shy in front of him, Mu Han couldn't help lowering his head...


Huang Rong was caught off guard, and felt that Mu Han had sealed her lips domineeringly. Immediately afterwards, her body rose into the air, and was carried by Mu Han to the side bed.

Soon, there was a low whimpering sound...


After a big fight, Mu Han looked at Huang Rong who was already asleep, and couldn't help smiling.

On Huang Rong's pretty face, the blush hadn't faded away, and between her brows, there was still a touch of fatigue after the battle.

However, the flame in Mu Han's heart has not been extinguished.

Having practiced the Qiankun Shengyang Jue, the masculinity in his body is too fierce, coupled with the assistance of the dual cultivation system, Huang Rong is far from being Mu Han's opponent.

After covering Huang Rong with the quilt, Mu Han came to Guo Fu's room again.

"Sister, when will brother-in-law come back?"

Just as Mu Han was about to open the door, he heard Guo Xiang's voice from Guo Fu's room.

Although Guo Xiang has also become Mu Han's confidante, she still habitually calls Mu Han her brother-in-law.

"Brother Mu Han has been away for less than half a day, and you miss him?" Guo Fu said.

"Tch, sister, don't tell me you don't want brother-in-law? When brother-in-law said goodbye to us, I think you were about to cry." Guo Xiang pouted and said.

"Who do you think is about to cry? Little girl, are you looking for a beating?" Guo Fu stretched out two tender little hands and scratched Guo Xiang's armpit.

"Haha, sister, please forgive me..."

Although Guo Xiang's cultivation level is higher than Guo Fu's, but this kind of fighting between sisters has nothing to do with force, and Guo Xiang is very ticklish, when Guo Fu scratches her, she immediately laughs like a lark. (bjfi)


Hearing the fight between the two sisters, Mu Han also smiled and pushed the door open.

"Brother Mu Han!"


Guo Fu and Guo Xiang heard the reputation, and when they saw it was Mu Han, they both showed surprise on their faces, and quickly stopped the play, and rushed over in their pajamas, directly throwing themselves into Mu Han's arms.

Mu Han suddenly felt that there were two soft and boneless delicate bodies in his arms.

"Fu'er, Xiang'er..."

Mu Han looked at the two women affectionately, and was also moved by what the two women said just now.

Life is alive, with this confidant, death without regret!

Guo Fu and Guo Xiang also became embarrassed when they were stared directly at by Mu Han, a red cloud appeared on their beautiful faces.

One is beautiful and generous, the other is eccentric. The two sisters have their own merits, so that the flame that Mu Han had not extinguished just now was re-ignited. One in each hand, he hugged the two sisters to the bed.


After a great battle, Mu Han gave Guo Xiang and Guo Fu two Zhu Yan Pills, and the two sisters were very happy as if they had found a treasure.

After that, Mu Han gave Zhuyan Dan to Li Mochou, Xiaolongnv, Wanyanping, Gongsun Lue, Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying, Hong Lingbo and Yeluyan.

After delivering Zhuyan Dan, Mu Han did not leave in a hurry, but stayed for three days.

During these three days, Mu Han has been with the girls all the time, because he doesn't know when he will return to the Condor World next time?

Although three days have passed in the Divine Condor World, less than half a stick of incense has passed in the Tianlong World.

However, under the urging of the system, Mu Han still bid farewell to the girls again, and reluctantly embarked on the return journey back to Tianlong World.


Back in Tianlong World, Mu Han seemed a little disappointed.

"System, is there a way to bring Huang Rong and the others to Tianlong World?" Mu Han asked.

"Return to the master, there is no way for the time being. Unless the master can accumulate [-] million system points and open the portable space, he can connect the confidante from all over the world to the portable space and gather together." The system replied.

[-] million system points are the same price as the Super God lottery.

"I will work hard!" Mu Han said secretly in his heart.

Mu Han originally thought that he had more than [-] system points, which was quite a lot, but when he really needed system points, he realized that these [-] system points were not enough.

Even a high-level lottery draw is far from enough.

"It seems that we need to improve our strength as soon as possible and earn points!" Mu Han said secretly.


Mu Han suddenly looked towards the door, and saw a figure standing at the door.

Zhong Ling?

Zhong Lingxiu frowned slightly, her expression slightly painful, her body trembling slightly, standing at the door of Mu Han's room, with a look of hesitation on her pretty face... "

Chapter 3 Wanqiu Valley, Baby Chagan (4/[-])


Just as Zhong Ling was standing at the door of Mu Han hesitating, the door opened, and Mu Han's handsome face suddenly appeared in front of Zhong Ling.

"Ling'er, what's wrong?" Mu Han asked softly.

"Brother Mu Han, my stomach hurts a little, I miss my mother." Zhong Ling clutched her stomach, her pretty face was pale, and on her forehead was dripping with sweat.

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