"Let me see what the disease is?"

Mu Han is a little strange, why do you get sick when you are sick?

"Brother Mu Han, I don't want it anymore. Take me home, my mother can take care of me." Zhong Lingqiao blushed with shame, and refused Mu Han's diagnosis and treatment.

Mu Han glanced at Zhong Ling, with a wicked smile on his face.

He already knew what disease Zhong Ling had.

No wonder he was not allowed to see it!

"Okay, I'll take you back."

Mu Han smiled slightly, hugged Zhong Ling in his arms, and then performed lightning-fast walking, walking all the way down the mountain from Jianhu Palace.

The matter of Wuliang Mountain has basically been resolved, and there should be nothing to do. Why don't you go to Ten Thousand Chou Valley to have a look.

And in Wanchou Valley, you can also see your future mother-in-law, Qiaoyao Chagan Baobao.

As for Zhong Wanchou, forget it, and get rid of it if there is a chance.

After all, if Zhong Wanchou finds out that Zhong Ling is not his daughter, this lunatic doesn't know what he will do.

Mu Han's Lightning Walk has reached the level of Dzogchen, coupled with the third level of Qiankun Shengyang Jue and the first level of Xiantian, holding Zhong Ling will not affect his speed at all.

After a night of running, Mu Han carried Zhong Ling to a lush valley. In the valley, towering ancient trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers, it was a fairyland on earth.

Ten Thousand Chou Valley, here we come!

Mu Han looked at Zhong Ling, who was already sleeping in his arms, with a smile on his face.

Earlier, Mu Han had already secretly injected a burst of true energy into Zhong Ling's body, relieving Zhong Ling's pain, and Zhong Ling also slept soundly in Mu Han's arms.

At the entrance of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, stood a woman who looked about twenty-five or six years old. She was wearing a light green silk shirt. , hanging a wooden sign: Anyone surnamed Duan entering this valley will be killed without mercy!

Pretty medicine Chagan baby!

Name: Baby Gan

Gender: Female

Age: 33

Nickname: Pretty Medicine Fork

Cultivation: first-class early stage

Mu Han saw Gan Baobao from a distance, but he didn't expect that this Gan Baobao was so well maintained. At thirty-three years old, he looked like twenty-five or six-year-old, and Zhong Ling was like sisters. People call it "the pretty medicine fork"!

Holding Zhong Ling in his arms, Mu Han came to Baby Gan in an instant.

"What a handsome boy!"

The sudden appearance of Mu Han startled Baby De Gan, but when he saw Mu Han's face, he couldn't help but startled, two red clouds flew up inexplicably above his pretty face.

Mu Han's slender figure, snow-white robe and jade-like skin complement each other perfectly, making the sunlight that shines through the forest lose its luster, leaving only mottled tree shadows.

The handsome face and facial features are as sharp as a knife, giving people a resolute look, and the long black hair is scattered behind the back like a waterfall, giving people a sense of unrestrained but chic and elegant.

The slightly raised lips also showed a hint of evil and sexiness, which made Baobao Gan feel like being electrocuted, a blush flashed across her pretty face, and even the roots of her ears, which were covered by her hair, blushed with embarrassment.

But when he saw Zhong Ling in Mu Han's arms, Gan Baobao just came back to his senses and said in surprise, "What's wrong with Ling'er?"

"Auntie, don't worry, Ling'er is not feeling well, she just fell asleep." Mu Han hugged Zhong Ling, smiled slightly, and said.

"Oh, this son is..."

Gan Baobao heaved a sigh of relief, gently brushed the hair beside his ear, and asked.

She didn't know what was going on, but she felt that her face was slightly hot after seeing Mu Han.

"I'm here, Mu Han."

Mu Han sensed Gan Baobao's strange behavior, looked at Gan Baobao, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sensing Mu Han's gaze, looking at him without hesitation, Gan Baobao felt even more flustered, his heart was pounding, and his body twisted slightly, making the already graceful figure even more attractive.

"Stunning thing."

Looking at Gan Baobao's appearance, Mu Han sighed in his heart.

Although Gan Baobao is thirty-three years old, he looks about twenty-five, his skin is as soft as a girl's, coupled with a mature appearance that girls don't have, and a slightly plump and firm figure, Mu Han feels in his heart. All became hot.

This Duan Zhengchun has really good eyesight.


At this time, Zhong Ling in Mu Han's arms woke up, seeing Baby Gan, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she quickly broke free from Mu Han's arms. ·························································

Gan Baobao nodded slightly. She just glanced at Zhong Ling and knew why Zhong Ling was unwell.

Zhong Ling's menstruation is coming.

"Mother, this is brother Mu Han, he sent me back." Zhong Ling said in a low voice, but buried her head.

"You're crazy outside all day long, and you're not afraid that your father will break your leg. It's so dangerous outside, and you're a girl, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Gan Baobao said reproachfully with a pretty face, but after all, she doted on Zhong Ling, and at the end of her words, she gradually turned gentle, and her tone was much gentler.

"Mother, I'm safe with Brother Mu Han protecting me. The villains from the Shennong Gang and the Vulture Palace were also killed by Brother Mu Han." Zhong Ling argued.

"Shen Nong Gang? Vulture Palace?" ..........

Hearing this, Baby Gan was taken aback for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

Although she lives in Wanchou Valley, she has heard about Vulture Palace. A mighty but strange sect in Jianghu, the nearby Shennong Gang, is subordinate to Vulture Palace.

And the young man in white in front of him dared to kill someone from the Vulture Palace, wouldn't he be looking for death?

"Mother, what's wrong?"

Even Zhong Ling noticed Baby Gan's expression and asked.

"Master Mu, you have caused a disaster!"

Gan Baobao said softly: "You killed someone from Vulture Palace, I'm afraid Vulture Palace won't let you go so easily."

"Haha, Auntie is worrying too much. Except for Tianshan Child Elder, other people in Vulture Palace are not worth mentioning. I will go to Misty Peak Vulture Palace to visit someday." Mu Han smiled lightly, road.

"It's madness!"

Seeing Mu Han's appearance, Gan Baobao said secretly.

Even the big sects like Shaolin and the Beggars' Gang dare not easily provoke the Vulture Palace.

You, a young boy under twenty, still want to visit Misty Peak's Vulture Palace.

Thinking of this, Baby Gan couldn't help but look at Mu Han lightly, but she didn't show it on her expression.

Mu Han noticed Baobao Gan's contempt, smiled, and did not defend himself.

He also needs no excuses.

Perhaps the Vulture Palace is a huge monster in Gan Baobao's eyes, but in his eyes, except for Tianshan Child Elder, those thirty-six cave masters and seventy-two island masters are simply scum, even ants not on. . "

Chapter Seventeen

"Mother, let's go in and talk about it, should we let Brother Mu Han stand outside the valley?" Zhong Ling said with some dissatisfaction.

Standing in Wanqiu Valley for a long time, Gan Baobao had no intention of letting her and Mu Han enter the valley.

You know, she still has a little pain in her stomach now!

"Yes, mother forgot."

Gan Baobao said to Mu Han with a trace of apology: "Young Master Mu, I'm sorry, I was negligent, please come inside."

After the words fell, Gan Baobao led the way and walked towards the valley.

But maybe he was walking too quickly, but he accidentally tripped over a branch on the ground, and his whole body fell forward, about to fall to the ground.

"Auntie, be careful!"

Seeing this, Mu Han's body moved, and the Lightning God walked out, darting to Gan Baobao's side, his right hand stretched out, and wrapped his arms around Gan Baobao's slender waist "[-]", and took him into his arms.

It's just that Mu Han didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but the palm of his right hand happened to be on a mountain peak of Baby Gan.

So soft!So soft!

Mu Han noticed the wonderful touch coming from his right hand, and couldn't help admiring secretly, and couldn't help but squeeze his big hand hard.

Sensing the movement of Mu Han's palm, and smelling the strong masculine aura emanating from Mu Han's body, Gan Baobao's pretty face flushed with embarrassment, and his heart was beating wildly.

How can you be so presumptuous?

But Gan Baobao didn't have the slightest resentment in his heart, but instead had a hint of surprise and pride.

It seems that I still have some charm!

It's just that Baobao Gan found that Mu Han held her in his arms, and didn't seem to want to let go at all. That big restless hand was on his chest, acting recklessly.


Mu Han said secretly in his heart.

In front of Zhong Ling, it was really exciting to be so frivolous to Baby Gan.

But Zhong Ling stood behind and could only see Mu Han supporting Baby Gan who was about to fall, but couldn't see the movement of Mu Han's right hand.

"Have you touched enough?"

Gan Baobao said in a low voice, her pretty face was so charming that she was afraid of being heard by Zhong Ling.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, but in desperation, it's a helpless act."

Mu Han said with a smile, reluctantly let go of his hand, and before he let go, he didn't forget to grab it firmly.

Gan Baobao feels so good!

Still helpless?

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