Chapter 20 Lord Zhonggu, you can enter the palace now! (3/4)

"Boy, it's all because of you!"

Zhong Wanchou was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he looked at Mu Han with a killing intent in his eyes.

If it weren't for the boy in white in front of him, the baby wouldn't be angry with him.

"Master Zhong, there is a sentence from us, just for you. It's not your fault to be ugly, but it's your fault if you come out scary." Mu Han smiled lightly and sarcastically.

"Boy, how dare you humiliate me? Do you know where this is?"

Zhong Wanchou was most jealous of others saying he was ugly. Hearing Mu Han's words, Zhong Wanchou was furious, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

Seeing Zhong Wanchou's appearance, Mu Han curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "Master Zhong, don't provoke me, otherwise, you won't be able to bear the consequences."

"Really, boy?"

Zhong Wanchou completely lost his mind because of Mu Han's arrogance.

However, in his eyes, how advanced could a boy under twenty be able to cultivate?

With Zhong Wanchou's realm, Mu Han's innate first-tier cultivation base cannot be seen through at all, so in Zhong Wanchou's eyes, Mu Han is no more than a second-rate realm at best.

With his super first-class initial cultivation base, it is enough to kill 023 in seconds.

"Hmph, I will kill you while Baobao and Ling'er are away!"

Zhong Wanchou stopped talking nonsense with Mu Han, he stepped out with one step, and then slapped Mu Han hard with his palm.

"With your little means, you still want to kill me?" The corner of Mu Han's mouth turned into a sarcasm, and Ling Bo moved out with small steps, easily dodging Zhong Wanchou's attack.

Mu Han finally understood why in the novels he read in his previous life, why did the villain humiliate the protagonist before killing the protagonist, because humiliating the enemy really felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart.

But Mu Han is not a villain, and Zhong Wanchou is not the protagonist.

"go to hell."

Being easily dodged by Mu Han, Zhong Wanchou became more and more annoyed, one palm after another, the offensive became more and more violent.

"Since you want to seek death, then I will fulfill you."

Mu Han's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he slapped out a palm, and the powerful internal force swept out from his body.


A dull sound resounded, and violent wind ripples, like a storm, swept towards the surroundings, sweeping away everything in the hall.


Zhong Wanchou flew upside down, and then hit the wall heavily, spurting out a mouthful of blood, his aura instantly weakened.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Zhong Wanchou struggled to get up, looked at Mu Han with disbelief on his ugly face.

He didn't expect that this white-clothed young man's strength would be so terrifying that he would be blown away with a single palm.

You know, I am considered a great master in Southwest Wulin, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even catch the palm of this boy in white, it was really embarrassing.

"Master Zhong, is this all you can do?" Mu Han sarcastically said.

If it wasn't for the consideration that the time hadn't come yet, Mu Han really wanted to kill him with one palm.

For Zhong Ling's sake, let Zhong Wanchou survive for the time being.

However, the death penalty is exempt, but the living crime cannot escape.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant!"

Hearing Mu Han's ridicule, Zhong Wanchou jumped into a rage, drew a long sword from the side, and stabbed fiercely at Mu Han.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Zhong Wanchou held his long sword and stabbed at Mu Han.

He was furious like a ferocious beast. His scarlet eyes, distorted horse face, and bulging veins on his forehead all showed that he was in a state of rampage.

Mu Han stretched out two fingers, and gently clamped the stabbing sword.

Zhong Wanchou suddenly felt the long sword in his hand, as if it had taken root in Mu Han's fingers, and remained motionless.

And the young man dressed in white snow, like an immovable iceberg, with deep eyes, showing a trace of coldness, and his handsome facial features, which are as sharp as a chisel, also reveal a kind of disdain and contempt.

"Zhong Wanchou, do you really want to die?"

As soon as the word "death" was uttered, the surrounding air suddenly cooled down, causing Zhong Wanchou's pupils to shrink violently, and his entire body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

What a terrible look!

What a terrifying aura!


Zhong Wanchou couldn't help but gasped. This young man in white actually gave him a feeling that Mount Tai was overwhelmed. In front of him, he was like a flat boat in the sea, and he might be overturned at any time.

"who are you?"

Zhong Wanchou's breathing became a little difficult. He did not expect that this young man in white had such a terrifying aura that he felt as if he was suffocating.

"A person you can't mess with."

Mu Han said lightly: "If it wasn't for Zhong Ling's sake, you would already be a dead person."

"Is it?"

Zhong Wanchou suddenly let go of the hand holding the sword, and then turned his palms into claws, and angrily grabbed at Mu Han.

The palm fan's big hand, like steel claws, drew several gusts of wind and grabbed Mu Han fiercely.

Looking at Zhong Wanchou who was attacking him secretly, Mu Leng smiled coldly.

It's really overpowering!

Mu Han's figure didn't move, he held the long sword between his two fingers, and moved slightly horizontally, blocking in front of him.

If Zhong Wanchou insisted on attacking him, it would be equivalent to sending his own hands to the blade of the sword.

Seeing this, Zhong Wanchou quickly withdrew his hand, while Mu Han swiped his two fingers, and the tip of the sword swung across Zhong Wanchou's thigh.


There was only a scream, and Zhong Wanchou felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and cold sweat was already breaking out on his face.

The next moment, he discovered in horror that he had been eunuched by Mu Han!


"Master Zhong, I've cleaned up for you, and you can enter the palace anytime." Mu Han smiled lightly, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Since Baby Gan has already been touched by himself, he absolutely does not allow others to touch him again.

"Boy, you are so vicious!"

Zhong Wanchou looked at Mu Han with resentment in his eyes.

"call out!"

Mu Han looked at Zhong Wanchou, pointed out, and a golden finger force directly sank into Zhong Wanchou's dantian, knocking his dantian apart.

"You ruined my martial arts?"

Zhong Wanchou felt the internal energy of his body collapse instantly, his complexion changed drastically, and he shouted loudly.

Mu Han nodded.

"you you you……"

Zhong Wanchou pointed at Mu Han with one hand, and was so angry that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

I just don't know if I fainted from the pain, or fainted from the anger! . "

Chapter 21 Leaving, Lu Yumu Wanqing (4/4)


Mu Han kicked Zhong Wanchou away who was standing in front of him, and walked out of the hall slowly.

"Master Mu!"

"Brother Mu Han!"

Gan Baobao and Zhong Ling were standing in the valley at this moment, seeing that Zhong Wanchou did not chase out, but Mu Han came out instead, Gan Baobao was a little surprised.

"Master Zhong Gu insisted on exchanging ideas with this subordinate, but my attack was a little heavier, please forgive me." Mu Han said with a slight smile at Baby Gan.

"My father..."

Hearing this, Zhong Ling wanted to go to the hall to see how Zhong Wanchou was doing.

"Ling'er, it's not suitable for you to go there for now, but don't worry, your father is fine." Mu Han held Zhong Ling and said softly.

Looking at the smile on Mu Han's handsome face, Zhong Ling nodded and then stopped.

"He spoke disrespectfully to the young master, so it is right for the young master to teach him a lesson, so as not to be so arrogant at ordinary times, and cause disaster sooner or later." Gan Baobao sighed and said.

"It's getting late, I'm taking my farewell." Mu Han gently cupped his fists and said.

"Brother Mu Han, where are you going?" Zhong Ling asked quickly, she was not willing to let Mu Han leave.

"I heard that there is a Tianlong Temple in Dali, go there and have a look." Mu Han said with a slight smile.

In Tianlong Temple, there is the Six Meridian Excalibur of Dali Duan Clan, it is a good thing, Mu Han can't help it.

"Brother Mu Han, I'm going too." Hearing this, Zhong Ling said hastily.

"Ling'er, don't mess around." Baby Gan said.

"Hehe, it's okay to take Ling'er with you, please rest assured, Auntie, I will definitely take good care of Ling'er." Mu Han said with a slight smile.

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