With Zhong Ling by my side, I won't be alone and lonely.

Hearing Mu Han's agreement, Zhong Ling hurriedly looked at his mother with big cute eyes.

Gan Baobao sighed softly, and said: "Daughter can't help it, since Ling'er wants to go, then go, but you must take good care of my Linger, I'm just such a daughter."

"Don't worry, Auntie. I'll take Ling'er to Tianlong Temple for a while, and then come back to visit Auntie."

Mu Han smiled slightly, looking at Baby Gan, feeling a little bit reluctant to part with this beauty.

But the world of Tianlong is so wonderful, it is impossible for him to just hide in this Valley of Ten Thousand Chou and watch the sky from a well.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Gan Baobao couldn't help but think of Mu Han's assault on him in the medicine room, and his pretty face instantly became charming.

"Thank you mom!"

Zhong Ling excitedly pecked Baby Gan on the face, then came to Mu Han's side, shook Mu Han's arm and said, "Brother Mu Han, let's go."

Mu Han nodded, then smiled at Baby Gan, and led Zhong Ling towards the outside of Wanchou Valley.

Looking at the figures of the two gradually disappearing, Gan Baobao showed a look of reluctance on his face.


After leaving the Valley of Ten Thousand Chou, Mu Han gently hugged Zhong Ling's slender waist, performed lightning-fast walking, and headed towards Dali Tianlong Temple.

Zhong Ling was held in Mu Han's arms, looking at that handsome face, which was as glamorous and moving as the morning glow, the vegetation in the mist in the forest flitted past her eyes, and she couldn't stop backing away, suddenly, there was a breath of freshness The breath rushed over.

"It would be great if I could be with brother Mu Han all the time."

Thinking of this, Zhong Ling couldn't help blushing, but her body couldn't help but lean against Mu Han.

Feeling Zhong Ling's subtle actions, Mu Han also smiled slightly.

This little girl seemed to be moved by herself.

If it wasn't for the menstrual event, Mu Han really wanted to have her executed on the spot.


Along the way, Mu Han was not too anxious to hurry, but traveled with Zhong Ling all the way to Tianlong Temple leisurely.


A sound of horse hooves came from a distance, Mu Han and Zhong Ling looked over and saw a strong horse galloping towards it with hooves flying like flying.

Immediately there was a heroic girl in black, with a slender figure, her pretty face covered with a layer of black veil, and her white jade-like skin was faintly visible. Her whole body exuded a scent that looked like Lanfeilan, like musk, but not musk.

Mu Han couldn't help but take another look. This black-clothed girl is like a plum blossom that blooms alone when the flowers wither, and doesn't compete with the flowers, but shows her indifferent beauty in winter.

"Sister Mu."

Seeing the girl in black, Zhong Ling exclaimed.

Name: Mu Wanqing

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Identity: Daughter of Duan Zhengchun and Shura Dao Qin Hongmian

Cultivation: second-rate initial stage.

"Zhong Ling?"

The girl in black was quite surprised when she saw Zhong Ling, she pulled the rein and stopped the horse.

Mu Wanqing's voice was crisp and pleasant, but there was a trace of coldness, just like that lonely plum blossom.Even when he saw Zhong Ling, his tone was cold and indifferent, which sounded very uncomfortable. ·················································

Mu Wanqing also saw Mu Han, who was tall and straight, dressed in white clothes better than snow, with deep eyes like stars, which seemed unusual, making Mu Wanqing involuntarily look at him more.

However, when seeing Mu Han put his arms around Zhong Ling, her pretty face was covered with a layer of frost under the black veil.

"Sister Mu, why are you here?"

Zhong Ling innocently came out of Mu Han's arms and rushed to Mu Wanqing's body.

But at this time, the sound of horseshoes came from not far away.

Two old women, leading a group of servants, hurried towards Mu Han and the others.

"That little bitch dared to come to Jiangnan to assassinate Madam, this time she will never be spared." The old woman on the left scolded. 0

"That's right, grab that little hoof and show her some color." The old woman on the right nodded quickly.

Name: Granny Ping

Gender: Female

Age: 60

Identity: Servant of Manduo Villa

Cultivation: Early second-rate

Name: Granny Rui

Gender: Female

Age: 60

Identity: Servant of Manduo Villa

Cultivation: Early second-rate

Soon, Granny Ping and Granny Rui brought more than ten servants to Mu Han and the others.

"Little bitch, where are you going?" Granny Ping scolded.

At this time, Mu Wanqing swayed and fell off the horse.

Mu Han quickly put it into his arms, suddenly felt a strange fragrance, nephrite in his arms.

Mu Wanqing's eyes were closed tightly, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, her white forehead was dripping with sweat, and her snow-white complexion was faintly exposed, smooth and soft, as delicate as water could be squeezed out.

Immediately, Mu Han pressed Mu Wanqing's bright wrist, and realized that she was not injured, but passed out due to exhaustion, she just needed to rest a little, eat something and drink some water.

This little girl was instigated by her mother to go to the south of the Yangtze River to assassinate Mrs. Wang of Mantuo Villa. Who knows, she was outnumbered and was chased by Granny Ping, Granny Rui and others.

Along the way, he had to eat and sleep in the open air, relying entirely on perseverance to support him. When he met Zhong Ling, his spirit was slightly relaxed, and he passed out on the spot.

"Ling'er, take good care of your sister Mu."

Mu Han handed Mu Wanqing to Zhong Ling, and inadvertently brushed the mountain peak in front of Mu Wanqing's chest with his right hand.

Feel good! . "

Chapter 22 Take a shot and kill the evil slave (1/3)

Feels good!

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Han's mouth, but Mu Wanqing had already passed out, so naturally she couldn't notice Mu Han's frivolity.

Zhong Ling supported Mu Wanqing and retreated to the side of the big tree, while Mu Han coldly looked around at Granny Ping, Granny Rui and the others.

Granny Rui has white hair and is short in stature, while Granny Ping has a swollen face, which looks ugly, and her voice is thick, like a man's voice.

Grandma Ping, Grandma Rui and the others looked at Mu Han Shengxue in white, with a cold and arrogant expression on their faces, and a chill could not help but grow in their hearts.

"This young man in white doesn't seem to be an easy character?" Granny Ping and Granny Rui looked at each other, their faces showing solemn expressions.

"Master, seeing you is also the first time I've met this little bitch, you leave now, I won't make things difficult for you." Granny Rui said.

"We are from Mantuo Mountain Villa. If you want to stand up for this little bastard, be careful that your life will not be guaranteed." Granny Ping scolded.

One person sang the red face, the other sang the bad face, but the two cooperated quite tacitly.

In the south of the Yangtze River, if the name of Mantuo Villa is reported, it is still useful. After all, everyone in the world knows that Mantuo Villa has a close relationship with Gusu Murong.

Under normal circumstances, Manduo Villa will be sold to save some face.

"Grandmothers, you're just a brat, why bother talking nonsense with him, just cut him off." Granny Rui and a man behind Granny Ping said.

Hearing the words of Granny Ping and the others, Mu Han laughed and did not speak.

"Brother Mu Han, they bullied Sister Mu, you have to teach them a lesson for Sister Mu." Zhong Ling, who was at the side, looked at Mu Wanqing's comatose state, and said angrily.

"it is good!"

Mu Han nodded slightly, looking at Granny Ping and the others with cold eyes.

"Little bitch, what are you talking about?"

"You still want to teach us a lesson?"

Both Granny Ping and Granny Rui showed anger on their faces.

"Who do you call a little bitch?"

Mu Han said coldly, taking a step forward, an extremely powerful aura swept out of his body, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

The woman who dared to call him a little slut was really impatient.

What a terrifying momentum!

Feeling the aura emanating from Mu Han, Granny Ping and Granny Rui turned pale.

Suddenly, the entire mountain forest became silent.

Although Mu Han was only alone, the aura exuding from his body made Grandma Deping, Grandma Rui and others fearful.

"Boy, don't play tricks!"

The man who spoke before held a long knife and slashed towards Mu Han.

In his opinion, no matter how high his cultivation level is, how high can a kid under twenty be?

"call out!"

As soon as Mu Han pointed out, a golden finger force shot out, directly sinking into the man's eyebrows.

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