"Want to go?"

Mu Han laughed, swept Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling into his arms, and cast a flash of light on his feet, turning into several afterimages, chasing after the crane in the cloud like a lightning bolt.

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling suddenly felt that the surrounding trees were receding extremely quickly, the wind was blowing heavily, their pretty faces were flushed, and it became difficult to breathe.

"Hmph, boy, with two people, you still want to catch up with the young master, just dream!"

Yun Zhonghe looked back and saw Mu Han chasing towards him with two girls, with a mocking look on his face, he said with a faint smile.

But before his smile disappeared, it froze on his face.

So fast!

As a master of lightness kung fu, Yun Zhonghe naturally noticed that even though Mu Han had two daughters with him, his speed was no slower than himself.

"It's actually a master of lightness kung fu!"

Yun Zhonghe was terrified, he knew that Mu Han's martial arts were strong, but he didn't expect that even the lightness kung fu was so terrifying.

He originally had a distance of fifty or sixty feet from Mu Han, but unexpectedly, in just a few breaths, it has shrunk to more than thirty feet.

"Master, master wife, little teacher wife, you wait for me, fourth brother Yun, you dare to be rude to my little teacher wife, and if I catch you later, labor and capital will have to wring your neck." Yue Laosan Said cursingly.

He was furious and furious, as if he suddenly thought of something, he patted his head and disappeared into the dense forest.

"Yun Zhonghe, is this your speed?" Mu Han's voice fell into Yun Zhonghe's ears, causing Yun Zhonghe's expression to change suddenly.

Mu Han is probably less than ten feet away from him!

Mu Han held Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing in his arms, and gently smelled the faint girlish fragrance from the two women, with an understatement smile on his face.

This Yun Zhonghe's lightness kung fu is really good!

But if he wanted to escape in front of his Dzogchen realm, it would be just a joke.

"call out!"

Mu Han flicked his fingers, and a gust of wind shot out, hitting Yun Zhonghe's calf.


With a scream, Yun Zhonghe fell from mid-air, smashing a big hole in the ground.

And above his calf, a blood hole suddenly appeared, the blood flowed continuously, and the white bones were exposed, which was extremely terrifying.

Mu Han and his two daughters also landed in front of Yun Zhonghe.

Seeing this, Yun Zhonghe struggled to stand up and fled towards the depths of the forest. ·····················································

"You still want to escape?"

Mu Han chuckled, and flicked his fingers again, a gust of wind shot out, hitting Yun Zhonghe's spine.


Yun Zhonghe spat out a mouthful of blood, and the bones of his back had been smashed to pieces by Mu Han's strong wind.

"Why don't you run away? Keep running?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

Mu Han let go of the two girls, came to Yun Zhonghe, raised his foot and stepped on Yun Zhonghe's broken spine, causing Yun Zhonghe to scream and then fell silent.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, killing the super-class martial artist Yun Zhonghe, the reward system points are 80 points, and the extra reward system points are 300 points."


At this moment, a terrifying sound of iron whistles suddenly came from the mountain forest, sometimes like howling ghosts and wolves, sometimes like sharp screams, such a strange sound that made the faces of the two women turn pale. ... ... ...

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Mu Han shouted in a deep voice, his voice instantly suppressed the sound of the iron whistle, and dozens of surrounding trees were blasted.

The sound of the iron whistle stopped abruptly, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of Mu Han and the others.

There are two figures, a man and a woman, both dressed in green shirts.

The woman had long hair, and she was pretty at first, but there were several shocking scars on her face.

The man's face was expressionless, like a zombie, with a pair of iron crutches in his hands, exuding an indescribable evil intent from his body.

Name: Duan Yanqing

Sex: Male

Age: 48

Identity: One of the four villains, full of evil

Cultivation: half-step innate

Name: Ye Erniang

Gender: Female

Age: 40

Identity: One of the four villains, committing all kinds of evil

Cultivation: the peak initial stage

Seeing the two of them, Mu Han smiled slightly.

"You killed the fourth child?"

Duan Yanqing sized up Mu Han, but didn't act in a hurry.

Although Yun Zhonghe was not good at martial arts, he could be easily killed by the young man in white. Obviously, this young man in white was not a simple person.

"I killed it!"

Mu Han nodded without denying it, with a faint smile still on his face, as if killing Yun Zhonghe was not a big deal. . "

Chapter 27 Duan Zhengchun, who defeated Ye Erniang with one finger, was furious (3/3)

"Do you know who we are?"

Duan Yanqing saw Mu Han's cloudy and indifferent appearance, although he was annoyed in his heart, he still suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

Originally, the four villains were meeting here to do a big event, but they didn't expect that Yun Zhonghe died before the matter was done.

Moreover, the one who killed Yun Zhonghe was actually such a young man in white, which made Duan Yanqing feel a little unbelievable.

In the rivers and lakes, when did such a young master appear?

Even Nan Murong and Bei Qiaofeng are about thirty years old.

"Hehe, I know! Duan Yanqing is full of evil, and he is Ye Erniang in every way." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Since you know our name, you still dare to kill the fourth child?" The anger in Duan Yanqing's heart was like a volcano about to erupt, and he could hardly suppress "[-]".

As the head of the four villains, he hadn't been so aggrieved in a long time.

"When I kill people, I never look at who the other party is. I kill as soon as I want!" Mu Han stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang, his indifferent eyes made both of them feel a bit of chill.

The expressions of Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang both changed slightly. This white-clothed young man is handsome, like a banished immortal, but his cultivation level is incomprehensible. The chill emanating from his body and the evil smile at the corner of his mouth , Duan Yanqing couldn't help but clenched the iron crutch tightly.

"This kid is extraordinary, Erniang must be careful." Duan Yanqing whispered to Erniang Ye at the side.

"Boss, what should we do now? He killed the fourth brother, and this revenge has to be avenged!"

Erniang Ye had previously dismissed Mu Han and kept teasing the child in her arms, but when she noticed the terrifying fluctuations in Mu Han's body, her expression also became serious.

"Duan Yanqing, Erniang Ye, I killed Yun Zhonghe, don't you want to avenge him?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

It was easy for Mu Han to kill Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang, but Mu Han did not intend to kill them, except for Yun Zhonghe, the other three were still useful to him.

"Good boy, if you kill the fourth child, my mother will come to meet you!"

Although Ye Erniang didn't really want to avenge Yun Zhonghe, but Mu Han had lost the name of the Four Great Evil Ones. Based on this alone, she believed that Mu Han must die.

Ye Erniang held the child in one hand, and the lancet in the other, and slashed towards Mu Han. The sharp edge of the blade shone coldly, and the attack was quite vicious.

As the second child of the Four Great Villains, even though he is at the top stage with Yue Laosan, Ye Erniang's martial arts are obviously better than Yue Laosan.

"After I kill you, I will take these two chicks and pay homage to the fourth child!" Ye Erniang said fiercely.

Hearing this, Mu Han's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he looked at Ye Erniang indifferently, stretched out two fingers with his right hand, and pointed towards Ye Erniang lightly.

"call out!"

A golden finger force, like an invisible sword, directly pierced through the lancet Ye Erniang swung.


Ye Erniang's lancet was blown away, and the fierce fingers left a bloodstain on Ye Erniang's cheek again.

If it wasn't for the usefulness of keeping Ye Erniang, Mu Han's finger would be enough to kill her.

Erniang Ye turned pale with fright, she ignored the bleeding wound on her cheek, hugged the child, and floated more than ten feet away.

With one finger, Ye Erniang was defeated!

"Yi Yang Zhi? Who are you?"

Seeing that golden finger force, Duan Yanqing's expression changed suddenly, and he said in surprise.

Yiyang finger is the unique knowledge of the Duan family in Dali, and it is not passed on to men but not to women.

Could it be that the boy in white in front of him is also a member of the Duan clan?

Moreover, Duan Yanqing noticed that Mu Han's one-yang finger force opened wide and closed like lightning, and when the finger force was violently struck, it was even more chic and elegant. For yourself, you have to be much stronger.

"Duan Yanqing, I heard that your yang finger is also practiced well, how about Bibi, which one of us has better yang finger?" Mu Han smiled lightly and said contemptuously.


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