Ever since he became famous, Duan Yanqing has never been so humiliated, the anger in his heart erupted like a volcano, his eyes turned blood red, the crutch in his hand pointed towards Mu Han, and a golden finger force shot out. out.

A yang finger!


Dali, Prince Duan's Mansion!

Looking at the five corpses in front of him, a handsome prince dressed in brocade clothes showed grief.

Not the romantic and suave Prince Duan Duan Zhengchun, who else would it be?

"Who did it?"

Duan Zhengchun's originally handsome face became extremely distorted at this moment, he looked at Gong Guangjie who was kneeling below, and shouted sharply...

Gong Guangjie was so frightened that he shivered and poured out feces and urine.

Duan Yu died at his hands, but the four great ministers were not killed by him.

"Tell me, who did it?" Duan Zhengchun grabbed Gong Guangjie's neck and shouted sharply.

"I said, I said!"

Gong Guangjie was scared out of his wits, and hastily told Duan Zhengchun the whole story without hiding anything.

"My lord, please forgive me..." Seeing Duan Zhengchun's appearance, Gong Guangjie begged for mercy again and again.


Duan Zhengchun twisted Gong Guangjie's neck, threw his body on the ground, and said fiercely, "Mu Han, if you dare to kill my four brothers, I want you to pay with your life, blood for blood."

"My dear brother, don't be impulsive."

At this time, a man in a dragon robe walked into the palace slowly. His brows were somewhat similar to Duan Zhengchun, but compared to Duan Zhengchun, he had a majesty that only an emperor possessed.

"See Your Majesty!"

When the servants of the palace saw this person, they all knelt down on the ground.

It was Duan Zhengming, Emperor Baoding of Dali Kingdom.

"Brother, today there is a powerful enemy attacking the Dragon Temple, and it is said that the Four Great Evil Men are also coming for Dali. I don't know what it is. Yu'er's revenge, I think I will put it aside for the time being." 0.9 Duan Zhengming said softly.


Duan Zhengchun showed grief, Duan Zhengming had no children, and Duan Zhengchun only had one son, Duan Yu. Duan Yu's death would cut off the roots of the Duan family in Dali.

"My virtuous brother, Yu'er's revenge is not not not to take revenge, but to take revenge after dealing with the powerful enemy in front of me." Duan Zhengming said.

"I must crush that Mu Han, and let him die without a place to bury him." Duan Zhengchun said twistedly.

"Yu'er, Yu'er..."

At this moment, a beautiful Taoist nun ran in, and when she saw Duan Yu's body, she felt dizzy and passed out immediately.

"Baifeng, Baifeng..."

Duan Zhengchun supported Dao Baifeng, and called softly, his hatred for Mu Han became more and more intense. . "

Chapter 28 Duan Yanqing lost in the Yiyang Finger competition (1/3)

In the forest, the mountain wind is bleak!

Duan Yanqing's face was like a zombie, revealing a look of anger, Tieguai pointed at Mu Han, and a golden finger shot out, aiming at Mu Han's vitals.

Yiyang Finger is a unique technique handed down by the Duan family in Dali. It is as quick as lightning, kills people invisible, and takes the head of a person several feet away.

And Duan Yanqing's Yiyang Finger has also been cultivated to the stage of Dacheng.

Duan Yanqing was very strong-willed. At the beginning, he was besieged by powerful enemies, and he tried his best to break out of the siege. In the end, he was wounded by a knife. Not only his face was destroyed, his legs were disabled, but his face changed drastically and he was unable to speak.

After encountering Dao Baifeng, he reawakened his confidence in being a human being. If such a physically disabled person wants to cultivate Yiyang Finger to the level of Dacheng, how can he be unsuccessful?

Duan Yanqing integrated the Duan family's swordsmanship and Yiyang Zhi into the iron crutch, so his intelligence is naturally superior and extraordinary.

Seeing Mu Han provoke him now, how can he swallow this breath?


Duan Yanqing was in mid-air, with true energy sweeping through his body, the head of the iron crutch was like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, bursting out the invisible finger light of a yang finger, opened 18 times wide, majestic and elegant, if it were someone else, Naturally, this trick cannot be avoided.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Although Mu Han showed great strength, but Duan Yanqing prided himself on his half-step innate cultivation, even in the martial arts world, few people were his opponents, and the young man in white in front of him was definitely not his opponent.

"Boss, kill this kid and avenge fourth brother." Ye Erniang also sternly shouted.

The fourth child was killed, and Mu Han left a new scar on his face, which made Ye Erniang very resentful towards Mu Han.

"Brother Mu Han, be careful."

Seeing that Mu Han was in a dangerous situation, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling beside him also looked worried and reminded him aloud.

"Ling'er, Wan'er, don't worry, he can't hurt me!"

Mu Han smiled slightly at Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling, the handsome smile made the two girls feel at ease instantly.

"Hmph, boy, I told you to be arrogant. When the boss captures you, I will definitely torture you to death." Erniang Ye said harshly.

However, seeing that Mu Han's figure didn't move at all, with a look of contempt on his face, Erniang Ye felt an ominous premonition in her heart.

When Duan Yanqing's yang finger came in front of him, Mu Han pointed out, it was also a yang finger.


The two fingers met in mid-air, sending out a dull stroke, but the strength dissipated.

"Duan Yanqing, is your one Yang finger only this powerful?" Mu Han smiled faintly.

"Boy, don't be arrogant."

Duan Yanqing was so furious that he swung the iron crutches and pointed towards Mu Han several times in the air. With several fingers, he shot towards Mu Han's vital points through the iron crutches.

"Jie Jie, boy, go to hell!" Duan Yanqing let out a strange laugh.


With several fingers, with the sound of breaking the wind, they shot towards Mu Han's vital points.

"With this little effort, you still dare to show off in front of me?"

Mu Han shook his head, with a sarcastic look on his face, he tapped out his fingers repeatedly, breaking Duan Yanqing's fingers.

"call out!"

A sharp finger shot towards Duan Yanqing, causing Duan Yanqing to dodge in a hurry, a strand of hair was cut off by the finger and fell down.

"Prince Yanqing, with your method, it's just a dream to regain the Dali throne?" Mu Han sneered.

"Who are you?" Hearing this, Duan Yanqing was startled and asked.

"If you can defeat me, I will naturally tell you who I am?" Mu Han smiled lightly.


Since becoming famous, Duan Yanqing has never been so despised by others. Even if ordinary people say a wrong thing, they will die under his crutches.

Now Mu Han's sarcasm also made Duan Yanqing completely lose his mind. With a finger of Tieguai, another finger shot out, and his figure also swept in front of Mu Han. Tieguai swept across, as if It's the Duan family's swordsmanship.

Using crutches instead of swords, the sword moves are aimed at Mu Han's vital points.

If others saw it, they would feel that Duan Yanqing's Yiyang Finger and the Duan family's swordsmanship were displayed at the same time.

"Sister Mu, why is that person so powerful, brother Mu Han wonders if something will happen?" Zhong Ling who was beside him said worriedly.

"Don't worry, brother Mu Han is very strong in martial arts, he will definitely defeat that Duan Yanqing." Mu Wanqing comforted.

However, there was still tension on the faces of the two women.

Facing Duan Yanqing's offensive, Mu Han didn't dodge at all, the zhenqi in his body swept out, forming a zhenqi shield in front of him, making Duan Yanqing's offensive fall on top of the zhenqi shield , did not hurt Mu Han at all.

"Heavenly First Level!"

Duan Yanqing's complexion suddenly changed when he felt the fluctuation of the aura emanating from Mu Han's body. He didn't expect that the young man in white in front of him turned out to be a first-class congenital master.

However, if it is an ordinary innate first level, Duan Yanqing can still rely on one yang finger to fight, but the opponent will also use one yang finger, which makes Duan Yanqing completely lose the chance of winning.

"Okay, it's over!"

Mu Han wanted to test Duan Yanqing's real strength 377, so as to see if he could use it for himself, but after a fight, he was a little disappointed.

After the words fell, Mu Han slapped out with a palm, and the mighty zhenqi swept out, turning into a golden dragon of zhenqi, with a dragon chant that resounded through the world, and slapped towards Duan Yanqing's chest angrily.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

When Duan Yanqing saw Mu Han's palm technique, his expression suddenly changed again.

The next moment, he already felt that the mighty palm force was rushing towards him like an overwhelming mountain, making him suffocate his breathing.

"not good!"

Duan Yanqing couldn't dodge in time, so he covered his chest with the crutches.


The iron crutch in Duan Yanqing's hand broke instantly, and the rest of the force of his palm hit Duan Yanqing's chest heavily.


Duan Yanqing spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was smashed to the ground, his face was pale, and his breath instantly became sluggish.


Erniang Ye at the side quickly rushed to Duan Yanqing's side and helped Duan Yanqing up, with a look of shock on her face.

She didn't expect that even her boss, half-talented Duan Yanqing, would lose.

The strength of the young man in white in front of him is really terrifying! . "

Chapter 29 Defeat, Exorcism (2/3)

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