Duan Yanqing, complete defeat!

Mu Han only used one slap, and it was just an understatement and random slap, and he completely defeated Duan Yanqing.

"I lost half of my innate cultivation?"

Duan Yanqing had an unbelievable expression on his face. Mu Han had defeated his sword and finger skills that he had painstakingly cultivated for so many years?

He is not reconciled.

Over the past few decades, I have been bullied by others, physically and mentally strong, and finally practiced a unique move that can crush the heroes of the world. In the end, I was easily defeated by a young man in white who was less than twenty years old.

This was a fatal blow to Duan Yanqing.

Before, he thought this white-clothed youth was vulnerable, but now, it's just a slap in the face.

"Duan Yanqing, you are not as good as me!"

Mu Han said indifferently, with a stern look, the cold air was pressing, and the few words he wrote lightly hit Duan Yanqing's chest like a heavy blow, causing him to spit out several mouthfuls of blood.


Ye Erniang did not expect that Mu Han's cultivation would be so powerful that even the always invincible Duan Yanqing would be easily defeated.

The strength of this young man in white in front of him is too terrifying.

And I heard Duan Yanqing say that the strength of this white-clothed young man has reached the first level of congenital level. At such an age, he is actually a congenital master. Isn't this too heaven-defying?

"Er Niang, help me up."

Duan Yanqing struggled for a while, and felt that his internal breath was disordered, and he couldn't exert any strength, so he was shocked.

Mu Han's blow was so powerful!

He vaguely remembered that he did not bear the full force of Mu Han's palm, but that his crutch was shattered first, and the force of the palm was still there before it fell on him.

Just the remaining prestige of palm strength makes me like this?


Erniang Ye was also shocked. Duan Yanqing was so embarrassed by Mu Han's palm that he didn't even have the strength to stand up?

Ye Erniang quickly helped Duan Yanqing up, and looked at Mu Han with a look of awe.

"Brother Mu Han is so amazing." Zhong Ling beside him said excitedly.

Duan Yanqing was defeated by one move, causing the two girls to blush and hug each other excitedly, with indescribable joy in their hearts.

"I am indeed not as good as you, but I will challenge you again, Mu Han, please remember. I, Duan Yanqing, will never admit defeat."

A disabled person like Duan Yanqing would never bow his knees and beg for mercy from Mu Han. He has a strong willpower and is unwilling to be reconciled, that's why he said these words.

Duan Yanqing also pointed out to Mu Han that although he lost this time, he did not admit defeat, he will still practice hard, and then fight Mu Han to the death.

Hearing this, Mu Han nodded slightly, not only he was not angry, but smiled lightly.

Mu Han appreciates Duan Yanqing's physical disability, and this alone is worth using.

As for Duan Yanqing's evil, Mu Han didn't care.

Because in the eyes of many people, Mu Han is actually a big villain, even worse than Duan Yanqing.

"Duan Yanqing, I didn't let you go?"

Seeing that Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang were leaving, Mu Leng said in a low voice.

He still has something that needs to be discussed with the two of them!

Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang's expressions changed drastically, they both thought that Mu Han was going to kill them, they glanced at each other, and flew backwards together.

Although Duan Yanqing was injured by Mu Han, he has recovered some strength after adjusting his breath just now, and Ye Erniang's lightness kung fu is not as good as Yun Laosi's, but her speed is not slow.

Mu Han laughed, and with a movement of his body, the Lightning God walked out, and his figure appeared in front of the two of them like a ghost.

Ye Erniang suddenly threw the child in her arms towards Mu Han.

If Mu Han didn't care about it, the child would definitely die.

"Brother Mu Han, save that child."

"Brother Mu!"

When Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling saw the child thrown by Ye Erniang, they hurriedly shouted.

Mu Han didn't want the second daughter to be sad, so he stretched out his hand to grab the child, stopped, and said, "Duan Yanqing, Erniang Ye, when we meet next time, we won't be able to walk as easily as today."

Hearing Mu Han's scolding, both Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang trembled slightly.

Both of them knew that Mu Han intentionally let him go today.

"Ding, congratulations, master, for defeating the half-step innate martial artist Duan Yanqing, you will get 50 system points and an additional 500 system points."

"Ding, congratulations, Master, for defeating the supreme early martial artist Ye Erniang, you will get 50 system points and an additional 500 system points."

Two consecutive system prompts sounded in Mu Han's ears, and 1100 system points were credited to the account

Killing Yun Zhonghe and Yue Laosan just now also won 930 system points rewards, that is to say, he got 2030 system points rewards from the four villains today.

How cool!

Mu Han hugged the child and came to the two girls, Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing hurriedly surrounded them, looked at the child, both exclaimed.

The child's Yintang was black, his lips were purple, and his whole body was blue. It was obvious that he had been poisoned.

This Erniang Ye is really vicious!

"." This child is so young, yet he was tortured by Ye Erniang into such a state. Brother Mu Han, can you help him detoxify? "

"Yes, Brother Mu, such a small child, how pitiful."

Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing's beautiful eyes were full of unbearable looks.

"let me try."

Mu Han's Qian Kun Sheng Yang Jue is a set of holy scriptures for healing, which is designed to overcome the poison of the world and the internal energy of Yin and cold. Now, it has been practiced to the third level, and the detoxification is also very effective.

Pressing the right palm on the child's Baihui acupoint, Mu Han's pure Qi was slowly injected into the child's body.

(Nuo Zhao's)

Because the child is only three or four years old, the body cannot bear too much zhenqi, so the control of zhenqi must be extremely precise.

After a while, the child's skin gradually changed from blue to white, and then from white to rosy.

The toxins in the child's body were completely forced out by Mu Han.

Name: Zuo Shanshan

Sex: Male

Age: 4 years old

Identity: Son of Wuliangjian Zuozimu

Seeing the child's information, Mu Han was stunned for a while, he didn't expect to save Zuo Zimu's son by mistake.

"Brother Mu Han, he's recovered."

"Brother Mu Han, you are too powerful."

Seeing that the toxins in Zuo Shanshan's body were dispersed by Mu Han, the two girls clapped their hands happily and turned around to hug Mu Han together.

But in the next moment, both women came to their senses, their pretty faces blushed, and they each lowered their heads. . "

Chapter 30 The Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl, Nu Namuwan clears the first blood (3/3)

"Brother Mu Han, the move you used to defeat the villain just now is so powerful, can you teach me?"

"I also want to learn, at least I won't be bullied in the future."

Zhong Ling embraced the sleeping Zuo Shanshan, surrounded Mu Han with Mu Wanqing, and gently shook Mu Han's arm, as if he would not let go if he disagreed.

The two girls smelled the strong masculine breath emanating from Mu Han's body, and their pretty faces blushed slightly. The two girls were quite bold in making such a move, so their hearts were pounding and their faces were ashamed.

"Hehe, I really can't do anything about you, so let me teach you the Jade Heart Sutra."

In fact, not to mention the two girls, Mu Han is also planning to teach the two girls some martial arts and martial arts. After all, the cultivation base of the two girls is too weak. If you improve your cultivation base, you can protect yourself when he is not around.

Mu Han put his arms around the two girls, and laughed loudly, with a pair of big hands walking on the two girls, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"You teach it to Sister Mu first. I'll pick up some branches and roast game for us later. Hmph, brother Mu is really bad, hehe, hehe."

Zhong Ling threw away these words, and fled to the dense forest at 520 with Zuoshan in her arms, only to hear her laughter like silver bells.


Seeing Zhong Ling run away, Mu Wanqing also wanted to break free from Mu Han's clutches, but how could Mu Han make Mu Wanqing do what he wanted.

Mu Han hugged Mu Wanqing with his big hands, feeling its wonderful touch, and then said: "Wan'er, the Jade Heart Sutra is a skill I learned from other places, and it is very suitable for couples to practice.

Looking at Mu Han's appearance, how could Mu Wanqing fail to see that he was not at peace, shook her head, and said, "I don't want to learn the Jade Heart Sutra."

"Then you said just now that you want to learn martial arts from me?"

Mu Han looked at Mu Wanqing carefully, her figure wrapped in black clothes looked slender and charming, if she practiced the Jade Heart Sutra and took off her clothes, wouldn't it be...

I can't wait to think about it!

"And this technique is very powerful. If you practice it, at least you don't have to be chased by two old women."

Mu Han is like a bad guy who seduces a little girl.

As for this technique, what's special about it, isn't it just taking off your clothes?

But Mu Han didn't plan to tell Mu Wanqing for the time being, otherwise, with Mu Wanqing's temperament, if she knew to take off her clothes and stare naked at herself, she might not be able to practice.

The reason why Xiaolongnv practiced with herself was because practicing the Jade Heart Sutra was her lifelong dream.

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