Although Mu Wanqing has entrusted Mu Han with her life, she is still a little shy now, and has not completely let go. If she is too direct, it will not look good.So, everything has to be tactful.

"Okay then, thank you, Brother Mu."

Mu Wanqing frowned slightly, although she still had some doubts in her heart, she still agreed.

"Okay, Wan'er, let's go behind the woods, so as not to be disturbed."

Mu Han looked as if his plot was successful, without saying a word, he pulled Mu Wanqing and walked towards the forest.Mu Wanqing suddenly felt her cheeks blushing, she was indescribably shy.

She also knows that to practice martial arts, one needs to find a secluded place, one is to prevent someone from stealing the lesson, and the other is to be afraid that if it is too noisy, it will go crazy.

However, Mu Wanqing felt that these two explanations had nothing to do with Mu Han, but she didn't know what Mu Han had in mind.

This dense forest is extremely secluded, the two found a place and sat cross-legged facing each other.Na Mu Wanqing only felt her cheeks become redder, especially when she smelled the masculine breath of Mu Han's body, she felt her cheeks were hot, and beads of sweat overflowed.

The shadows of the trees here are mottled and the light is dim, but Mu Wanqing is a little nervous and shy in her heart. She has no idea what kind of miraculous technique this Jade Heart Sutra is, just like a baby learning to speak.

"Wan'er, we have started to practice."

Mu Han told Mu Wanqing one by one the cultivation techniques of the Jade Girl (bjfi) Heart Sutra, and then pressed her palms together. Immediately, the two of them felt the heat in their palms, and the heat gradually spread to the limbs and bones. The clothes were soaked by the heat.

At the beginning, Mu Wanqing felt a warm heat on her body, but the more she practiced, the more uncomfortable she felt from the heat, and she couldn't help panting.

I just feel that the black clothes on my body are sticking to my delicate body, making my body feel like thousands of ants are crawling, very uncomfortable.

"Wan'er, I'm so sorry, I forgot to practice the Jade Heart Sutra, and I need to take off my clothes, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Practicing the Jade Heart Sutra requires one's mind to be connected, and Mu Wanqing's every move is watched by Mu Han.

Seeing that Mu Wanqing's pretty face was getting more and more red, and she was as delicate as squeezing out water, Mu Han knew that if she continued to practice wearing clothes like this, something might happen, so she also told Mu Wanqing.

After the words were finished, Mu Han took off his clothes with three slaps.

Looking at Mu Han's tall and slender figure, muscular muscles, white skin like jade, and handsome facial features, they are extremely three-dimensional like a knife and an ax chisel, Mu Wanqing's cheeks flushed.

After taking off his clothes, Mu Han sat cross-legged again, exuding a seductive luster and masculine fortitude all over his body, which made Mu Wanqing flustered for a while, and the ears covered by the collar blushed.

At this time, she felt more and more hot all over, and she wanted to take off her clothes like Mu Han did, but she still couldn't let go of herself.

"Wan'er, take off your clothes quickly, or you will go crazy."

Mu Han kept urging, seeming to be more anxious than Mu Wanqing, if the Jade Heart Sutra is not in time

If it dissipates heat, I'm afraid Mu Wanqing will...

"I, I'll do it myself."

After all, it was unbearable to bear the heat in her body, Mu Wanqing also took off her clothes, revealing her white skin like lotus root, and her almost perfect figure, Mu Han's eyes straightened instantly.

so perfect!

So tempting!

so beautiful!

Mu Han felt short of breath, and really didn't know what words to use to describe this perfect delicate body!


Mu Han swallowed his saliva, there is such a perfect person in this world?

Wanmei is aggressive on the surface, but she is extremely simple in her heart. Especially after being with her, her temperament has changed drastically and she has become gentle and pleasant.

In Mu Han's body, a flame burst out.

It's so tempting!

"Brother Mu, I'm so hot."

Mu Wanqing's cheeks were flushed and her whole body was hot.

Still practicing the Jade Heart Sutra?

The direct double repair seems to improve a little faster.

Thinking of this, Mu Han couldn't help but pounce on...

Angrily take Mu Wan to clear blood! . "

Chapter 31 Zhong Ling's First Blood, Two Female Dual Cultivators (1/3)

"Ding, congratulations master, you have obtained Mu Wanqing's virginity, and you will be rewarded with 20000 system points."

Mu Wanqing's looks are among the top among the Heavenly Dragon Girls, and they are very good-looking. Therefore, this time the system point reward is the same as that of Little Dragon Girl and others, who reward 20000 system points.


This dual cultivation system is too powerful!

20000 system points, if you don't count the extra rewards, you have to kill a hundred innate first-level warriors to get it~.

If it wasn't for a woman with a name and surname to be rewarded, Mu Han really wanted to be a flower picking-thief.

This kind of system points is easy and labor-saving!

Mu Han flicked Mu Wanqing's beautiful hair, seeing her smooth hair, the flush on her cheeks fading away, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, she couldn't help reaching out and scratching her nose.

Finally took down Mu Wanqing!

Seeing that Mu Wanqing was still awake, Mu Han lowered his head and kissed Mu Wanqing again on his red lips.


Mu Wanqing, who woke up from her sleep, felt sore and limp all over her body, and her pretty face was slightly red. After she raised her eyes to meet Mu Han's eyes, her heart was pounding. chest.

"Brother Mu, from now on, Wan'er will be yours. I will give you the most precious thing. You must not let me down."

When it came to the end, Mu Wanqing was a little hard to say, but she had to say it, so she hurriedly finished speaking, leaning her cheek against Mu Han's tall and straight chest, with an indescribably shy expression on her face.

"Wan'er, if you have a wife like this, what more can you ask for? Don't worry, I will treat you well."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Mu Wanqing to speak, he sealed her mouth, only feeling that nephrite was in his arms, and there was indescribable joy in his heart.

Mu Wanqing's heart was also pounding, like a hopping rabbit, but in her heart, she didn't have the slightest intention of refusing, instead she cooperated with Mu Han.

"Brother Mu Han? Sister Mu?"

Zhong Ling hugged Zuo Shanshan, holding some fire-making branches in his left hand, looked at Mu Han and Mu Wanqing, and froze there.


"Zhong Ling?"

Zhong Ling stretched out his hand to cover his surprised mouth, his pretty face flushed slightly, as if he felt shy because he broke the two of them.She was also a virgin, and saw Mu Wanqing's fair complexion and pretty face, and brother Mu Han's firm chest and muscular figure.

Zhong Ling's cheeks were flushed, and the roots of her ears were also flushed with shame, she turned around and fled in a hurry.

What a shame!

Unexpectedly, the right arm was pulled by someone, and it fell into a man's chest amidst exclamation.

Zhong Ling looked up, and saw Mu Han smiling at him, with an evil smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, his handsome face possessed an indescribable charm.

But soon, Zhong Ling closed his eyes, not daring to look again.

Because brother Mu Han didn't wear anything.

Seeing Zhong Ling close his eyes, Mu Han smiled wickedly.

At this time, don't say anything, just do it.

Mu Han's big hands played around on Zhong Ling to his heart's content, the temperature of his big hands made Zhong Ling tremble slightly.

"Brother Mu Han, don't..." Zhong Ling said softly.

If only you and Mu Han are together, then let Mu Han be frivolous.

But there is Sister Mu beside me, how to teach her to let go?

Zhong Ling is a little girl, she has no human experience, she is very shy when it comes to matters between men and women, her cheeks are already extremely shy.

"Why don't you? Brother Mu Han taught you the Jade Heart Sutra, do you want to learn it?"

Mu Han held Zhong Ling's tender little hand with his big hand, and said with a smile.

Zhong Ling's cheeks were flushed, and a small heart was pounding like a deer.

"Jade Heart Sutra? What is that?"

Zhong Ling was also flustered by Mu Han's teasing, her blurred eyes and slightly parted thin lips all showed Mu Han's skillful methods.

Mu Wanqing, who was lying on the side, saw Mu Han teasing Zhong Ling beside him, her cheeks flushed and she gave Mu Han a look.

She didn't expect that Mu Han would tease Zhong Ling in front of her, which made her feel a little shy.

"The Jade Heart Sutra is a kind of inner strength specially for women to cultivate. Brother Mu Han will pass it on to you. Don't worry, brother Mu Han will move very lightly."

Mu Han whispered next to Zhong Ling's ear, the hot air in his mouth spewed on her crystal clear earlobe, making Zhong Ling confused and confused, not knowing where he was.

Zuo Shanshan was placed next to Mu Wanqing, while Zhong Ling's clothes were removed by Mu Han at some point.

His perfect delicate body was also presented in front of Mu Han's eyes, which made Mu Han almost bleed out of his nose in excitement.

so perfect.

So tempting.

Although Zhong Ling is only sixteen years old, all areas that should be developed have already developed. In some areas, even Mu Wanqing is behind. ····················································

De Muhan couldn't help but marvel at such a perfect body.

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling are not inferior to the confidante in the Condor World.

"Brother Mu Han."

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