
Only then did Qin Hongmian come back to her senses, a look of anger appeared on her pretty face, and the palm strength in her hand became more and more fierce.

A sea of ​​smoke and clouds!

The mist is faint!

The five Luo Qingyan palms were also fully displayed.

"Auntie, you cast the Wuluo Light Smoke Palm, do you still remember that Duan Zhengchun?"

Mu Han's figure was slightly sideways "three six zero", flashing past Qin Hongmian's jade palm, while his right hand was gently stretched out, sliding across Qin Hongmian's chest.

Mu Han's big hand suddenly felt a wonderful touch.

Mu Han shook it subconsciously, with a big hand, he couldn't hold it with one hand.

"Who... are you? Could it be that Duan Zhengchun sent you here?"

Mu Han loosened it as soon as he held it, but it also made Qin Hongmian's pretty face turn red, and her expression became more and more frightened and angry, especially when she heard the word Duan Zhengchun.

"Hehe, how can Duan Zhengchun order me?"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and said, "I know my aunt has been let down by Duan Zhengchun, why don't I help my aunt kill Duan Zhengchun?"

"Really?" Qin Hongmian asked in doubt.

"Of course, but to kill him, you will naturally have to pay a price." Mu Han said with a smile on his lips.

Qin Hongmian wondered, "What price?"

"What price..."

Mu Han's figure suddenly moved, and came behind Qin Hongmian, with his hands wrapped around Qin Hongmian's slender waist, but his palms were all on Qin Hongmian's capital.

This capital is quite rich!

"What are you going to do?" Qin Hongmian said shyly.

"Auntie, killing Duan Zhengchun is a dangerous matter. If it doesn't do any good, how can I help you?" Mu Han smiled wickedly, but with his big hands, he started to mess around with Qin Hongmian.


Qin Hongmian hurriedly stopped and said, "Didn't you already have sex with Wan'er..."

"Hehe, how are Wan'er and I doing, and what does it have to do with you? You are just Wan'er's master." Mu Han said without breaking the relationship between Qin Hongmian and Mu Wanqing.

Qin Hongmian was speechless for a while, but she was also speechless.

She can't say that she is Mu Wanqing's mother, can she?

If Mu Wanqing knew about it, she would definitely hate herself.

Feeling the temperature from Mu Han's big hands, as well as the feeling in his body, it was like a dry field ushering in a hearty spring rain, making Qin Hongmian's beautiful eyes a little blurred stand up.


A flash of clarity flashed across Qin Hongmian's blurred eyes, and while her internal energy was circulating, she slapped her back with a palm, trying to force Mu Han back.

"Auntie wants to kill me?"

Mu Han whispered next to Qin Hongmian's ear, the hot air in his mouth spit out on Qin Hongmian's crystal clear earlobe, making Qin Hongmian's whole body soft, falling on Mu Han's jade palm, he suddenly became weak.

With Mu Han's current cultivation level, even if he took Qin Hongmian's palm forcefully, he wouldn't suffer any harm.

What's more, Qin Hongmian's palm was light and weak, falling on Mu Han's body, it was like scratching an itch.

"After all, I am Wan'er's master. You are so disrespectful to me, how can you face Wan'er..." Qin Hongmian said tremblingly.

Hearing Qin Hongmian's words, Mu Han also smiled in his heart.

The body's reaction can't be deceiving. Qin Hongmian is already very eager, but still insists on the final bottom line.

"Auntie, how to face Wan'er shouldn't be your consideration?" Mu Han said softly.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Hongmian's face suddenly darkened, and there was also a chill in his eyes?

"Hehe, does Auntie have to hide it? You are not Wan'er's master, but Wan'er's biological mother. As for who is her father? Do you need me to say?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"How do you know?" Qin Hongmian asked in surprise and anger.

"As I said, I know a lot more than you can imagine."

A smug smile appeared on Mu Han's face, and he said, "Auntie, if I tell Wan'er about this, shouldn't you think about how to face Wan'er?"


Qin Hongmian lowered her head like a defeated rooster. At this moment, her heart was in a mess like twine...

She didn't know why this young man in white knew these things.

This is the biggest secret in her heart.

"Auntie, you call yourself Wan'er's master, but you let Wan'er take the risk of assassinating your rival in love. If you say Wan'er knows about it, will you deny you as your mother and master?" Mu Han continued.

"What do you want?" Qin Hongmian's biggest weakness was pinched by Mu Han, making her speak without much confidence.

"Isn't it obvious what I want?"

Mu Han's big hands kept playing around on Qin Hongmian's body, making her breathing become short of breath.

Sensing Qin Hongmian's changes, Mu Han hugged him into his arms, feeling as if he had eaten ginseng fruit, feeling extremely refreshed.


Before Qin Hongmian could react, Mu Han lowered his head and sealed his mouth.

Qin Hongmian trembled all over as if suffering from an electric shock, and her mind went blank.

A strong masculine breath came out.

The strong and domineering man made her completely give up resistance, and her arms involuntarily wrapped around Mu Han's neck.

Sensing Qin Hongmian's reaction, Mu Han smiled slightly, and gently stretched his right hand towards the silk belt around Qin Hongmian's waist.

"Well 3.3, don't... want to..."

Qin Hongmian said vaguely, but she didn't mean to refuse at all.

Mu Han has already set up his bow and shot an arrow, how could he give up halfway, with a light tug of his right hand, the ribbon untied, and his clothes slipped off...

Qin Hongmian let out an exclamation, but already realized that she was picked up by Mu Han's waist and came to the bed.

Feeling the man's firm chest, powerful arms, and strong masculine aura, Qin Hongmian's desire was completely ignited.


Qin Hongmian sighed softly in her heart, since she is powerless to resist, then enjoy it.

Qin Hongmian found an excuse for herself, and completely gave up resistance, instead trying to cater to her.

Not long after, a sound of sobbing came out, and a conquest battle kicked off completely... "

Chapter 43 It's so dangerous, I was almost discovered! (1/3)


How cool!

Looking at Qin Hongmian lying in his arms, the latter's cheeks were still flushed, and he looked lazy, revealing a thousand charms, which made the corner of Mu Han's mouth curl into a smile.

He put a green hat on Duan Zhengchun again!

However, Mu Han underestimated Qin Hongmian's combat power, at least Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing combined were not as good as Qin Hongmian.

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty is like sitting on the ground and sucking up dirt.

What the ancestors said is still true.

Although Mu Han won the victory just now, he still tried his best.

And the advantage of a young woman is that she is understanding, as long as Mu Han looks at her, Qin Hongmian will know what Mu Han wants to do.

Young girls like Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling still need to be trained slowly.

However, girls and young women have their own strengths and flavors, so it's not bad to taste them alternately!

"Mu Han, please don't tell Wan'er about the matter between us." Qin Hongmian buried her head on Mu Han's chest and said softly.

Mu Han is his daughter's man, yet he is with him...

This made Qin 17 Hongmian quite regretful, but the deal was done and the uncooked rice had been cooked, so Qin Hongmian had no choice but to beg Mu Han to conceal the matter.

"As long as you behave well, I won't tell Wan'er."

Mu Han's big hand slid across Qin Hongmian's smooth skin, and the wonderful touch made Mu Han very addicted.

It's better to keep the relationship with Qin Hongmian a secret, so Mu Han agreed without hesitation.

"By the way, don't tell Wan'er about Wan'er's background and my identity," Qin Hongmian said.

"Don't worry, I won't tell her." Mu Han gave a wicked smile, and with his restless hands, he started messing around on Qin Hongmian's body, causing the latter to let out a low gasp.

"How do you know Wan'er's background?" Qin Hongmian asked curiously.

Even Duan Zhengchun didn't know about this matter, nor did he know how Mu Han knew about it?

Mu Han smiled lightly, this Qin Hongmian still wants to talk about himself?

"Hehe, I can't tell you this yet, but you have to know that since you have followed me, you must give up your love for Duan Zhengchun." Mu Han's voice became a little harsh.

I put a green hat on Duan Zhengchun, can't Duan Zhengchun wear it back?

"Hmph, don't worry, I've already broken up with him, and now I want to kill him!"

Qin Hongmian's jade hands slid across Mu Han's strong chest. No matter in terms of appearance, cultivation level or "ability" in that area, Mu Han beat Duan Zhengchun by countless blocks.

How to choose, Qin Hongmian still has a good idea.

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