Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "Hong Mian, why don't we do it again?"

"Are you still coming?"

Qin Hongmian felt the change under Mu Han, her pretty face was so beautiful.

It's so strong!

"No, Wan'er and the others are probably coming in." Qin Hongmian said softly.

"Don't worry, they won't come in without my order."

Mu Han's big hands made Qin Hongmian's breathing become heavy and rapid again.

A brace!


"Ling'er, why is there no movement? Brother Mu and my master won't..."

Mu Wanqing outside the house was anxious, her pretty face was full of worry.

On the one hand is her beloved brother Mu, and on the other is the master who raised her and taught her martial arts. Anyone who gets hurt is not what she wants to see.

In case the two fight...

Mu Wanqing dare not imagine.

What she didn't expect was that her brother Mu and her master really "fighted" in the room...

"Sister Mu, don't worry, Brother Mu will take care of himself."

Zhong Ling is innocent and cute, with a big nerve, and didn't think too much about it.

"Really? Let's go in and have a look." Mu Wanqing said with some concern.

"But Brother Mu said that we would not be allowed to go in without his order," Zhong Ling said.

"Ling'er, I'm still a little worried..." Mu Wanqing said anxiously.

Seeing this, Zhong Ling had no choice but to nod and said, "Alright then, let's go in and have a look."


Pushing open the door, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling saw two people sitting on the bed in the room!

Mu Han's upper body was naked, and he pressed his hands on Qin Hongmian's back. A white mist rose above their heads.

Qin Hongmian's face was flushed, her body trembled slightly, and her clothes were disheveled.

"Brother Mu Han, what's wrong..."


Seeing this scene, the two women were taken aback, with a look of shame on their faces.

"Wan'er, you came just in time, hurry up and boil some hot water with Ling'er, your master has a cold poison, and I'm using my internal force to force out the cold poison in your master's body." Mu Han said, with a nervous expression on his face. color.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling were a little flustered, they hurried out to boil water, not daring to hesitate, before leaving, Mu Wanqing did not forget to close the door.

Seeing Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling leave, Qin Hongmian also heaved a sigh of relief.

It's so dangerous, I was almost discovered!

If Mu Han hadn't noticed the movement outside the door, the two of them might have been caught by Mu Wanqing.

Mu Han smiled softly and said, "Hong Mian, continue?"

"No, if you come again, you will reveal your secrets."

Qin Hongmian shook her head, only to find that Mu Han broke in again, with an expression of pain and happiness on her face...


A battle ended hastily due to time constraints, but it made the two of them feel more and more exciting.

The two put on their clothes, and before getting up, Mu Han couldn't help touching Qin Hongmian's plump figure.


This Qin Hongmian is really a natural stunner!

Looking at Qin Hongmian's well-proportioned figure, fair face, and smooth skin, Mu Han showed an expression of unfulfilled desire.

Qin Hongmian gave Mu Han a hard look.

"Brother Mu, the hot water is here."

Mu Wanqing came over with a pot of hot water and put it on the table beside her.

"How is my master?" Mu Wanqing asked with concern.

"It's okay, I have already forced out the cold poison in your master's body, just wash it with hot water and it will be fine." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Brother Mu!" Mu Wanqing said gratefully.

"Wan'er, I made a mistake as a teacher before. You are at ease with Mr. Mu." Qin Hongmian said.

what's the situation?

Hearing Qin Hongmian's words, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling were both dumbfounded.

The two of them were still in conflict just now, why are they still helping Mu Han to talk now.

"Thank you Master!"

Mu Wanqing was very happy, and pecked lightly on Qin Hongmian's pretty face.

"Thank you, Auntie, for making it happen!"

Mu Han smiled slightly, and said: "Then I will take Wan'er and Ling'er to Wanqiu Valley together, visit Aunt Zhong, and then travel to the south of the Yangtze River."

"You guys go, be careful all the way, I'm going to clean up." Qin Hongmian nodded slightly, waved her hand, and said. . "

Chapter 44 Going to the Valley of Ten Thousand Chou, Duan Zhengchun is insane (2/3)

Looking at the figures of the three leaving, Qin Hongmian went back to the house, took off her clothes, and started washing.

The battle just now made his body dripping with sweat, and he felt a little uncomfortable if he didn't wash it.

"Mu Han, what kind of person are you? Even I can't see through you, hey, I hope you don't forget me, I'm your red... Aunt Qin!"

Qin Hongmian washed her clean body, but she felt a little lost in her heart, and her mind was full of the shadow of Mu Han.

Could it be that he fell in love with him?

Qin Hongmian seemed to think of something, suddenly dried her body quickly, put on her clothes, and hurriedly chased Mu Han and the others.


"Wan'er, wait!"

Behind Mu Han and the others, came an anxious voice.


When Mu Wanqing saw Qin Hongmian rushing over, panic appeared on her face.

Could it be that the master went back on his word again?

Mu Han looked at the beautiful and fair-skinned Qin Hongmian, but he didn't know what she wanted to do?

Qin Hongmian's cheeks were flushed, she was gasping for breath, and a trace of sweat emerged from her ears and hair, and flowed onto her snow-white jade neck, adding an even more charming charm to her already pretty face.

She was afraid that she would not be able to catch up with Mu Han and the others, so she ran in a hurry.

Now panting heavily, the towering mountain peaks are also ups and downs, making Mu Han think of the trip to the peak just now.

"It just so happens that I haven't seen Junior Sister Gan for a long time, so I'll go to Wanchou Valley as a teacher."

Qin Hongmian straightened her messy hair, her body exuded the unique fragrance of a mature woman, and her smile was so charming that Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling were stunned.

"Master has suddenly become much younger."

"Is this uncle? It's like a different person, so young."

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling noticed some changes in Qin Hongmian, but they couldn't tell what the specific changes were.

Hearing this, Mu Han on the side smiled slightly.

Looking for Baby Gan?

Just an excuse.

"It would be great to be accompanied by my aunt."."

Mu Han said with a smile, his eyes were also on Qin Hongmian, looking him up and down.

Qin Hongmian changed into a suit of compact clothes, showing her well-proportioned figure to the fullest.

Smooth fragrant shoulders, plump figure, fair and delicate skin, plus it was moisturized by Mu Han before, and it became radiant.

How could she look like a young woman in her thirties?

It looks no different from a twenty-year-old girl?

Stunner, born stunner!

Mu Han's eyes fell on Mu Wanqing who was at the side again.

Mother and daughter, each has its own merits!

If you can...

An evil idea appeared in Mu Han's mind.

But Mu Han knew that now was not the time, and if the time had not come, if he forcibly pierced the window paper, it would be self-defeating.

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