This kind of thing can only be figured out slowly.

Qin Hongmian, Mu Wanqing's mother and daughter.

Gan Baobao, Zhong Ling's mother and daughter.

Li Qingluo, mother and daughter of Wang Yuyan.

Ruan Xingzhu, mother and daughter of Azhuazi.

Tsk tsk, it seems that the responsibility on my shoulders is heavy and there is a long way to go!

"Let's go!"

Qin Hongmian gave Mu Han a hard look and said.

She could naturally feel Mu Han's domineering and undisguised admiration gaze, and she was still a little proud and proud in her heart.

However, she was still worried that Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling would find out, so she quickly pulled Mu Wanqing and walked towards Wanchou Valley.

Mu Han and Zhong Ling walked behind, their eyes became more and more unscrupulous.

The two mother and daughter walked in front, very seductive.

"There are so many butterflies ahead!"

"Sister Mu, let's catch butterflies!"

In the mountains and forests, the trees are lush and lush, flowers are everywhere, and there are butterflies and insects chirping.

Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling were innocent, so they went to catch the beautiful butterfly together.

Mu Han walked to Qin Hongmian's side, looked at the two girls Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling who were playing in front of him, but his right hand landed on Qin Hongmian's buttocks.


Qin Hongmian gave Mu Han a hard look, and scolded softly.

"Isn't Aunt Qin following up to be with me?" Mu Han joked.

"You're thinking too much, I'm going to visit my junior sister Gan." Qin Hongmian gave Mu Han a blank look, and knocked off Mu Han's right hand.

"Hehe, whatever Aunt Qin says."

Mu Han didn't argue with Qin Hongmian, reasoning with women is better than playing the piano with a cow!

"Mu Han, I know that people like you will definitely have many women, but I don't care how many women you have, I will never let Wan'er down."

Qin Hongmian looked at the innocent Mu Wanqing in the distance, showing soft eyes.

Although Qin Hongmian has always wanted to rely on Mu Wanqing for revenge, but in the world, how can there be a parent who doesn't love their child?

This is the most sincere maternal love.

"Don't worry, Aunt Qin, I will never let Wan'er down." Mu Han said lightly.

He is not Duan Zhengchun.

If Duan Zhengchun was more stubborn and married Gan Baobao, Qin Hongmian and other women home, what would happen to him?

It must be romantic, but not obscene!

Mu Han's expression is indifferent, even though he has many beautiful women, his love for them is equal.


"."Brother Emperor..."

On the ruins of Tianlong Temple, Duan Zhengchun looked at the stiff corpses one after another, and said in grief and indignation.

"Did Jiumozhi do it?" Duan Zhengchun shouted angrily.

"Go back to your lord."

The monks of Tianlong Temple knelt down on the ground, and the head monk said tremblingly, "It's a young man in white named Mu Han."

"It's Mu Han again!"

Duan Zhengchun looked up to the sky and screamed loudly, "If I don't kill you, I, Duan Zhengchun, swear not to be human."

"My lord!"

At this time, a subordinate hurried over and said, "My lord, I found their trace."

Duan Zhengchun's expression darkened, and he said, "Speak quickly."


(De Nuohao) The subordinate said: "According to the report from the spies, some time ago, they were found in Wanchou Valley."

"Valley of Ten Thousand Vengeances?"

Duan Zhengchun said in a cold voice: "Collide the five thousand Imperial Forest Army, and send them to the Valley of Ten Thousand Chou."


The subordinate stepped back.

"My lord, what should we do with these monks?" A guard leader pointed to the monk of Tianlong Temple who was kneeling in front of him.

"It's not good to protect the emperor's brother, I'll kill them all!" Duan Zhengchun said ferociously with a distorted face.


The leader of the guard clasped his fists in response, and then made a chopping gesture towards the surrounding palace guards.

Suddenly, there was a scream.

Before the ruins of Tianlong Temple, blood flowed like a river!

And everyone looked at Duan Zhengchun with a look of awe in their eyes.

The Prince Duan in front of him is completely different from the usual Prince Duan!

Even a little crazy! . "

Chapter 45 Four Girls Gather, Zhong Wanchou Comes to Revenge (3/3)

Valley of Ten Thousand Chou!

Seeing the familiar Wanchou Valley, Mu Han couldn't help showing a smile.

I wonder how Baby Gan is doing these days?

Zhong Wanchou had his dantian abolished and his lifeblood cut off, so he must not be able to do anything unfavorable to Gan Baobao.

Thinking of Gan Baobao's alluring figure, and the "fierce fight" in the kitchen that day, Mu Han couldn't help feeling a little distracted again.

"Mother, mother, we are back, and the uncle is also here."

As soon as Zhong Ling entered the valley, she shouted happily, jumping up and down, as happy as a happy bird.

That innocent look is very cute.

Mu Wanqing was held by Zhong Ling, with a happy smile on her face.

Since becoming Mu Han's woman, Mu Wanqing's temperament has changed drastically. She was cold before, but now she is gentle and simple.

Gan Baobao heard the sound, came out from the house, and saw Mu Han's figure from a distance.

Dressed in white clothes, Sheng Xue has an extraordinary temperament, with handsome facial features cut like an ax chisel, and a wicked smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, making Baby Gan blush when he sees it.

"Senior Sister! Long time no see!" Baby Gan also had a smile on his face when he saw Qin Hongmian.

"Junior sister, long time no see!"

Qin Hongmian nodded slightly, but 433 noticed that Baby Gan looked at Mu Han with strange eyes.

Gan Baobao also noticed Qin Hongmian's abnormality, and the two girls looked at each other, but their pretty faces blushed at the same time.

The two women tacitly agreed.

"I'm hungry! Brother Mu Han, I want to eat your roasted game." Zhong Ling said from the side.

"Oh Well!"

Mu Han smiled, went to get some pheasants and hares, and after some processing, put them on the fire to grill.

Roasted by pheasants and hares, the outside is charred and the inside is tender, and the strong aroma makes Qin Hongmian, Gan Baobao, Mu Wanqing, and Zhong Ling all salivate.

smell good!

"All right!"

Mu Han smiled slightly, and put the roasted pheasant and hare on the table, and the four girls couldn't wait to eat it when they saw this.

"good to eat!"

The four girls all felt the taste was sweet, and they all praised it.

"Aunt Gan, why don't you see Valley Master Zhong?" Mu Han said lightly.

Ever since he came to Wanchou Valley, he has not seen Zhong Wanchou.

"Since that day, he left Wanchou Valley and never came back."


Gan Baobao said: "I heard from my subordinates that he seems to be mixing with the four villains. Mr. Mu, you have to be careful, it may be bad for you."

After finishing speaking, Gan Baobao's pretty face showed worry.

"Four villains, hehe..."

Hearing this, Mu Han smiled and said: "Don't worry, Aunt Gan, if she wants to kill me, I forgive him for not having the ability."

Mu Wanqing also smiled faintly, the four villains were beaten by Brother Mu and fled.

"Young Master Mu, those four villains are not ordinary people, you must not take it lightly!" Gan Baobao warned.

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