Gan Baobao was a little anxious, how could Mu Han be so arrogant, you must know that the Four Great Evils were far beyond Zhong Wanchou's comparison.

"That's right. The Four Great Villains have great martial arts skills and are notorious. You should be careful, Mr. Mu." Qin Hongmian nodded in the same way.

Although she knew that Mu Han's cultivation was extraordinary, but compared to the four villains, she might still be invincible.

"It's okay!"

The corner of Mu Han's mouth showed a look of contempt, and he said with a smile: "The four villains have now become the three villains."

"Three villains?" Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian asked in confusion.

"That's right, I became one of the three villains, because the extremely vicious Yun Zhonghe was killed by Brother Mu Han." Zhong Ling said beside him.

"You killed the vicious Yun Zhonghe?" Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian both showed surprise on their faces.

Mu Han nodded, smiled without saying a word.

"Mother, what do you think of Tianlong Temple in Dali?" Zhong Ling said.

"Tianlong Temple in Dali? That's where the masters of Dali gather." Baobao Gan didn't know why Zhong Ling asked this question?

"How about compared to the four villains?" Zhong Ling continued to ask.

"I'm afraid the eminent monks at Tianlong Temple in Dali are even stronger." Gan Baobao thought for a while and said.

"Brother Mu Han took me and sister Wan'er to Tianlong Temple a few days ago, snatched the six-veined sword from Tianlong Temple, and killed all the smelly monks in Tianlong Temple." Zhong Ling said proudly.


Hearing this, Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian showed shock on their pretty faces.

"It's true, and brother Mu Han also defeated Tubo's national teacher, Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi." Mu Wanqing said.

"Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi?"

Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian were even more shocked. They knew that Mu Han was good at martial arts, but they didn't expect that Mu Han was so powerful.

Kill the vicious Yun Zhonghe!

Kill the eminent monk of Tenryuji Temple!

Defeat the Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi!

Listening to what Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing narrated, Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian were a little messy, and the eyes they looked at Mu Han also became a little strange.

"Is this all true?" Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian still couldn't believe it.

Although they also knew that Mu Han's cultivation was extraordinary, they never expected to reach such a terrifying level.


It's outrageous!

"Mother, you don't know yet, brother Mu Han has also taken in a disciple, the third child of South Sea Crocodile God Yue."

"Yue Laosan? Vicious and evil Yue Laosan?"

Gan Baobao had also heard of the name of the Crocodile God of the South Sea. Some time ago, Zhong Wanchou invited the God of Crocodile of the South Sea to come to Wanchou Valley, even Zhong Wanchou was afraid of him.

Who would have thought that Yue Laosan was actually Mu Han's disciple?

If they had known that Mu Han was so powerful, the sisters would still be worried about Mu Han?

He is so powerful, why didn't he say it earlier, so that they were frightened.

"Mu Han, in order to dispel the anger of your Aunt Gan and me, we have unanimously decided that you should go and roast some wild game." Qin Hongmian said, her pretty face flushed slightly.

All the wild game on the table was eaten by the fourth daughter, and the fourth daughter was still unsatisfied, so she decided to ask Mu Han to roast some more.


Mu Han nodded, just when he stood up, he saw dozens of people rushing in from outside the valley, and the leader was quite familiar to Mu Han.

The God of Horses is full of hatred!

"Hehe, Valley Master Zhong, are you safe?" Mu Han smiled lightly, with a calm expression, not taking Zhong Wanchou to heart at all.

"Hmph, kid, you are dying today!"

Zhong Wanchou looked at Mu Han with a distorted face, and there was anger in his eyes, wishing to cut him into pieces. . "

Chapter 46 Youngest Yue, why don't you kneel down when you see Master? (1/3)

"Hmph, kid, you are dying today!"

Zhong Wanchou looked at Mu Han with a distorted face, and there was anger in his eyes, wishing to cut him into pieces.

Mu Han abolished his martial arts and cut off his own lifeline, but he was here chic and happy, which made Zhong Wanchou furious.

Seeing Mu Han, who was dressed in white to win the snow, and as handsome as a fairy, Zhong Wanchou wanted to shave his face to pieces to vent his hatred.

"Hehe, just relying on these people you brought?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

Although the people behind Zhong Wanchou all had fierce faces and were full of evil intentions, they were all first- and second-rate warriors, and in Mu Han's eyes, they were even worse than ants.

"Baby, Ling'er, come here quickly, don't wait to hurt you." Zhong Wanchou said in a sharp voice.


The warriors behind Zhong Wanchou couldn't help swallowing when they saw Gan Baobao, Qin Hongmian, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling.

These four girls are as beautiful as heavenly fairies!

"Zhong Wanchou, what do you want to do with bringing so many people to Wanchou Valley?" Baby Gan looked up at Mu Han, showing affectionate expression, but when his eyes fell on Zhong Wanchou, it was Show disgust.

Zhong Wanchou has always been suspicious, seeing Baobao Gan's affection for Mu Han, he was so angry that his lungs burst.

And the martial artist behind Zhong Wanchou also looked at Zhong Wanchou with sympathy.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhong Wanchou's head is already green!

"Baby, you..."

A ferocious look appeared on Zhong Wanchou's face, and he said, "Baby, do you like this little boy? Baby, I treat you so well, yet you...I want to kill you."

"Father...Brother Mu Han is not a bad person." Zhong Ling said eagerly.

"Hmph, don't you know that it's a bastard born from your mother and a little boy with the cheek to call me daddy?"

Zhong Wanchou was so angry that he began to talk nonsense, but he hit him by mistake, and it hit the mark.

"Father, you..."

Zhong Wanchou said so badly, Zhong Ling was so angry that he burst into tears.

"Zhong Wanchou, you've gone too far! I'm blind and followed you!" Baby Gan cursed angrily when Zhong Wanchou poked her sorely.


Seeing Baobao Gan and Zhong Ling standing on Mu Han's side, Zhong Wanchou became more and more annoyed, with a hideous look on his face, wishing to tear Mu Han to pieces.

"Since you want to die with this kid, then I will fulfill you."

Zhong Wanchou thought of being eunuched by Mu Han, of being betrayed by his wife and daughter, and of everyone's secret ridicule, all kinds of humiliation came to his mind.

"Brothers, kill me, whoever kills this kid, these little sluts, all belong to you."

Zhong Wanchou was completely enraged, he was like a ferocious beast, roaring angrily, causing all the girls' pretty faces to change suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Wanchou would say such words.

"Zhong Wanchou, do you still want to show some face?" Mu Han stepped forward and said loudly.

The voice was thunderous and deafening, causing everyone's expressions to change suddenly.

"Hmph, brothers, kill him!" Zhong Wanchou waved his hand and shouted.


Everyone held their weapons and charged towards Mu Han.

After killing Mu Han, he will be able to enjoy the four beauties, making everyone feel like they have been beaten with chicken blood.


Mu Leng snorted and slapped out a palm. The sound of a dragon's chant resounded throughout. The mighty palm force turned into a golden dragon of true energy and swept towards the crowd.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A series of screams sounded one after another, and everyone flew upside down like kites with broken strings. When they landed, most of them died of breathlessness.

Some of the remaining warriors were also seriously injured and looked at Mu Han with fear on their faces.

For a moment, Zhong Wanchou was dumbfounded!

"Brother Mu Han is awesome."

"Brother Mu is amazing."

Seeing this scene, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling also said excitedly.

"Zhong Wanchou, is this the helper you're looking for? It doesn't seem like a big deal?" Mu Han said with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, kid, don't be arrogant!"

Zhong Wanchou said loudly: "Mr. Duan, please take action!"

"Hehe, let the old man see, who is so holy, that even De Ma Wangshen is helpless." A cold and dull voice came from outside the valley. ····················································

Three figures walked in slowly from outside the valley, all exuding a powerful aura.

Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian felt the powerful breath from the three of them, their hearts were pounding, and there was a sense of danger in their hearts.

"Boy, Mr. Duan is here, your death is imminent!"

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