Seeing the three figures, Zhong Wanchou laughed unscrupulously, looking at Mu Han as if looking at a dead person.

But when Mu Han saw the three figures, there was a playful look on the corner of his mouth.

Because these three figures are Duan Yanqing, Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan among the four evil men.

But when Duan Yanqing, Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan saw Mu Han's face clearly, their expressions changed drastically, and their hearts felt cold. 0

"Master Yue, why don't you kneel down when you see Master?" Mu Han smiled faintly.


The South Sea Crocodile God Yue Lao San, despite his expression of reluctance, still came to Mu Han, knelt down with a plop, kowtowed three times to Mu Han, and said, "Yue Lao San pays homage to Master!"

Seeing Yue Laosan's actions, Zhong Wanchou and those warriors who were dying were petrified.

They originally thought that Mu Han would be caught without a fight when the three villains appeared, but they didn't expect that the vicious Yue Laosan would kneel down to Mu Han and call him Master.

What play is this in?

But Duan Yanqing, Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan all cursed Zhong Wanchou in their hearts.

Before Duan Yanqing came to Wanchou Valley, he was quite dissatisfied with Zhong Wanchou, a mere brat, would you still use him to make a move?

Who knew that it was Mu Han whom I met a few days ago.

He still remembered that before leaving that day, Mu Han had warned himself that he would not let him go so easily next time.

"Master Yue, what are you doing?"

Zhong Wanchou looked at Yue Laosan who was kneeling, and was extremely surprised. Is this still the vicious spirit among the four villains?

Why did you kneel down when you saw Mu Han and call him Master?

"shut up!"

Yue Laosan was bored at first, but when he heard Zhong Wanchou making noises in his ears, he scolded him.


Zhong Wanchou lost all his martial arts, and being scolded by Yue Laosan like this, he couldn't help but backed away in fright. . "

Chapter 47 Conditions for Recruiting Duan Yanqing and Mu Han (2/3)

The whole place was silent!

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't believe their eyes.

Among the three villains, one knelt down and called Mu Han Master, and the other two showed fear!

Where are these three villains?

It looks like the three benevolent people!

"what on earth is it?"

"Yes, even the three villains are terrified of this boy in white. What is the origin of this boy in white?"

"This kid is so young, why is his strength so terrifying?"


The masters Zhong Wanchou invited were all seriously injured, lying on the ground, looking at Mu Han with expressions of fear on their faces.

"Yue Laosan, did Zhong Wanchou invite you to kill me?" Mu Han said lightly.


Yue Laosan hesitated, but in his heart he scolded all eighteen generations of Zhong Wanchou's ancestors.

Now the person Yue "Two Eight Seven" third child least wants to see is Mu Han.

Unexpectedly, the person Zhong Wanchou wanted to kill was Mu Han. If he had known it was Mu Han, he would not have come to Wanchou Valley if he was killed.

Hearing this, Zhong Wanchou finally widened his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Yue Laosan and Mu Han couldn't fight each other, so how could they be a pair of master and apprentice?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears, Zhong Wanchou wouldn't have believed it even if he was beaten to death.

"Is Yue Laosan really the apprentice of this boy in white?"

"The Crocodile God of the South China Sea is actually the apprentice of this kid in white?"


Even Baby Gan and Qin Hongmian were extremely shocked, they finally believed what Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing said just now.

The third son of South Sea Crocodile God Yue is really Mu Han's apprentice.

"Mr. Duan, are you going to kill this kid?" Zhong Wanchou said helplessly.

It cost a huge price to invite the four villains to kill Mu Han. Unexpectedly, after they came, the four villains showed fear, and Yue Laosan even knelt down to Mu Han in public.

"Zhong Wanchou, take revenge yourself, we can't help you with this." Duan Yanqing whispered like a zombie.

Duan Yanqing also greeted the eighteen generations of Zhong Wanchou's ancestors in his heart.

The white-clothed young man in front of him has become his shadow, and he doesn't want to see him in this life. He never thought that he would come to Wanchou Valley by some strange coincidence.

"Hehe, Zhong Wanchou, who else did you invite?" Mu Han jokingly said.

"Boy, you..."

Looking at Mu Han with a mocking face, Zhong Wanchou was so angry that the blood in his body flowed backwards, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly.

"I am going to kill you!"

Zhong Wanchou picked up a big knife on the ground, ran towards Mu Han, and slashed towards Mu Han with one knife.

"You want to kill my master, labor and capital will hack you!"

Seeing Zhong Wanchou rushing towards Mu Han with a knife, Yue Laosan quickly got up, took off the crocodile scissors on his back, and cut towards Zhong Wanchou.

Looking at this scene, Mu Han smiled faintly, and looked at Zhong Wanchou as if looking at a dead person.

Even if Zhong Wanchou's martial arts is still there, he is not the opponent of Yue Laosan, let alone Zhong Wanchou's martial arts is completely abolished now.


Zhong Wanchou uttered a scream, suddenly felt a pain in his waist, looked down, and saw that Yue Laosan's crocodile scissors cut himself directly at the waist.

"I'm not reconciled..."

Zhong Wanchou wriggled a few times on the ground with half of his body, then died out of breath, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

He never thought that the assistant he hired would actually kill him.

"Tell you to be disrespectful to my master."

After killing Zhong Wanchou, Yue Laosan was still on his body and kicked him hard.


The people who were still alive saw Yue Laosan kill Zhong Wanchou, they were all frightened out of their wits.


Someone yelled, these people, regardless of their serious injuries, got up and fled outwards in a swarm, scrambling for fear of falling behind.

"Hmph, just because you want to kill my master? Labor and management are going to break your necks."

Yue Laosan got excited and rushed forward, breaking the necks of all those people.


Seeing Zhong Wanchou's tragic death, Gan Baobao just sighed softly, and there was no trace of grief on his face.

Everything is his own fault!

"Mother, father is dead..."

Zhong Wanchou doted on Zhong Ling very much, so Zhong Ling couldn't bear to see Zhong Wanchou's tragic death.

Gan Baobao hugged Zhong Ling into his arms, patted his fragrant shoulders, and comforted him softly.

"Master, those who killed you were all killed by me, Yue Laosan. Do you have any orders from Master?"

Yue Laosan killed all the people Zhong Wanchou invited, put away the blood-stained crocodile scissors, came to Mu Han, and said...

"very good!"

Mu Han nodded, while looking at Duan Yanqing who was at the side.

Feeling Mu Han's icy gaze, Duan Yanqing couldn't help shivering, and felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart.

But he dared not escape at all.

He knew that Mu Han's strength was far superior to his own, and the last time he escaped, it was the other party's intention to give in.

But this time, he knew that the other party might not let him go so easily.

"Duan Yanqing, this time, do you want to live and die?" Mu Leng asked in a low voice.

"You won't kill me?"

Duan Yanqing said in surprise, he originally thought that meeting Mu Han this time would surely kill him, but he never thought that Mu Han would give him a way out.

"Follow me as master! Otherwise die!" Mu Han said in a deep voice.

"I serve you as the master?" Duan Yanqing became more and more surprised, he never thought that Mu Han would make such a request.

"Duan Yanqing, do you want to regain the throne of Dali?" Mu Han said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Duan Yanqing was shocked physically and mentally, unexpectedly, Mu Han would say his lifelong wish in one mouthful.

"Can you... help me...reset?"

It took Duan Yanqing a long time to come back to his senses, and he stammered.

"Naturally!" Mu Han said lightly.

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