"Hmph, what are you kidding?"

Duan Yanqing had a sarcastic look on his face. Although Mu Han is powerful, it is almost impossible to reset him at 5.1. This Mu Han should be playing tricks on himself.

"Hehe, Duan Yanqing, don't you believe me?" Mu Han said.

"Of course I don't believe it."

Duan Yanqing said: "The Duan family in Dali has many masters, not to mention Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun, there are also all the eminent monks and three officials and four ministers of Tianlong Temple."


Hearing this, Mu Han laughed loudly and said, "Duan Zhengming, Tianlong Temple Kurong and others have long been killed by me. As for Duan Zhengchun and Dali Sangong, in my opinion, they are just like ants."

"What? You killed Duan Zhengming and Master Ku Rong of Tianlong Temple?" A look of shock appeared in Duan Yanqing's eyes.

As the former prince of Dali, Duan Yanqing naturally knew that Master Kurong of Tianlong Temple was an innate master. He never thought that he would die in the hands of Mu Han!

Moreover, Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming actually died in Mu Han's hands! . "

Chapter 48 Conquer Duan Yanqing, Duan Zhengchun kills (3/3)

"What? Duan Zhengming and Master Kurong of Tianlong Temple were killed by you?"

Duan Yanqing was full of shock, he did not expect that Master Ku Rong, who was in the first level of innate level, would die in the hands of Mu Han.

And Baoding Emperor Duan Zhengming also died in Mu Han's hands!

"If you don't believe me, you can verify it!"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and said, "Without my help, I'm afraid you will never be able to regain the throne in this lifetime."

Hearing this, Duan Yanqing remained silent.

After a long while, he said, "Hmph, if you take back the throne, what's the point of taking back the throne? I don't want such a throne."

"Hehe, if you don't want to take back the throne, the majestic Dali Prince Yanqing, why bother to go to Xixia Yipintang and be Xixia's running dog?" Mu Han sneered.

For a moment, Duan Yanqing was speechless!

"Can you really help me reset?" Duan Yanqing asked.

"If you don't believe me, why bother to ask such a question?" Mu Han said lightly.

Duan Yanqing thought to himself: "This Mu Han, at such a young age, has superb martial arts, even if he is regarded as the master, it is not shameful, not to mention that even if Xixia helps him reset, he is just a puppet of Xixia. Puppet, why don't you agree to the other party?"

Thinking of this, Duan Yanqing knelt down and said, "Duan Yanqing pays respects to Master!"

"it is good!"

Seeing this, Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "You can call me son from now on."

"Yes, young master!" Duan Yanqing said hastily.

"Ye Erniang, meet the young master!" Ye Erniang also knelt down and said.

Seeing that Mu Han really subdued Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang, Gan Baobao, Qin Hongmian, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling were all shocked.

With just a few words, Mu Han subdued Duan Yanqing, Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan?


Zhong Ling at the side, beside Zhong Wanchou, wept bitterly.

"Ling'er, you don't need to be sad, this Zhong Wanchou is not your biological father, but your adoptive father." Mu Han said lightly.

"Brother Mu Han, what did you say?" Hearing this, Zhong Ling's pretty face changed slightly, and she looked at Mu Han and Gan Baobao suspiciously.

"Surround Ten Thousand Chou Valley, don't let anyone go."

Just as Mu Han was about to speak, there was a loud shout, and immediately after, a large number of people poured into the Valley of Ten Thousand Chou, and the leader was a prince in brocade attire.

"Duan Zhengchun?"

Looking at the prince in brocade clothes, Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian showed complex expressions on their faces.

Name: Duan Zhengchun

Sex: Male

Age: 46

Identity: Prince Dali

Cultivation: Ultimate Late Stage

And behind Duan Zhengchun, there are also Master Huangmei, Dao Baifeng, Tuan Hua Hegen, Sima Fan Hua, and Sikongba Tianshi from the Dali Third Company.

"You are Mu Han?"

Looking at Mu Han, Duan Zhengchun was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this young man in white had a handsome appearance and an extraordinary temperament, just like a banished immortal.

Duan Zhengchun, who had always been quite confident about his appearance, felt ashamed for the first time.


Mu Han nodded, but did not deny it.

"You killed Yu'er, and then my brother?" Duan Zhengchun asked angrily when he saw Mu Han's calm face.

Mu Han shook his head and said, "Although I killed Duan Zhengming, I really didn't kill Duan Yu."

"Hmph, Mu Han, don't make excuses, I'm going to kill you today to avenge my Yu'er and brother Huang. Come on, kill all the people in Wanchou Valley, leaving no one behind." Duan Zhengchun was furious. drank.

"Duan Zhengchun, are you going to kill us too?" Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian's expressions changed drastically, and there was resentment in their eyes.

"You two sluts deserve to die!" Dao Baifeng scolded Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian after recognizing them.

"You dare to scold my mother, you are the bitch!" Zhong Ling and Mu Wanqing were not happy when they heard Dao Baifeng's words, and they cursed back.

"Duan Yanqing, Duan Zhengming is dead, kill Duan Zhengchun, and you can regain control of Dali." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Duan Yanqing, full of evil?"

Hearing Mu Han's words, Duan Zhengchun looked at Duan Yanqing, he didn't expect that the Four Great Evil Ones were also here.

"Duan Zhengchun?"

Duan Yanqing also looked at Duan Zhengchun with hatred in his eyes: "I'm going to kill you!"

With a movement of Duan Yanqing's body, Tieguai pointed, and a golden finger shot out, heading towards Duan Zhengchun's vitals.


Seeing that golden finger force, Duan Zhengchun showed shock on his face.

Didn't expect that Duan Yanqing, who is full of evil, would also have a male finger?

Is it...

In Duan Zhengchun's mind, he suddenly thought of Prince Yanqing, but Prince Yanqing, isn't he already dead?


Duan Zhengchun also pointed out that two sharp yang finger forces met in mid-air and dissipated away.

But obviously, Duan Yanqing's Yiyang finger is higher than Duan Zhengchun's!

Duan Zhengchun and Duan Yanqing fought fiercely together, but within ten moves, everyone could see that Duan Zhengchun was not Duan Yanqing's opponent at all.

After all, Duan Zhengchun is in the late stage, and Duan Yanqing's cultivation has reached the half-step innate level.

"Let's do it together!"

Tu Hua Hegen, Sima Fan Hua, and Sikong Ba Tianshi from Dali No. 633 Company saw [-] and shouted sharply.

"Your grandma, if you want to bully the few with more, I, Yue Lao Er, will be the first to disagree." Holding the crocodile scissors, Yue Lao San stopped Dali Sangong.

Ye Erniang also made a move to help Yue Laosan.

"Master Huangmei, quickly help Zhengchun!" Dao Baifeng said to Master Huangmei.

Master Huangmei is tall and tall, with wrinkled face, two scorched yellow eyebrows, drooping at the end of his eyebrows, and his cultivation has reached the advanced stage.


Master Huangmei closed his palms together, then moved his body and joined the battle group.

Master Huangmei and Duan Zhengchun teamed up and turned the tide of the battle in an instant, and Duan Yanqing fell into a disadvantage for a while.

"My lord, help me!"

Duan Yanqing was in danger, so he put down his face and asked Mu Han for help.

If he continued to fight like this, he would surely die.

"Ha ha!"

Mu Han smiled faintly, put his two fingers together, and with a random finger, a golden force shot out.

"call out!"

The golden finger force pierced through the void in an instant, directly sinking into the center of Master Huangmei's eyebrows.

Kill Master Huangmei with one finger!

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for killing the top late stage martial artist, Master Huangmei, the reward system points are 100 points, and the extra reward system points are 500 points.". "

Chapter 49 Kill Duan Zhengchun and take control of Dali (1/3)

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for killing the top late-stage martial artist, Master Huangmei, the reward system points are 100 points, and the extra reward system points are 500 points."

Master Huangmei's face showed disbelief, he never thought that he would die on the Yiyang finger of Dali Duan's family.

"Master Huangbrow!"

Seeing the death of Master Huangmei, Duan Zhengchun had a look of grief and indignation on his face.

Unexpectedly, this boy in white could also know how to use one yang finger, and his knowledge of one yang finger was so profound that he killed Master Huangmei with one finger.

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