You know, Master Huang Mei is a master in the late stage, and in terms of real strength, he is higher than himself.

If this boy in white can kill Master Huangmei with one finger, wouldn't he be able to kill himself with one finger?

Thinking of this, Duan Zhengchun couldn't help being a little distracted.

"Hmph, Duan Zhengchun, you dare to distract yourself from fighting me?"

Duan Yanqing gave a cold snort, and the iron crook pointed out, and a golden finger force hit Duan Zhengchun's right shoulder.


Duan Zhengchun let out a scream, and his figure fell from mid-air. On his right shoulder, there was already a bloody hole, and blood gushed out.

After wounding Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yanqing wanted to kill Duan Zhengchun with a single movement.

"Protect the king!"

The five thousand imperial guards rushed forward immediately, surrounding Duan Zhengchun.

Hundreds of imperial guards, armed with swords, charged towards Duan Yanqing.

These Royal Forest Army are all first-class masters selected from Dali.

When Duan Yanqing fought with Duan Zhengchun and Master Huangmei, he had already consumed a lot of internal energy, and after being charged and killed by hundreds of imperial guards, he was already exhausted.

"Master, save me!"

After Duan Yanqing killed dozens of imperial guards, he hurriedly asked for help.

"Duan Yanqing, you really let me down!"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and with a shake of his palm, the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand. With a movement of his body, the fierce sword energy instantly killed dozens of imperial forest soldiers who surrounded and killed Duan Yanqing.

Mu Han was so powerful that those imperial guards retreated.

And Duan Yanqing took the opportunity to point a finger at Duan Zhengchun, and a golden finger force pierced Duan Zhengchun's left shoulder again.


Duan Zhengchun screamed again!

And Duan Yanqing's figure, like a ghost, fell in front of Duan Zhengchun, and Tie Guai nodded towards Duan Zhengchun's forehead.

"do not want!"

Dao Baifeng at the side changed his expression drastically, and swung the dust whisk in his hand towards Duan Yanqing.

Duan Yanqing will definitely kill Duan Zhengchun, anyone who wants to stop him will surely die.

Seeing Dao Baifeng blocking him, Duan Yanqing swung his iron crutch, and a sharp gust of wind shot out directly, directly piercing Dao Baifeng's body.


Dao Baifeng let out a scream, and fell down in front of Duan Zhengchun.

"Baifeng... Duan Yanqing, I want to kill you!"

Seeing Dao Baifeng's tragic death, Duan Zhengchun was overwhelmed with grief, his eyes turned red instantly, picked up a sword on the ground, and charged towards Duan Yanqing.

But Duan Zhengchun, who was seriously injured, is Duan Yanqing's opponent.

In less than three rounds, Duan Yanqing was already stabbing Duan Zhengchun's heart with an iron crutch.


Duan Zhengchun spewed out a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down, and landed heavily on the ground. When he fell to the ground, he died of breathlessness.

Seeing Duan Zhengchun's death, Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian showed no signs of sadness.

Duan Zhengchun gave an order just now to kill all the people in the valley.

On the side, Hua Hegen, Sima Fan Hua, and Sikong Ba Tianshi, Tuan Hua Hegen, Sima Fan Hua, and Sikong Ba Tianshi from the No. [-] Dali Company saw Duan Zhengchun's death, and were filled with grief and indignation. When they were distracted, they were killed by South Sea Crocodile God and Ye Erniang.

The prince is dead?

For a moment, the five thousand Imperial Forest Army were dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Duan Zhengchun, Dao Baifeng, Dali Sangong and Master Huangmei were all dead.

"Listen, I am the Prince Yanqing back then, and I am the real Emperor of Dali. When you see me, why don't you kneel down and obey?"

Prince Yanqing?

Among the Imperial Forest Army, there are many who have heard of Prince Yanqing's reputation.

"Why?" said the commander of the Imperial Forest Army.


Duan Yanqing took out a jade plaque from his bosom, with the word "Yanqing" written on it

"It's really Prince Yanqing!"

The commander of the Imperial Forest Army recognized that jade tablet as a token of the former Crown Prince Yanqing.

"Since you recognize this jade tablet, why don't you kneel down?" Duan Yanqing said, exuding a kind of majesty that can only be possessed by the royal family.

The commander of the Imperial Forest Army hesitated for a moment, knelt down and said, "I have seen Prince Yanqing!"

Seeing that the commander of the Imperial Forest Army knelt down, the rest of the Imperial Forest Army knelt down and said, "I have seen Prince Yanqing!"

"Duan Yanqing, you can handle the rest yourself." Mu Han said lightly.

If Duan Yanqing is still unable to become the emperor and control Dali, then there is no need for Mu Han to help him.

"¨`Thank you, my lord!"

Duan Yanqing bowed to Mu Han and said gratefully.

He didn't expect that with Mu Han's help, things would go so smoothly.

Now Duan Zhengming, Duan Zhengchun, Dali's three lords and four ministers, and all the eminent monks of Tianlong Temple are all dead, and he controls the [-] Imperial Forest Army, so it's easy to restore them.

Seeing Mu Han's methods, Duan Yanqing is also devoted to Mu Han, not daring to rebel in the slightest.

Sensing the change in Duan Yanqing, Mu Han nodded slightly, and said, "Lead someone to clean up this Ten Thousand Chou Valley."

"Yes, young master!" Duan Yanqing responded.

"Linger, Linger..."

Baby Gan's exclamation came from the side, Mu Han looked over and saw Zhong Ling passed out in Baby Gan's arms because of being overwhelmed with grief.

Mu Han hurried over, checked Zhong Ling's pulse, and found that Zhong Ling was just overly sad, so he felt relieved.

Mu Han injected a burst of true energy into Zhong Ling's body, and Zhong Ling slowly came back to his senses.

"Brother Mu Han..."

Zhong Ling looked at Mu Han, her beautiful eyes were filled with crystal clear tears.

"Ling'er, don't be sad, Zhong Wanchou deserves to die." Mu Han comforted.

"Brother Mu Han..."

Zhong Ling buried his head in Mu Han's arms.


Due to excessive grief, Zhong Ling was weak and seriously ill, so she was unable to accompany Mu Han to Jiangnan.

Mu Wanqing also decided to stay with Zhong Ling, Qin Hongmian and Gan Baobao.

However, due to time constraints, Mu Han couldn't just watch the repeat of A Zhu's tragedy, so he had to go to Gusu Murong as soon as possible.

Before Mu Han left, he also told Duan Yanqing to protect Wanqiu Valley more and ensure the safety of the four daughters.

After making all the arrangements, Mu Hanyiyi reluctantly bid farewell to the four daughters, left Wanchou Valley, and headed for Jiangnan. . "

Chapter 50 Gusu Murong, Girl Abi (2/3)

Name: Mu Han

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Item: Xuanyuan Sword (can be obtained through system point lottery)

Kung Fu method: the third level of Qiankun Shengyang Jue (integration of Nine Yang Scriptures, Nine Yin Scriptures, Innate Skills, and Beiming Magical Skills) (can be obtained through the system points lottery, or you can find the secrets of the exercises yourself to practice)

Martial arts: Dugu Swordsmanship (Dzogchen), Lightning Divine Step (Dzogchen), Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms (Dzogchen), Dog Beating Stick (Dzogchen), Left and Right Fighting (Dzogchen), Kongming Fist (Dzogchen) Consummation) Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu (Dzogchen) One Yang Finger (Dzogchen)... (can be obtained through system points lottery, or find martial arts cheats to practice by yourself)

Supernatural skills: God-level deduction

Realm: Innate First Layer

System points: 783600 (points can be obtained for defeating and killing opponents, completing tasks and achievements)

The world we live in: the chaotic version of Tianlongbabu world (the next world has already opened)

"System, I want to draw a lottery, exchange it for an intermediate lottery card." Mu Han said in his heart with a heartbeat.

In the last mid-level lottery draw, Zhuyan Dan was drawn. I don’t know what will be drawn in this mid-level lottery draw?

Mu Han was full of anticipation.

"Ding! The intermediate lottery card has been exchanged."

Following the sound of the system prompt, an extra mid-level lottery card appeared in Mu Han's system space, and the system points were instantly reduced by [-] points.

"Ding! Use the intermediate lottery card to start the lottery draw!"

Suddenly, in front of Mu Han, a virtual lottery platform emerged, and blue treasure boxes flashed past Mu Han's eyes at an extremely fast speed.


Mu Han stared closely at the lottery draw platform, and suddenly took a drink in his mouth.

A blue treasure box suddenly appeared on the lottery platform.

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