"My lord, let go of Sister Azhu."

Soon, Abi came back to her senses, and slapped Mu Han with her palm.

Mu Han grabbed Abi's palm with one hand, and with a little force, also hugged Abi into his arms, and kissed Abi in the same way.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, you got the girl Abi's first kiss, and you got 5000 system points reward!" The system notification sounded in Mu Han's ear.

The double beauty is in his arms, which makes Mu Han very happy.

"Hmph, you look handsome, why do you act so despicably and vulgarly?" A'Zhu said angrily, with a delicate blush on her pretty face.

"Hehe, this is clearly called flirtatious, how can it be called indecent? Besides, if Miss A Zhu hadn't lied to me first, how could I have punished you?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

A'Zhu was wronged, facing Mu Han's questioning, but didn't know how to refute, so he was speechless for a while. . "

Chapter 52 also Shishuige, a lot of cheats! (1/3)

"Aren't you letting go?" A'Zhu scolded angrily.

At this time, Mu Han's big hands were still "playing around" on A'Zhu and Abi, feeling the warmth from the big hands, both women's pretty faces were blushing, and they were so beautiful.

"Hehe, how can I let go of the beautiful woman in my arms?" Mu Han said with a smile on his lips.

"Prodigal son, you've ruined my sister's innocence, I'm going to kill you!" A'Zhu's pretty face was slightly cold, and he slapped Mu Han's chest with his palm.


A'Zhu's palm firmly pressed down on Mu Han's chest.


Mu Han snorted, his face turned pale, obviously seriously injured.

"Why don't you hide?"

A'Zhu didn't expect that she would injure Mu Han with a palm, and her pretty face showed panic immediately.

Mu Han secretly smiled "six eight seven" in his heart, with A'Zhu's cultivation, even if she slapped him a hundred and eighty palms, it wouldn't hurt him at all.

Just now I just pretended to be injured, and used a bit of trickery, but I didn't expect that the eccentric A'Zhu fell for it.

"Miss Ah Zhu, you lied to me just now, and I have already punished you, but since I offended you, I deserve to be slapped by you." Mu Han said pretending to be weak.

Hearing this, A'Zhu felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and his hostility towards Mu Han also dissipated a lot immediately.

"My lord, let me go, I'll fetch the medicine for you." A'Zhu said hastily.

Mu Han also knew that if he didn't let go of Azhu Abi at this time, his hard work just now would be in vain, so he loosened his arms and reluctantly let the two girls go.

A'Zhu and A'bi helped Mu Han to his seat, and then the two women went to the pharmacy in the back room to get the medicine.

Seeing the two girls leaving, Mu Han smiled slightly, and with a movement of his body, he went to look for the Huan Shi Shui Pavilion.

The Huanshi Shui Pavilion of Murong's family contains many martial arts cheats, known as the storehouse of martial arts in the world, and Mu Han wants to see it.

Mu Han walked through several long corridors, searched for a while, and finally found a simple and simple attic in a hidden place.

"Return Shishuige, I finally found you!"

Looking at this quaint attic, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Mu Han's mouth.

"This attic looks quite big. I don't know if it is really the storehouse of martial arts in the world as rumored?"

Mu Han walked slowly to the door of the attic, the door of the attic was closed tightly, the iron door was locked with copper.

But how can a mere iron door and copper lock stop Mu Han?

Mu Han stretched out his palm, and the copper lock fell with the sound, and the iron door opened slowly.

In the attic, there are rows of wooden frames, and on the wooden frames are filled with martial arts cheats.

"Hehe, there are indeed many martial arts cheats, but they are all ordinary stuff."

Although the wooden shelf is full of martial arts cheats, most of them are middle and low grades of the Huang class. Mu Han hastily browsed through them. If it wasn't for the points for learning martial arts cheats, Mu Han wouldn't be bothered to waste time.

This time, Mu Han mainly came for the Murong family's six martial arts.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", "Shen He Zhi", "Dragon City Swordsmanship", "Sleeve Middle Finger", "Willow Catkins Swordsmanship" and "You Long Yin Feng".

In particular, "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", "Shen He Zhi" and "Dragon City Sword Art" are famous all over the world.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, you have successfully practiced the low-grade Huang-rank martial art "Throat Locking Hand" and will be rewarded with 100 system points."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, you have successfully practiced the low-grade Huang-rank martial arts "Five Buckets of Rice" and you will be rewarded with 100 system points."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master. You will be rewarded with 100 system points for practicing the low-grade Huang-rank martial art "Twenty-Four Routes of Wutai Mountain Volunteering Magic Wands."

Although only 100 system points are rewarded for practicing Huang-level low-level martial arts, and only 200 system points are rewarded for practicing Huang-level middle-level martial arts, but there are still many cheats in Shi Shui Pavilion.

In less than half an hour, Mu Han gained more than [-] system points and more than [-] martial arts cheats.


The system points gained in Huanshishui Pavilion are almost enough for an intermediate lottery draw.

But after visiting the whole Shishui Pavilion, Mu Han still hasn't found the six unique schools of the Murong family.

Mu Han had a strange look on his face, unexpectedly he couldn't find the Murong family's six unique skills in Shi Shui Pavilion?

How strange!


Mu Han suddenly discovered that on the last row of wooden frames in Huanshishui Pavilion, there was a secret mechanism.

After opening the organ, a secret passage appeared in front of Mu Han...

Mu Han walked into the secret passage, and after a while, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge stone room appeared in front of his eyes.

In the center of the stone room, there is a huge coffin, and in the upper hall, there is a spiritual tablet with five small golden characters written "Murong Bo's position" on it.

"Hehe, this is Murong Bo's fake tomb!"

Mu Han smiled slightly, flicked his palm, and the coffin lid was blown away.

And in the empty coffin, there are six secret books neatly placed.

Finally found!

Mu Han took out a cheat book, on which were written the four big characters "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

"Discovered the top-grade Huang-rank martial art "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", do you practice it?"

"Practice!" Mu Han said without hesitation.

"Ding! Congratulations, master, you have successfully practiced the top-grade Huang-rank martial art "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi", and you will be rewarded with 300 system points." The system notification sounded in Mu Han's ear.

As the system prompt sounded, a lot of information appeared in Mu Han's mind, which was about the cultivation method of star shifting.

Although Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is only a top-grade Huang-rank martial art, it is so exquisite that Mu Han couldn't help but marvel.

Mu Han secretly said in his heart: "Use the other's way, and return it to the other body. This Murong Dragon City is really powerful, and it can create such an exquisite martial arts."

Immediately afterwards, Mu Han learned all of "Refer to 4.1 Joining Fingers", "Dragon City Swordsmanship", "Sleeve Middle Finger", "Willow Catkinsmanship" and "Youlong and Phoenix".

"Cool!" Mu Han laughed loudly.

With his way, he will also be used to his body!

If you meet Murong Fu next time and use the Murong family's martial arts to defeat Murong Fu, you should feel a sense of accomplishment.

After learning the six secret arts, Mu Han also put the six secret books into the system space.

It's better to be alone than to be happy together!

Slowly walking out of Murong Bo's fake tomb, Mu Han felt a little strange, why didn't Miss Azhu Abi come to look for him after staying in the Shishui Pavilion for so long?

Could it be that the two women just let themselves loot the Huan Shi Shui Pavilion?

At this time, Mu Han heard a sound of quarreling coming from the direction of the pier. . "

Chapter 53 The hero saves the beauty and kills Cui Baiquan (2/3)

"This is Yanziwu? Hurry up and tell Murong Fu to come out." A wretched old man stood by the pier and shouted sharply.

Behind the wretched old man stood a tall, middle-aged man with a fierce face.

Who else would it be if it wasn't the golden abacus Cui Baiquan and the chasing soul whip Guo Yanzhi who came to Yanziwu to seek revenge on Murong Fu?

"Where do people come from, dare to come to join Hezhuang to play wild?"

Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi looked up, and saw an old woman with silver beard and hair, holding a dragon-headed crutch in her hand, coming out of the room with an angry face.

Beside the old woman, stood a pretty girl, gentle and lovely, who else could it be if it wasn't Abi?

"Hmph, did Murong Fu kill my brother Ke Baisui?" Cui Baiquan asked.

"Ha ha!"

Ah Zhu bowed his back, his face was full of wrinkles, and said with a sneer, "What is Ke Baisui? Since you are already a hundred years old, why not die?"

"You dare to slander my master? I will kill you!"

Guo Yanzhi felt the pain of losing his teacher, and he was already full of depression in his heart. Hearing the old woman's rude words, he wanted to slap A'Zhu with his palm.

18 "Yanzhi, step back!"

Cui Baiquan stretched out his hand, stopped Guo Yanzhi, and said, "It's not too late to make a move after asking."

"Uncle Master..."

Guo Yanzhi was full of resentment and had nothing to vent, even his face was distorted.

"Excuse me, who is your Excellency? Who is it from Murong's family?" Cui Baiquan asked cautiously.

A'Zhu laughed and said: "I'm just an old servant of Canhe Village, here to guard Zhuangzi, but just now I heard that your son said that my son killed Ke Baisui, this is simply a big joke."

"Hmph, you killed my master, how dare you argue here?"

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