Guo Yanzhi couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted: "Since you are from Murong's family, you must have extraordinary martial arts skills, so I will specially learn from you."

As soon as the words finished, Guo Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed A'Zhu.

On the side of A'Zhu's body, the crutch in his hand slightly moved, and just hit Guo Yanzhi's armpit.

Guo Yanzhi suddenly felt numb in his arms, his feet were unstable, and he staggered and fell to the ground.


Guo Yanzhi's cultivation was obviously much stronger than A'Zhu's, but he was careless for a while, and A'Zhu succeeded, his face turned red.

"Hehe, since my nephew is not the old lady's opponent, then I will learn the old lady's clever tricks." Cui Baiquan shouted loudly at the side.

"Could it be that you two, master and nephew, are going to bully my wife?" Although A'Zhu was flustered, she was quite calm.

"If you don't want to die, then ask Murong Fu to come out and die?" Cui Baiquan sneered.

But at this time Guo Yanzhi climbed up again, took out the soul-chasing whip, and lashed towards A'Zhu, the whip was fast and urgent, and when it fell on A'Zhu, he might not die or be maimed.

"Sister Ah Zhu, be careful!" Ah Bi exclaimed from the side.

"call out!"

At this time, a sharp sound of breaking the wind shot out and landed on the Soul Chasing Whip.


A sound of gold and iron sounded, and the soul chasing whip was sent flying out immediately, and Guo Yanzhi's figure also retreated.


Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi's expressions suddenly changed, and they shouted in a deep voice.

"Hehe, two shameless people actually bullied an old woman and a little girl."

A faint laugh came, and a figure in white walked out slowly.

If it wasn't Mu Han who just walked out of the Huan Shi Shui Pavilion, who else would it be?

Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi looked around and saw a young man in white walking out slowly. The young man's appearance was as handsome as a fairy, and his temperament was beyond the ordinary, which made the two of them startled slightly.

"Are you all right?"

Mu Han blocked A'Zhu and A'bi behind him, and asked with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern, my lord. We're fine." A'Zhu and A'bi said with their hearts slightly warmed.

Mu Han nodded slightly, and looked at Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi, with an icy chill emanating from his body.

If he hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid A'Zhu would have disappeared.

"You are Murong Fu?"

Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi felt the chill emanating from Mu Han's body, and they said bitterly as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Hehe, Qu Qu Murong Fu, how can you compare with me?" Mu Han couldn't help scolding when he thought that Cui Baiquan thought of himself as a hypocrite like Murong Fu.

"If you're not Murong Fu, why do you want to meddle in our grievances with the Murong family?" Cui Baiquan said.

"Hmph, I'm not interested in the grievances between you and Murong Fu, but if you want revenge, go find Murong Fu anyway, why make things difficult for the two little girls?" Mu Leng snorted and said.

"Two little girls?"

Both Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi showed doubts.

A'Zhu lightly wiped her face with her hand, revealing a girl's face.

That's it!

Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi suddenly realized, but they became more and more annoyed, unexpectedly, they were teased by a little girl.

"The two of you keep saying that you want to avenge your brother Ke Baisui, but you don't go to Murong Fu, and embarrass the two little girls, you really deserve to die!" Mu Leng said in a low voice.

"Are you going to kill us?"

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from Mu Han, Cui Baiquan and Guo Yanzhi couldn't help taking a few steps back before stopping.

"Don't you deserve to die for offending girl Azhuabi?" Mu Han 567 said with his eyes suddenly darkened.

"Boy, don't play tricks!"

Guo Yan took a step forward, exerted all his strength with both palms, and slapped Mu Han.

"Humph! Courting death!"

Mu Han didn't dodge or dodge at all, and slapped out the same palm.


When the two palms met, there was a dull sound, and Guo Yan Zhikuang spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body shot out backwards, and when he landed, he died of exhaustion.

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for killing the second-rate martial artist Guo Yanzhi, you will get 40 system points and 100 additional system points."


Seeing the tragic situation of Guo Yanzhi, Cui Baiquan showed grief on his face, looked at Mu Han, and shouted sharply: "What a vicious method, the old man will fight with you."

After the words fell, Cui Baiquan took out the golden abacus and attacked Mu Han.


Mu Han's face darkened, and he slapped out a palm, and a sound of dragon's chant resounded, the powerful palm force swept out, and slapped Cui Baiquan's chest heavily.


Cui Baiquan also spurted out a mouthful of blood, and died with hatred.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for killing Cui Baiquan, a super-class martial artist, you will get 80 system points reward and 300 extra system points reward.". "

Chapter 54 Embarrassed Arjunabi, Toxic Attack (3/3)

"Thank you so much for saving your life."

A'Zhu and A'bi came to Mu Han, bowed deeply, and said gratefully.

If it wasn't for Mu Han's action today, I'm afraid the two daughters would really die at the hands of Cui Baiquan and Guo Yan.

"It's nothing more than a little effort." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"My lord, Abi has already prepared some food and wine at Ting Yuju, please move on, my lord," Abi said.

"it is good!"

Mu Han laughed loudly, and followed Abi and Azhu to Tingyu Residence.

Tingyuju is a bamboo building in Yanziwu. Looking out from the window, you can have a panoramic view of the mist and waves, and the scenery is so beautiful.

There are several dishes of delicacies on the table. The dishes are unique and elegant, all decorated with fragrant petals, which has a special flavor.

Abi poured out a glass of wine, put it in front of Mu Han, and said, "Please drink, my lord."

When Mu Han smelled it lightly, he suddenly felt the aroma of the wine was tangy and refreshing!

"Good wine! Good wine!"

Mu Han drank it all in one gulp, and the dishes on the table were also delicious and refreshing.

"Miss Azhu, Miss Abi, why are you standing aside, why don't you sit down and have a drink with me?"

Mu Han looked at the two girls, A'Zhu and A'Bi, both standing aside, also sending out invitations.

Gusu Murong belongs to the royal family of the Xianbei clan, although Murong Bo treats Azhu Abi like a daughter, but master and servant are different, so often during meals, the two daughters just stand by the side with hands down.

Azhu Abi treated Mu Han like a guest, and did not dare to sit down unless he agreed.

"Thank you sir!"

Azhu Abi stood aside, her legs and feet were a little tired, she was very grateful when she heard Mu Han's words, she didn't expect Mu Han to be so thoughtful and considerate.

While drinking, the three of them chatted, talked about rhythm, and guessed riddles, very happy.

After drinking several glasses of fine wine, the pretty faces of the two women showed a blush, making them look extremely cute.

Mu Han's conversation is witty, knowledgeable, gentle and elegant, chic and elegant, the two women can't help but compare Mu Han with their own son in their hearts, and find that Mu Han is better than their own son by many times.

Looking at the two young girls, their pretty faces blushing, their beautiful eyes shining brightly, Mu Han couldn't help feeling a little distracted.

The sky gradually darkened.

Mu Han was arranged by Azhu Abi to live in Tingyu, and Azhu Abi and Azhu Abi slept in the side room beside him.

In the middle of the night, Mu Han was woken up by urinating, and immediately went outside Tingyuju, looking for a secluded place.

"Cool."! "

Mu Han released the excess water in his body, and was about to go back to his room to continue resting, but he heard whispering aphasia from the side room.

"Sister Ah Zhu, this Mr. Mu Han seems to know everything, and he is handsome, what is his background?" Abi said.

"Sister Abi, do you have a crush on Mr. Mu Han?" A'Zhu joked.

Abi blushed with embarrassment, patted A'Zhu lightly, and said, "Sister A'Zhu, you are good or bad, don't tell me you are not interested in Mr. Mu Han?"

"Master Mu Han is a dragon and a phoenix among men, how can we deserve it?" A'Zhu said a little disappointed.

Hearing A'Zhu's words, Abi also heaved a long sigh.

"Sister Ah Zhu, I, I want to relieve my little hands!" Abi said suddenly.

A'Zhu said: "You can go, I didn't stop you."

"I, I'm afraid!" Abi hesitated for a moment, then whispered.

A'Zhu asked puzzledly: "Usually, don't you untie your hands yourself?"

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