"Hehe, but before we go to Mantuo Villa, we need to do one more thing." Mu Han pretended to be profound.

"What is it?" A'Zhu and A'bi asked in confusion.

"whats the matter?"

Mu Han smiled badly, turned over, and pressed the two girls back under his body. Last night's battle, Mu Han hadn't enjoyed it yet!

"Come again?" There was a hint of sadness on the pretty faces of the two women.

A battle of subjugation has begun again... "

Chapter 56 Mantuo Villa, The Beautiful Mrs. Wang (2/3)

After the battle, after some tidying up, Mu Han, A'Zhu and Abi went to Mantuo Villa in a small boat.

Not long after, there was already a faint fragrance of camellia in the air.

"It smells so good!"

Mu Han took a deep breath and praised.

And at the end of the line of sight, there is a small island, which is full of all kinds of camellias, colorful and extremely beautiful.

Manduo Villa has arrived!

Looking at the mandala flowers on the mandala villa, Mu Han shook his head. It seems that Mrs. Wang still misses Duan Zhengchun.

But Duan Zhengchun is dead, and Mrs. Wang and Wang Yuyan, the mother-daughter pair, are destined to be his own.

"My lord, forget it!" Abi said.

Seeing Mantuo Villa, Abi and Azhu were quite nervous, even their bodies trembled slightly.

Mu Han smiled faintly, patted the fragrant shoulders of the two girls lightly, and said, "Ah Zhu, Abi, with me here from now on, you don't need to be afraid of that Mrs. Wang anymore."

"Well, thank you son!"

Hearing this, A'Zhu and A'bi nodded slightly, their faces were shy, but there was warmth in their hearts.

Over the years, no man is willing to say this for them.

While speaking, the boat had already docked, and Mu Han took A'Zhu and Abi to Mantuo Villa, admiring the beautiful scenery of Mantuo Villa along the way.

In terms of scenery, Mantuo Villa is even better than Canhezhuang!

This Li Qingluo would enjoy living in such a beautiful place.

"Who dares to trespass on Mantuo Villa?" At this moment, an old voice came.

Mu Han looked up, and saw an old woman with an old face, holding a cane, turning out of a jungle, and behind her, there were six other old women.

"Grandma Yan!"

Ahzhu and Abi exclaimed when they saw the old woman in charge.

This old woman is Granny Yan, the number one confidant of Mrs. Wang in Mantuo Villa.

"Hmph, Azhu, Abi, you two little girls, you are so brave, you dared to bring a man into Mantuo Villa, isn't the lesson from last time not enough?" Granny Yan scolded.


At this time, Grandma Yan felt a blur in front of her eyes, and her right cheek was hot and swollen.


Granny Yan spat out a mouthful of blood, with countless broken teeth in it. There were not a few teeth left in the first place, but all the teeth in her mouth fell out all of a sudden.

"Boy, do you dare to hit me?" Granny Yan said, looking at Mu Han viciously.

"Hmph, if you scold my woman, should you slap me lightly?" Mu Han sarcastically said with a faint smile.

"Boy, this is Mantuo Villa, not a place for you to run wild, come here, kill him for me." Granny Yan shouted angrily.


The six old women behind Granny Yan shouted in unison, then rushed towards Mu Han, holding a sword, and attacked Mu Han's vital point.


Mu Han snorted softly, grabbed a dead branch casually with his palm, and sucked a dead branch into his palm, then with a flick of his wrist, he drew a sword as fast as lightning.

The six old women froze suddenly and stopped there, and the faces of the six old women were full of horror.

In the next instant, a thin blood crevice appeared on the necks of the six old women, and the blood gushed out violently.


The six old women fell backwards upright, causing Granny Yan's complexion to change drastically, and she hurriedly fled backwards.

"If you want to escape, it's too late now!"

With a wave of Mu Han's right hand, the dead branch in his palm shot out, directly sinking into the back of Granny Yan's head.


Seeing this scene, both A'Zhu and A'bi exclaimed, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Ahjuabi, these old ladies are all damned."

Mu Han said softly, with a wave of his palm, several camellia trees were exploded, and in the land under those camellia trees, there were pieces of white human bones exposed.


A'Zhu and Abi's expressions changed again.

Seeing so many human bones, even Mu Han was surprised.

"These old women have been using people as flower fertilizer all along. Their hands are all covered with blood, so they deserve to die." Mu Han said lightly.

"Who dares to come to my Mantuo Villa to act wild?" Suddenly, a cold voice came from the water. 0 looking for flowers········

When Mu Han turned his head, he saw a huge ship approaching above the water, and at the bow stood a woman in her thirties who was dressed in a red robe.

Name: Li Qingluo

Gender: Female

Age: 33

Identity: Owner of Mantuo Villa, mother of Wang Yuyan

Cultivation: first-class mid-term

This Mrs. Wang is too beautiful!

Looking at the woman on the boat, Mu Han couldn't help exclaiming.

Although this Mrs. Wang is thirty-three years old, she is well maintained and looks like she is twenty-five or six years old.

She has a beautiful appearance, a pair of phoenix eyes, looking bright, and an indescribably charming color between her brows, and her figure is even hotter. The two mountain peaks on her chest soar into the clouds, forming a deep gully. 0 ....... . . .

When the big boat docked, Mrs. Wang walked ashore slowly, and behind her were more than a dozen maids.

Mrs. Wang went ashore and came to Mu Han. Seeing that Granny Yan and the others were dying of anger, she was furious, and said, "Who is your Excellency? How dare you come to my Manduo Villa to act wildly?"

"Hehe, I'm here to seek justice for A'Zhu and A'bi." Mu Han said lightly.

"Ah Zhu? Abi?"

It was only then that Mrs. Wang noticed that A'Zhu and A'bi behind Mu Han were looking at the two women with cold eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Sensing Mrs. Wang's icy gaze, A'Zhu and A'bi could not help but shudder, and stammered: "Mrs. Wang..."

"Hmph, Azhu Abi, you are so brave. If you hadn't looked at Mr. Murongfu last time, you would have died long ago. Now you dare to bring people to my Manduo Villa to make trouble. I am so impatient. " Mrs. Wang shouted coldly.

"Mrs. Wang, you don't have to blame them. I wanted to come here myself."

Mu Leng said in a low voice: "I came here this time to settle the account of last time. You poisoned Azhu and Abi, and you should be punished for your crime!"

"You want to kill me?" Mrs. Wang's complexion changed, and she said coldly.

And the dozen or so maids behind Mrs. Wang drew out their long swords and blocked Mrs. Wang behind them. Their sharp swords all pointed at Mu Han and Azhuabi. . "

Chapter 57 Slapping Mrs. Wang, Langhuan Jade Cave (3/3)

"Bold lunatic, dare to offend Madam, court death!"

A maid yelled, and stabbed at Mu Han with a dozen or so maids behind her with swords.

"Hehe, just relying on you, dare to draw a sword in front of me?"

Mu Han smiled softly, waved his sleeves, and an invisible wave burst out from his body, and then swept away.

The ten or so maids suddenly felt an invisible force, making the long sword in their hands seem to be forcibly held by an invisible big hand.

In the next moment, these long swords stabbed towards the maids themselves.

The faces of the maids all changed drastically, and they were in a hurry for a while, and the offensive broke down without knowing it.

"Fighting to the stars?"

Mrs. Wang recognized the martial arts performed by Mu Han at a glance, it was actually the famous stunt of the Murong family, and there was a look of "[-]" shock on her pretty face.

Moreover, she found that Mu Han's "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" was more proficient and powerful than Murong Fu's.

Abi and Azhu also had expressions of surprise on their faces. Although they knew that Mu Han had entered the Huan Shi Shui Pavilion, they were able to train Dou Zhuan Xing to this level in just one day. This Mr. Mu Han has too much talent in martial arts It's scary.

"A'Zhu, A'bi, you two girls are so brave, you actually transferred the Murong family's Diu Zhuan Xing to this kid, if Murong Fu finds out, I'm afraid you will all die." Mrs. Wang said coldly.

Hearing this, both Ah Zhu and Abi lowered their heads.

"Madam Wang, last time you poisoned Miss Azhuabi, today I will represent them and seek justice from you." Mu Han said lightly.

Hearing Mu Han help them speak, the two girls, Azhu and Abi, felt a little warm in their hearts, and they looked at Mu Han with gratitude.

"Hmph, I want to see, what are your skills?"

As soon as the words fell, Madam Wang moved, and a pair of white palms patted towards Mu Han.

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