"Ha ha!"

Mu Han laughed, and stretched out his palm lightly, and then he also spread it out. Under the gaze of everyone, Mrs. Wang's palm unexpectedly smacked on his delicate cheek.


Two crisp sounds sounded, making everyone dumbfounded.

"You dare to hit me?" Mrs. Wang said in shock, touching her red and swollen face.

"Hehe, Mrs. Wang, you hit yourself, I didn't hit you." Mu Han smiled lightly.

Mrs. Wang was at a loss for words for a while, but she was speechless.

"Since Mrs. Wang said I was the one who hit her, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Mu Han said with a smile.


As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Wang's eyes blurred immediately, a figure in white clothes flashed past, and two clear and clear voices rang out.


Mrs. Wang touched her face and said frantically: "Come here, kill him for me."

However, the maids behind Mrs. Wang were all fearful. After the scene just now, how dare I go up again?

"Madam Wang, do you still want to be slapped twice?" Mu Han said with a smile.

Mrs. Wang has an unruly personality, if she doesn't suppress her well, how will she be disciplined in the future?

"What exactly do you want?"

When Mrs. Wang heard Mu Han's words, her face became very ugly.

However, she knew that Mu Han's strength was enough to wipe out the entire Mantuo Villa. Facing the domineering Mu Han, she also decided to give in first.

"I'm here mainly for the two girls, Azhu and Abi. You must sincerely apologize to the two girls." Mu Han said.

"Bold, our Madam Wang is a noble person, how can I apologize to the two maidservants?" a maid scolded.


Before the maid's voice fell, Mu Han slapped the maid directly, killing the maid directly.


Seeing that Mu Han killed one of his maids with a random palm, Mrs. Wang's complexion became more and more ugly, and she became more and more afraid of Mu Han's cultivation in her heart.

Mrs. Wang took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart forcibly, and said: "Miss Azhu, Miss Abi, I was wrong last time, and here I apologize to you, come here and bring the antidote .”

"No need, Mrs. Wang, Mr. Mu Han has already detoxified us." Azhu Abi was full of joy, and looked into Mr. Mu Han's eyes, admiring him even more.

Even their son Murong Fu, I am afraid there is no way for Madam Wang to apologize to them.

At the beginning when Mu Han said that he would take them to Mantuo Villa to seek justice, they thought that Mu Han was just joking around to please them, but they didn't expect that Mrs. Wang actually apologized to them.

After Madam Wang apologized, she turned her head, looked at Mu Han with an ugly expression, and said, "My lord, I've already finished apologizing, what else do you want?"

Although he knew that Mrs. Wang was unwilling and unwilling, but since he apologized, Mu Han no longer cares about Mrs. Wang.

"In this case, I have heard for a long time that you have many martial arts secret books hidden in the Langhuan Jade Cave of Mantuo Mountain Villa. I want to watch it for a day." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"You want to enter the Langhuan Jade Cave?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang didn't even think about it, she shook her head and refused, "No way!"

"Hehe, is it really not possible?"

Mu Han took a step forward, exuding an icy chill all over his body, which made the surrounding temperature seem to become colder.

Sensing the icy coldness emanating from Mu Han's body, Mrs. Wang felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Okay, but is it really a day?" Mrs. Wang asked.

"One day is enough for your martial arts in Langhuan Yudong." Mu Han said with a smile.


Mrs. Wang couldn't help being irritated by Mu Han's arrogance. The martial arts cheats in the Langhuan Jade Cave are as vast as the sea. 4.9 Don't say one day, even ten years, I'm afraid they can't be exhausted.

"Arrogance or not is none of your business." Mu Han laughed.

"Okay, then I promise you."

Mrs. Wang nodded and said, "Come here, take Mr. Mu Han to the Langhuan Jade Cave."

Mu Han walked up to Ah Zhu Abi and said, "Ah Zhu Abi, you will follow Mrs. Wang to the lobby to rest for a while."

"Okay, Mr. Mu Han, be careful." Azhu Abi said softly.

Mu Han touched the heads of the two of them, and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, and Mrs. Wang doesn't dare to do anything to you."

Mu Han raised his head, looked at Madam Wang, and said, "Madam Wang, you will take care of Azhuabi first."

"it is good!"

Madam Wang reluctantly agreed. . "

Chapter 58 Fairy Sister Wang Yuyan, Betting on a Covenant (1/3)

Led by a maid, Mu Han arrived outside the Langhuan Jade Cave.

"My lord, this is the Langhuan Jade Cave. As maidservants, we are not qualified to enter." The maid said.

"Okay, you go back."

Mu Han nodded lightly, and walked slowly into the Langhuan Jade Cave.

Langhuan Jade Cave is a cave built on the mountain. The cave is illuminated by torches all the year round. In the jade cave, there are dozens of rows of wooden frames. cheats.

Compared with Huanshishui Pavilion in Canhezhuang, Langhuan Yudong is even better.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in the Langhuan Jade Cave?" A voice of heaven sounded from the side.

A girl in a white dress came out from the side of the wooden frame, holding a book of martial arts cheats in her hand.

The girl in the white dress had a beautiful appearance, elegant and refined, exuding a sense of immortality all over her body, as if she was a fairy descending from the world, which made Mu Han a little dazed.

What a beautiful girl!

Name: Wang Yuyan

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Identity: Young owner of Mantuo Villa, daughter of Duan Zhengchun and Li Qingluo

Realm: not in the flow

Sure enough, it was Wang Yuyan, the number one beauty in Tianlong, who was on a par with the little dragon girl in the Condor World!

And Wang Yuyan really did not understand any martial arts as described in the original book.

Although the four daughters Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing, A'Zhu and A'bi all have their own merits, they are inferior to Wang Yuyan.

"I'm here, Mu Han."

Mu Han smiled slightly, and said, "I've heard for a long time that Langhuan Jade Cave hides all the world's martial arts secret books, so I came here to take a look, is it worthy of the name?"

Only then did Wang Yuyan see Mu Han's appearance clearly. The young man in white in front of him was as handsome as a fairy, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, white clothes better than snow, and an extraordinary temperament like dust, with a touch of elegance and elegance in his gestures.

But amidst that chic and elegant demeanor, there was an inexplicable charm that made Wang Yuyan feel a little crazy for a while.

Compared to his cousin Murong Fu, the son in front of him is ten times, a hundred times stronger.

"Young Master, outsiders are not allowed to enter the Langhuan Jade Cave. If my mother finds out, I am afraid that you will be in great trouble, so you should leave as soon as possible." Wang Yuyan said.

"Hehe, don't worry, it was your mother's permission for me to enter the Langhuan Jade Cave." Mu Han said with a smile.

"My mother agreed?" Wang Yuyan's pretty face showed doubts.

Wang Yuyan knew her own mother very well. Mother hated men the most. Even Mantuo Villa didn't allow men to step in, let alone enter Langhuan Jade Cave.


Mu Han nodded, and said with a smile: "She agreed with me to enter the Langhuan Jade Cave for a day, and also said that Miss Yuyan is in the Langhuan Jade Cave, so she can interpret it for me."

"Since it was mother's consent, then young master can naturally read the martial arts cheats in Langhuan Jade Cave at will." Wang Yuyan said with a soft smile.

"However, the secret books of martial arts in Langhuan Jade Cave are as vast as the sea. It is impossible to learn even one kind of martial arts in a day."

"Hehe, I don't think so, do I?"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and said, "Jiuwen, Miss Wang is very knowledgeable and knows everything about martial arts in the world, why don't we just make a bet, how about that?"


Wang Yuyan looked at Mu Han strangely, and said, "What bet?"

"Miss Wang randomly chooses a martial art in the Langhuan Jade Cave, let's see which of us knows more about this martial art?" Mu Han said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan couldn't help smiling, if Mu Han wanted to compete with him in martial arts, he would definitely be no match, but if he wanted to compare his understanding of Langhuan Yudong martial arts, then Mu Han would undoubtedly lose.

After all, Wang Yuyan knows every martial arts secret book in Langhuan Yudong like the back of her hand.

"What? Miss Wang dare not?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Why don't you dare? It's just that Mr. Mu Han's bet is bound to lose." Wang Yuyan smiled.

"A sure thing to lose?"

Mu Han laughed loudly and said, "Haha, maybe not?"

"it is good!"

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