Wang Yuyan nodded and said, "Since Mr. Mu Han is so confident, then I promise you."

"Since it's a bet, there must be a bet." Mu Han smiled.

"What bet?" Wang Yuyan asked.

"If I lose, I will follow Miss Wang to deal with it. If Miss Wang loses, let me kiss you, how about that?" Mu Han said with a wicked smile.

" is it possible?"

Hearing this, two blushes appeared on Wang Yuyan's pretty face, and she said shyly.

"Hehe, since Miss Wang is so confident, why doesn't she dare to gamble?" Mu Han said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Stirred by Mu Han, Wang Yuyan originally wanted to refuse, but she still nodded her head and agreed.

After finishing the words, Wang Yuyan's pretty face flushed with embarrassment, she lowered her head involuntarily, her heart was beating wildly.

Do you really want to let him kiss you if you lose?

Impossible, I will never lose.

Wang Yuyan is quite confident in herself, when it comes to martial arts in the world, there is absolutely no one who can compare with herself, even her cousin Murong Fu is far behind her.

"In this case, Miss Wang, please choose a kind of martial arts secret book." Mu Han said with a smile when he saw that his scheme had succeeded.

Wang Yuyan nodded to 840, took a book of martial arts cheats from the bookshelf, and handed it to Mu Han.

"Ding! I found the low-grade martial arts "Five Tigers Breaking Doors Knife", do you want to practice?" The system prompt sounded in Mu Han's ear.

"Cultivation!" Mu Han said without hesitation in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, you have successfully practiced the low-grade Huang-rank martial arts "Five Tigers Breaking Doors Knife", and the reward system will be 100 points."

"Master Mu Han, please tell me about this "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife"?" Wang Yuyan said.

"The "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" is the unique art of the Qin family village. There are sixty-four styles in total, but now only fifty-nine styles have been handed down, and five styles have been lost, and the five lost styles are the White Tiger Leaping The ravine, the whistling wind, the cutting and puffing freely, the majestic domination of the mountains and the victorious lion..."

With a faint smile, Mu Han explained the origin, moves, and shortcomings of "Five Tigers Breaking Doors" like a few treasures.

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan also showed shock on her pretty face, her beautiful eyes looked at Mu Han with admiration in her eyes.

Mu Han's understanding of "Five Tigers Breaking Doors" is far better than his own.

"Miss Wang, not only do I know "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife", but I also know the five missing moves."

Seeing the shocked expression on Wang Yuyan's beautiful face, Mu Han felt a sense of accomplishment, and said with a smile. . "

Chapter 59 Fulfill the bet, give me a kiss (2/3)

"Miss Wang, not only do I know "Five Tigers Breaking Doors", but I also know the five missing moves." Seeing the shocked look on Wang Yuyan's beautiful face, Mu Han said with a sense of accomplishment, with a smile.

"Five moves you will be missing?" Wang Yuyan said in surprise.

"Hehe, if Miss Wang doesn't believe it, you'll know it at a glance."

After saying that, with a wave of his palm, Mu Han took out a large knife from the weapon rack at the side, and unleashed the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife.

Although Wang Yuyan doesn't know martial arts, but the martial arts in the world are familiar, one can tell at a glance that Mu Han is using the five moves that are missing from the five tigers. The mountains and the Fuxiang Singshi..."

A set of sixty-four styles of the five tigers' door-breaking knives was unleashed by Mu Han like flowing clouds and flowing water, and finally he put away the knives and stood up.

"How?" Mu Han looked at Wang Yuyan with a smile.

"Master Mu Han really knows more about "Five Tigers Breaking Doors" than I do." Wang Yuyan nodded and said.

"Oh, from Miss Wang's tone, it seems that she is not convinced by the loss." Mu Han said with a smile.

"If the martial art I draw happens to be the martial art you are familiar with, you won't be convinced if I lose, but if I lose, I lose." Wang Yuyan said.

"Hehe, if this is the case, Miss Wang can choose whatever she wants. As long as I lose once, it will be counted as my loss. If Miss Wang still loses, will she be convinced to lose?" Mu Han said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Wang Yuyan didn't expect that Mu Han was so confident, but when she thought of losing, she would be kissed by Mu Han, Wang Yuyan took out two martial arts books from the bookshelf again.

"Ding! I found the low-grade martial arts "Qingcheng Nine Fighters", do you practice it?"

"Ding! Discovered the low-grade martial art "City Character Eighteen Breaks" of the Huang rank, do you practice it?"

"Practice!" Mu Han said without hesitation.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master, you have successfully practiced the low-level martial art "Qing Zi Nine Dozens", and the reward system points 100 points々`."

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, you have successfully practiced the low-grade Huang-rank martial art "Cheng Zi Eighteen Breaks", and the reward system points are 100 points."

""Nine Dozens of Qingzi" and "Eighteen Breaks of Chengzi" are both unique studies of the Qingcheng School of Qingcheng Mountain in Sichuan, but I think it is more appropriate to call "Ten Dozens of Qingzi" because although Tie Bodhi and Tie Lianzi are similar in appearance, But the usages are all different, so they should not be confused with each other; as for the city character [-] Po, there is nothing special about the broken card, broken shield, and broken armor. It seems to be used to make up numbers. ..."

Mu Han smiled lightly, and then introduced the martial arts origins and cultivation methods of "Nine Dozens of Green Characters" and "Eighteen Breaks of City Characters".

Wang Yuyan didn't expect that Mu Han knew so much about "Nine Dozens of Green Characters" and "Eighteen Breaks of City Characters". One must know that Sichuan is located in a remote place, and there are very few people who can understand these two martial arts.

But Mu Han was able to talk like a few treasures. Could it be that he is really proficient in martial arts in the world?

Wang Yuyan still didn't believe it, and successively pulled out "Qimen Sancai Dao", "Sound Transmission and Searching Soul Dafa" and other relatively partial martial arts and martial arts.

However, whether it was "Qi Men San Cai Dao", "Sound Transmission and Soul Searching Dafa", or other martial arts, Mu Han was able to explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the martial arts skills, cultivation methods, and he was able to perform them himself.

Wang Yuyan was dumbfounded.

"Miss Wang, how are you? Can you be convinced to lose?" Mu Han said with a smile.

"Young master knows all the martial arts and martial arts in the world like the palm of your hand, and Yuyan admires them." Wang Yuyan said softly, with admiration for Mu Han in her words.

She originally thought that she was familiar with martial arts all over the world, but compared with Mu Han, she was nothing.

"If that's the case, then Miss Wang has surrendered?" Mu Han said with a smile.

"I lost." Wang Yuyan said.

"Hehe, since that's the case, can Miss Wang redeem our bet?" Mu Han's smile became more and more intense.

Wang Yuyan's pretty face blushed, revealing a complex expression.

Do you really want Mu Han to kiss him?

Thinking of this, Wang Yuyan's heart jumped wildly like a deer, and even her breathing became short of breath.

Although it was only the first time they met, Wang Yuyan already had a good impression of Mu Han, if she asked him to kiss her, she didn't feel any resentment in her heart, she just felt a little nervous when she made such an intimate gesture just after meeting.

"Miss Wang, what are you thinking?" Mu Han smiled.

"No... what...?" Wang Yuyan said in a panic.

"Since it's nothing, then I have to fulfill the bet."

With a movement of his body, Mu Han rushed to Wang Yuyan's side, and in the midst of Wang Yuyan's exclamation, he stretched out his right hand to hug her slender waist.

Wang Yuyan raised her head and looked at the handsome face close at hand, her pretty face was so shy and charming, feeling Mu Han's gaze, Wang Yuyan's eyes dodged like a frightened little rabbit.

"." You can only kiss. "Wang Yuyan said softly.

"it is good!"

Mu Han smiled, and exerted a little force with his right hand, so that Wang Yuyan's body was tightly attached to his body.

And the two mountain peaks on Wang Yuyan's chest squeezed against Mu Han's body, feeling a scorching heat coming from the other's body, her whole body felt like an electric shock, and her pretty face became more and more red.

Mu Han lowered his head slowly, and slowly approached Wang Yuyan's charming face.

Feeling Mu Han's warm breath, Wang Yuyan's heart beat faster and faster, she gently turned her right cheek to one side, wanting Mu Han to kiss her right cheek.

Wang Yuyan's eyes were slightly closed, her slender eyelashes were trembling rapidly, appearing very nervous.

"Anyway, it's just a kiss (Dede Zhao) on the cheek, it's not a big deal."

Although Wang Yuyan was very nervous, but in her heart, she kept chanting silently, cheering herself up.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's appearance, Mu Han smiled wickedly.

But when Mu Han and Wang Yuyan made a bet, they didn't say where or how long they would kiss.

Although Wang Yuyan closed her eyes tightly, the breath in Mu Han's nose became more and more warm, and she could feel that the distance between Mu Han and herself was only half a finger away.

"Miss Wang, I'm going to kiss, but it's not your cheek." At this moment, Mu Han's faint laughter rang in Wang Yuyan's ears.

Not kiss me on the cheek?where is that?

Wang Yuyan was startled suddenly, and suddenly opened her eyes.

At the same time, Mu Han's head suddenly lowered, and under Wang Yuyan's gaze, he completely sealed his lips. . "

Chapter 60 The Shy Wang Yuyan, Teaching Mrs. Wang to Plant Camellia (3/3)


Wang Yuyan's beautiful eyes were wide open, and a strange feeling, like an electric current, swept across her whole body, making her limbs stiff, and a low whimper sounded from her mouth.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's shy appearance, Mu Han secretly smiled in his heart, put his arms around Wang Yuyan's right hand, and slowly slid down until it landed on top of his Qiaotun.


Wang Yuyan exclaimed, but opened her tightly closed red lips, which made Mu Han take the opportunity to drive straight in, savoring Wang Yuyan's wonderful taste carefully.

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for getting Wang Yuyan's first kiss, rewarding 5000 system points." The system notification sounded in Mu Han's ear.

Wang Yuyan was only sixteen years old, when had she ever been so intimate with a man, even with her cousin Murong Fu, she would always keep at least three feet away.

Now Mu Han is so frivolous, his limbs are soft, and his whole body's strength seems to be emptied.

Looking at Mu Han's handsome face, Wang Yuyan slowly closed her beautiful eyes with a hint of shyness, and let Mu Han pick them up, while her pretty face was charming and her cheeks were hot.

Now that the rice has become porridge and she is powerless to resist, Wang Yuyan can only endure the shyness in her heart and let Mu Han wantonly belittle her.

After a long time, Mu Han slowly left Wang Yuyan's thin lips.

When the lips parted, a crystal thin line emerged from the corners of the mouths of the two, and then slowly pulled and stretched, and finally broke with a "click".

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