Mu Han looked at Wang Yuyan who was still in a daze in his arms, and said with a smile: "Miss Wang, our bet is complete!"

Wang Yuyan came back to her senses, broke free from Mu Han's embrace, her pretty face flushed, and she shouted softly, " shameless, you must have planned long ago to treat me lightly."

Wang Yuyan looked at Mu Han resentfully, she was sure that Mu Han had planned it long ago.

"Hehe, Ms. Wang is wrong to blame me. I just fulfilled the bet between us. Why are you talking so frivolously?"

"you you……"

Wang Yuyan was at a loss for words for a moment, and didn't know how to answer. After all, when the two made a bet, they only said a kiss, but didn't say where they kissed. Therefore, even if Mu Han kissed his own lips, it would not be considered a breach of contract.

Wang Yuyan stomped her feet and ran out of the Langhuan Jade Cave.

Mu Han smiled, and didn't chase him out. If he chased him out at this time, it would only make Wang Yuyan angry with him.

The martial arts and martial arts of Langhuan Jade Cave are much more than that of Huanshishui Pavilion, so it took Mu Han an hour to learn all the martial arts and martial arts of Langhuan Jade Cave.

This is because many of the martial arts and martial arts in Langhuan Yudong and Huanshishui Pavilion are repeated.

After practicing all the kung fu and martial arts in the Langhuan Jade Cave, Mu Han slowly walked out of the Langhuan Jade Cave. At this time, Mrs. Wang was waiting at the entrance of the Langhuan Jade Cave.

"Thank you Madam Wang!" Mu Han said with a smile.

"Have you learned all the martial arts and martial arts of Langhuan Jade Cave?" Mrs. Wang was surprised.Said.

"That's right." Mu Han said with a faint smile.

Regarding Mu Han's words, Mrs. Wang was noncommittal. She did not believe that Mu Han could learn the martial arts secrets of Langhuan Yudong in just one day.

"Since you have already entered the Langhuan Jade Cave, you can leave now," Mrs. Wang said.

"Hehe, Mantuo Villa has such a beautiful scenery, I want to stay in Mantuo Villa for a few more days." Mu Han said with a smile.


Hearing this, Mrs. Wang's expression changed drastically, and she scolded.

"Hehe, if I want to stay, can Mrs. Wang stop me?" Mu Han gave Mrs. Wang an indifferent look, the coldness in his eyes made Mrs. Wang shudder.

Mrs. Wang's complexion was unpredictable, she took a deep breath and said, "Then how long do you need to stay?"

"Live until I want to leave." Mu Han said.

"Mu Han, don't go too far." Mrs. Wang scolded.

"Mrs. Wang, as a reward, I can teach you how to grow camellias?" Mu Han smiled lightly.


"You taught me how to grow camellias?"

Mrs. Wang laughed out loud as if hearing a big joke: "Hahahaha, I heard you right, do you want to teach me how to grow camellias?"

"Hehe, if I read correctly before, when you came back by boat just now, there were four pots of camellias on board, you should have transplanted them from outside." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"That's right, I spent a lot of money to get those four pots of full moon camellias. Because of the strong wind in the lake, the four pots of full moon camellias have been on the boat for several days. I haven't seen the sun yet. People put it under the sun to dry it, and applied flower fertilizer."

Speaking of the four pots of full moon camellia, Mrs. Wang had a proud expression on her face.

"Hehe, Mrs. Wang, you really don't know much about camellias, but you still want to grow camellias. Why?" Mu Han asked knowingly.

"Growing camellias or not, what's your business?"

Mrs. Wang said angrily: "You said that I don't know how to grow camellias, do you know how to grow camellias? This is called Mandala Villa, and the whole villa is planted with datura flowers."

"Hehe, mediocre fat and vulgar powder, naturally thick and long, easy to grow and easy to grow, and your four pots of white tea are the color of the city. If you follow your method, I bet that those four pots of white tea will not last for three years." sky."

"Madame, madam..."

Before Mu Han could finish his words, a maid hurried over with an anxious look on her face.

"What's the matter? You made a fuss." Madam Wang said angrily.

"Ma'am, the four pots of white tea today have already..." said the maid.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Wang asked eagerly.

"I'm about to die!" The maid said after hesitating.


Mrs. Wang loves camellias very much, and she spends a lot of money to buy good varieties everywhere. However, after transplanting to Mantuo Villa, none of the pots of rare camellias can flourish. They often grow for a year or so before withering or dying. I often worry about this.

Unexpectedly, the four pots of full moon camellias were about to die within a day of transplanting.

"Hehe, Mrs. Wang doesn't know anything about camellias. She wants to grow camellias here. She actually calls this villa Mantuo Villa, but she doesn't know that camellias like yin or yang. If they are planted in the sun, even if they don't die, they won't bloom well. , and then apply a lot of thick fertilizer, all famous species will be killed." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"Master Mu Han, do you have a way to save those four pots of white tea?"

Madam Wang's tone also became more polite.

"Then Mrs. Wang agreed to my living in Mantuo Villa?" Mu Han asked.

"If you can save the four pots of white tea, you can live in Mantuo Villa." Mrs. Wang said.

Mu Han smiled lightly and said, "Okay, let's lead the way." "

Chapter 61 Wang Yuyan's Favor with Two Female Double Cultivators (1/3)

Mu Han ordered the servant girl to transplant four white tea plants to the back of a small hill. The stream is gurgling and the green bamboos are secluded. It is located in the shade of the mountain and cannot be exposed to sunlight, which is suitable for planting camellias.

And after transplanting the four white tea plants to the back of the hill, the four white tea plants that were about to wither turned out to be full of vitality, which made Mrs. Wang turn her worries into joy.

Mrs. Wang also looked at Mu Han with admiration. She never thought that Mu Han could really rejuvenate and save the four plants of white tea.

This also convinced her that Mu Han was an expert in camellias.

"Madam Wang, how is it? I can live in Mantuo Villa now?" Mu Han said with a smile.

"Okay! The young master has to help me plant camellias as I said before." Mrs. Wang said.

"That's natural." Mu Han nodded and said.

"Xiaoshi, take the young master back to the room." Mrs. Wang ordered the servant girl beside her.


Mu Han followed the maid Xiaoshi to the room of Mantuo Villa, and the room next door was the room where Azhu Abi lived.

After the maid left, Mu Han came to Azhuabi's room.


Seeing that Mu Han was safe and sound, Azhu Abi was also relieved.

"I said it's fine a long time ago." Mu Han stretched out his hand, took the two girls into his arms, and said with a smile.

The two girls blushed slightly, but they didn't struggle.

Seeing the beautiful faces and shy expressions of the two girls, Mu Han's heart moved, he picked up the two girls, and walked towards the bed amidst the two girls' exclamations.

A battle of conquests kicked off in an instant.


In the early morning of the next day, looking at the two sleeping girls, Mu Han smiled and got up quietly. After washing up, he wandered around Mantuo Villa.

However, he was not familiar with Manduo Mountain Villa, so he just wandered around casually.

Turning around a bush of camellias, I saw a girl in a moon-white veil, facing the camellias.

The girl has a slender figure, long hair shawl, and a silver ribbon to tie her long hair, but from the back, it is already refreshing. I can only feel that this woman has an extraordinary temperament, just like a fairy descending from the earth, a goddess coming to the world.

Who else would it be if it wasn't Wang Yuyan who met yesterday in Langhuan Jade Cave?

"Miss Wang, what are you doing here?" Mu Han walked slowly to Wang Yuyan's side and said softly.

When Wang Yuyan saw Mu Han, she couldn't help but think of what happened in the Langhuan Jade Cave yesterday. Her beautiful face turned red, and she said softly, "I'm planting camellias."

"Planting camellias?" Mu Han smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, under the influence of Mrs. Wang, Wang Yuyan also likes to plant camellias.

Mu Han looked in front of Wang Yuyan, and saw a colorful camellia, red, white, purple, yellow and blue, the flowers were quite rich and gorgeous.

"What's your name for this camellia?" Mu Han said with a smile.

"It doesn't have any special name. According to my mother, it's called five-color camellia." Wang Yuyan said softly.

"Five-color camellia?"

Mu Han smiled and said, "No, no, this camellia is called a failed scholar."

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan smiled softly and said, "Master, you are joking. How can such a magnificent camellia have such an ugly name? It is probably fabricated by you."

Mu Han shook his head and said with a smile: "Miss Wang, do you know how many colors this camellia has?"

"Probably fifteen or six." Wang Yuyan said after counting roughly.

"Seventeen kinds in total."

Mu Han said lightly: "I once saw a famous camellia in Dali called 'Eighteen Scholars'. It is the best in the world. There are eighteen flowers blooming on one plant, and the colors of each flower are different. The red one is the whole flower. Red and purple are all purple, there is absolutely no mixture. And the shape of the eighteen flowers is different, each has its own beauty, when it blooms, it blooms together, and when it is thankful, it is thankful."

"There is such a wonderful camellia in the world?" Wang Yuyan was a little stunned and said in a daze.

"As for this kind of camellia, in terms of color, it is one color less than that of the Eighteen Scholars, and it is refuted and impure. It blooms sooner or later, and the flowers are different in size. It smiles and frowns everywhere, imitating the ten Eight bachelors, but they don't always look like it, isn't that a sour ding with half a bottle of vinegar? That's why we call it a 'lost scholar'." Mu Han continued.

Hearing Mu Han talking eloquently, Wang Yuyan said, "Your Master, do you know other famous camellia species?"

"Of course, besides eighteen bachelors and failed scholars, there are also varieties such as Thirteen Taibao, Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Seven Fairies, Three Heroes, and Er Qiao." Mu Han said.

Wang Yuyan asked curiously: "What is the Thirteenth Taibao?"

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