"'Thirteen Taibao' is thirteen flowers of different colors born in one plant, and so on, 'Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea' has eight flowers of different colors on the same plant, 'Seven Fairies' has seven flowers, and 'Fengchen Sanxia' has three flowers,' Er Qiao' is two flowers, one red and one white."

"These camellias must be of pure color. If there is white in red and purple in white, it is inferior." Mu Han said.

Hearing Mu Han's words, Wang Yuyan's beautiful eyes were full of strange brilliance.

And Mu Han also told what he knew.

"In 'Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea', there must be one deep purple flower and one light red flower. Those are Tieguai Li and He Xiangu. Making 'Eight Treasure Makeup' is also considered a famous species, but it is one level worse than 'Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea'." 0

"Furthermore, 'Three Heroes of the Wind and Dust' can be divided into authentic products and secondary products. For genuine products, the purple one must be the largest among the three flowers, which is the bearded man, followed by the white one, which is Li Jing, and the red one is the most beautiful and the youngest. It's a red girl. If the red flower is bigger than the purple flower and the white flower, it is a by-product, and the status is much worse."

Wang Yuyan listened with gusto, and couldn't help admiring Mu Han even more.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Mu Han not only has great martial arts skills, but also has such a deep understanding of camellias." Wang Yuyan said admiringly.

Mu Han smiled secretly, he only knew this part of the original work a little bit, and he had seen many famous camellias when he was in Dali before, so he had such a deep understanding of camellias.

"Miss Wang is ridiculous." Mu Han said modestly.

"I don't know where the young master is from? Could it be that you are from Dali, so you know so much about Shancha just now?" Wang Yuyan couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hehe, I have no family or sect, I'm just a nameless junior who has just entered the rivers and lakes." Mu Han said with a smile.

"Unknown junior?"

Wang Yuyan said with a smile: "Young master's martial arts, I'm afraid even my cousin can't match, how could he be an unknown junior?"

Wang Yuyan is very curious about Mu Han. With Mu Han's martial arts, it is impossible for him to be unknown in the world.

The two chatted more and more heatedly, Mu Han was eloquent, and made Wang Yuyan giggle from time to time, and Wang Yuyan's affection for Mu Han also increased rapidly. . "

Chapter 62 Alone, frivolous Mrs. Wang (2/3)

Just when Mu Han and Wang Yuyan were chatting happily, a maid ran over and said, "Master Mu Han, my wife is here to invite you."

Mu Han nodded, and said to Wang Yuyan, "Miss Wang, I will talk to you later."


Wang Yuyan nodded, but her pretty face blushed inexplicably.

Mu Han followed the maids to the courtyard where Mrs. Wang lived, and Mrs. Wang was at the door of the room telling the two maids to handle things.

Seeing Mu Han approaching, Mrs. Wang said, "You guys step back first."


The maid responded and withdrew.

Mrs. Wang was wearing a bright red dress, her snow-white fragrant shoulders were exposed, and there was a deep groove on her chest. Her uneven figure made Mu Han unable to move her eyes away.

And on top of Mrs. Wang's beautiful face "Six Nine Zero", there is even a touch of charm.

"Master Mu Han, follow me, I have something to tell you."

Mrs. Wang pushed open the door and walked in.

Mu Han followed Mrs. Wang, looking at Mrs. Wang's graceful and plump figure, he couldn't help swallowing.

"This Li Qingluo is really a top-notch beauty." Mu Han praised secretly in his heart, and there was a trace of evil fire in his heart.

Mu Han closed the door and said, "Madam Wang, what do you want from me?"

"Master Mu Han, did I see you with Yu Yan just now?" Mrs. Wang asked.

"That's right, just now I saw Miss Wang planting camellias, so I gave some pointers." Mu Han nodded without denying it.

"Yuyan is my daughter, I hope Mr. Mu Han will not get her ideas, after all, you already have two girls, Azhu and Abi." Mrs. Wang said.

"Hehe, Mrs. Wang, are you taking too much care of me? It's not your turn to dictate my affairs." Mu Han's expression darkened, and he said in a cold voice.

"Hmph, Yuyan is my daughter, why has nothing to do with me?"

Mrs. Wang glared at Mu Han, and said, "You men don't have a good thing. I warn you, don't harass my daughter, otherwise, I will never end with you."

"Hehe, how do you stay alive?"

Mu Han approached Mrs. Wang's side, condescending, and could clearly see the snow-white gully on Mrs. Wang's chest.

This kind of scenery made De Muhan's breathing become rough.

Sensing Mu Han's abnormality, Mrs. Wang followed Mu Han's line of sight, and suddenly understood, two red clouds appeared on her cheeks, she immediately backed away, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Hehe, since you won't let me harass Miss Yuyan, how about harassing you?" Mu Han said with a smile on his lips.

"The prodigal son!"

Mrs. Wang scolded angrily, and slapped Mu Han with a stern palm without mercy.

It still needs to be well tuned!

Mu Han frowned slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Looking at the rapidly enlarged jade palm in his pupils, Mu Han stretched out his palm lightly, and grabbed Mrs. Wang's jade palm into his palm.

"Goddammit, let go."

Seeing Mu Han dare to be so rude, Mrs. Wang scolded.

How could Mu Han listen to Mrs. Wang's words? With a little force on his palm, he pulled Mrs. Wang into his arms.

Before Madam Wang came back to her senses, she found that Mu Han's big hand had already landed on her waist, hugging her so tightly that she couldn't move at all.

Feeling the warmth from Mu Han's big hands and the strong masculine breath coming from his nostrils, Mrs. Wang's beautiful face instantly turned red.

"Let go of me soon?" Mrs. Wang said through gritted teeth.

"I just won't let go, what can Mrs. Wang do to me?" Mu Han said with a smile, a pair of big hands moved around Mrs. Wang's body, and finally landed on the two peaks on Mrs. Wang's chest.

so big!

Feels pretty good too!

Mu Han squeezed subconsciously, it was full of elasticity.


Mrs. Wang also groaned unconsciously, her whole body was like an electric shock, and her limbs instantly became limp and limp.

"You...don't...stop!" Mrs. Wang gritted her silver teeth and said with difficulty.

"Mrs. Wang, this is what you said don't stop."

Mu Han smiled, and with his big hands, he began to make more and more mischief on Mrs. Wang's body.

Both Wang Yuyan and Mrs. Wang are his targets.

Since Mrs. Wang came to the door, then Mu Han must not be polite...

"Let me go quickly, you prodigal son..." Mrs. Wang said.

Feeling Mrs. Wang's mature figure, the evil fire that was born in Mu Han's heart just now burned more and more violently, and his hands on Mrs. Wang's body became more and more unscrupulous.

"Mrs. Wang, your figure is really good."

Mu Han whispered in Mrs. Wang's ear, the hot air from his mouth sprayed on Mrs. Wang's crystal earlobe, which made Mrs. Wang's heart tremble suddenly, her pretty face became delicate and charming, and her pair of beautiful eyes, It also became blurred.

Mrs. Wang has lived in Mantuo Villa for more than ten years and has never had contact with a man. She is like a dry field. Now that Mu Han is so wanton and frivolous, she also feels a desire in her heart.


A moment later, Mrs. Wang's body froze suddenly, her eyes were absent-minded, her pretty face was flushed, she felt as if she was on the clouds under Mu Han's hands.

"Boom boom boom!"

Looking at Mrs. Wang in his arms, Mu Han smiled wickedly, and just about to "eat" Mrs. Wang, there was a knock on the door.


Mu Han reluctantly let go of Mrs. Wang in his arms, and shouted angrily.

And Mrs. Wang also came back to her senses, her pretty face was full of shyness.

"Master Mu Han, it's me!" Wang Yuyan's voice came from the door.

Wang Yuyan stood at the door with anxious expression on her pretty face. She saw 0.6 Mu Han enter her mother's room for a long time, she thought that Mu Han was being punished by her mother, so she came to rescue him.


The door opened, revealing Mu Han's gentle and handsome smile.

"Miss Wang!" Mu Han said with a smile.

"Master Mu Han..."

Seeing that Mu Han was fine, Wang Yuyan finally felt relieved.

"Miss Wang, let's go, your mother still has some things to deal with in the room." Mu Han smiled lightly.

"it is good!"

Wang Yuyan firmly believed in Mu Han's words, and left with Mu Han.

In the room, Mrs. Wang looked at Mu Han and Wang Yuyan's leaving figures, her pretty face was full of complex expressions, and a icy chill flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

This Mu Han, really damn it! . "

Chapter 63 The daily life of Mantuo Villa, Wang Yuyan returns to her heart (3/3)

For the next period of time, Mu Han lived in Mantuo Mountain Villa, enjoyed flowers and tea with Wang Yuyan during the day, and slept with Azhu and Abi in the quilt at night, living a happy life.

And Wang Yuyan admired Mu Han more and more.

Mu Han has a handsome appearance, high martial arts skills, knowledgeable about the past and the present, and is countless times stronger than his cousin Murong Fu.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the early morning, just as Mu Han woke up, there was a knock on the door.

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