"Come in." Sitting on the bed, Mu Han said lazily.


The door opened, and Wang Yuyan walked in from the outside.

"Yuyan, why are you here?"

After getting along for this period of time, Mu Han also called Wang Yuyan from Miss Wang to Yuyan, and Wang Yuyan even called Mu Han Brother Mu Han.

Wang Yuyan was wearing a long white dress, her beautiful face was rosy, and her long black hair was draped behind her like a waterfall, with some dew on her hair.

Under the cover of the white dress, the graceful figure is looming, exuding a kind of fairy air that does not eat the fireworks of the world.

And Mu Han just got up, naked upper body, showing 18 strong and toned muscles, Wang Yuyan also showed a bit of shyness.

"Brother Mu Han, can you get dressed first?" Wang Yuyan said shyly with her head turned slightly.

"Oh, okay."

Only then did Mu Han realize that his upper body was naked, and there was a small tent standing on his lower body.

Ever since practicing Qiankun Shengyang Jue, Mu Han found that the yang energy in his body became more and more vigorous.

Last night, A'Zhu and A'bi couldn't stand Mu Han's torture, so they drove him back to their room in the name of resting.

After Mu Han got dressed, Wang Yuyan turned her head.

"Yuyan, did you have anything to do with me so early?" Mu Han asked with a smile.

"Brother Mu Han, I sewed a pair of shoes for you, do you think they fit?"

Wang Yuyan took out a pair of cloth shoes from behind, then squatted down directly, and put on the shoes for Mu Han.

Just as Mu Han was about to speak, he suddenly became sluggish, looking at Wang Yuyan motionlessly.

Wang Yuyan was wearing a long white dress, which was a bit thin, but when she squatted down, there was a big gap between the dress and her body. Mu Han lowered his head slightly, and he could see the wonderful scenery on Wang Yuyan's chest.

So beautiful!

The scenery in front of him made De Muhan's heart suddenly burn with fire, and even his breathing became heavy.

"Brother Mu Han, it seems to fit quite well."

Wang Yuyan helped Mu Han put on the shoes, checked them, and found that the size was just right, she said cheerfully.

But when Wang Yuyan raised her head, she noticed Mu Han's strangeness, followed Mu Han's gaze and looked down, only to realize that she was so happy, she also flushed with embarrassment, and stood up quickly.

"Brother Mu Han, why don't you try taking two steps?" Wang Yuyan said softly.

"it is good!"

The wonderful scenery disappeared, and Mu Han just came back to his senses, and quickly stood up from the bed.

Although the sewing workmanship of the shoes is a bit rough, they are still very comfortable to wear, and Mu Han couldn't help but praise them.

"Brother Mu Han, I made this overnight last night." Wang Yuyan said proudly.

"Silly girl, let the servants do this kind of rough work!"

It was only then that Mu Han discovered that Wang Yuyan's beautiful eyes were somewhat bloodshot, with a little dark circle around her eyes, and there were a few blood-red needles in her small white hands like jade.

Obviously, in order to make this new pair of shoes, Wang Yuyan also suffered a lot.

"Yuyan, you are so kind to me." Mu Han took Wang Yuyan's little hand and said softly.

"It's nothing, this is what Yuyan should do."

Wang Yuyan let Mu Han hold her hands without struggling at all, but felt the warmth from Mu Han's big hands and the strong masculine breath coming from her nostrils, Wang Yuyan's face turned red with embarrassment, and even her crystal-clear earlobes were flushed. one slice.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's moving appearance, Mu Han couldn't help stretching out his right hand, wrapping around Wang Yuyan's slender waist, and hugged her into his arms amidst her exclamation.

As soon as Mu Han lowered his head, he sealed Wang Yuyan's lips and began to taste it wantonly.

Although Wang Yuyan's pretty face was blushing, she didn't resist. Instead, she stretched out her hands and put her arms around Mu Han's neck, catering to her stiffly.

After this period of contact, Wang Yuyan also has a good impression of Mu Han, wishing to stay with Mu Han all the time.

Sensing Wang Yuyan's actions, Mu Han was also secretly delighted, he had completely replaced Murong Fu's position in Wang Yuyan's heart.

From then on, Murong Fu no longer had a place in Wang Yuyan's heart.

"Murong Fu is such an idiot, he puts away such a good cousin, and even wants to revive the Great Yan Kingdom. Don't you know how many emperors in history loved beauties and didn't love the country."

Mu Han said secretly in his heart, a pair of big hands acted recklessly on Wang Yuyan.

Under Mu Han's nonsense, Wang Yuyan's pretty face turned red, and her breathing also became rapid. Her beautiful eyes were blurred and lifeless, and she had completely fallen into Mu Han's attack.

And under Mu Han's skillful hands, Wang Yuyan's long white dress fell to the ground slowly, revealing her flawless body.

The appearance is like a fairy, and the skin is like snow!


Only now did Wang Yuyan realize that something was wrong, but her small mouth was kept sealed by Mu Han, and she could only let out a low whimper.

Mu Han didn't hesitate anymore, he picked up Wang Yuyan, put him on the bed beside him, and got into bed with her.

Feeling the beauty in his arms, Mu Han felt as refreshed as if he had eaten ginseng fruit.

Wang Yuyan's appearance is as beautiful as a fairy, and her figure is even more uneven. The unique fragrance of a girl is so strong that it is difficult for Mu Han to restrain the impulse in his heart.

"Brother Mu Han, be gentle."

Being teased by Mu Han, Wang Yuyan also had a strange feeling in her heart, and finally suppressed the shyness in her heart forcibly, wrapped her arms around Mu Han, and whispered in his ear.


Mu Han was slightly taken aback, then a gentle look appeared on his face, and he said softly.

It didn't take long before a low moaning sound came from Mu Han's room...

A'Zhu and A'bi came to the door of Mu Han's room, heard the voice from inside the room, and looked at each other, the two women's pretty faces showed a touch of blush, and they ran away laughing... "

Chapter 64 Breaking Through, Mrs. Wang's Threat (1/3)

The battle with Wang Yuyan lasted for an hour.

This was due to Wang Yuyan's new experience in personnel affairs and Mu Han's love, otherwise, it would have lasted more than an hour.

During the period, Wang Yuyan climbed to the top of the cloud several times, enjoying the pinnacle of happiness.

Looking at Wang Yuyan in his arms, Mu Han also had a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

This fairy sister finally returned to herself.

Mu Han is already satisfied to get this fairy-like woman, and this trip to Tianlong is already worthwhile.

Wang Yuyan was full of strength, as if she had been drained, she was lying in Mu Han's arms, her pretty face was still flushed, and between her brows, there was a look of exhaustion.

This battle has left her without the strength to even move a finger.

"Yuyan, sleep well." Mu Han touched Wang Yuyan's little head and said with a smile.

Wang Yuyan nodded obediently, hugged Mu Han, and soon fell asleep.

She is just too tired.

Seeing that Wang Yuyan was asleep, Mu Han smiled, and looked outside the door, there was a familiar wave of breath outside the door.

Madam Wang!

When confronting Wang Yuyan, Mu Han had already noticed Mrs. Wang's existence, but since Mrs. Wang didn't come in to stop her, Mu Han didn't care about her, and let her listen to a good show outside the door.

It's just that Mu Han didn't expect that Mrs. Wang didn't come in or leave until the end of his confrontation with Wang Yuyan.

Mu Han could also notice that Mrs. Wang's breathing seemed to become rapid.

Could it be that Mrs. Wang became emotional when she listened to the corner?

Thinking of Mrs. Wang's plump figure and peerless face, Mu Han couldn't help but feel a trace of evil fire in his heart.

Wang Yuyan is new to human affairs, so she really can't make Mu Han happy, and Mrs. Wang is a mature woman, if she can...

Thinking of this, Mu Han reacted again!


Mrs. Wang Li Qingluo stood outside Mu Han's room, her pretty face was full of shame and anger.

Today she brought another pot of high-quality camellia. She originally came to Mu Han's room, wanting to let Mu Han taste it with her, but unexpectedly, when she walked outside Mu Han's room, she heard low sobs ll.

But Mrs. Wang listened carefully, but found that it was Mu Han and her daughter Wang Yuyan.

While annoyed, Mrs. Wang listened to the voice from the room, and her mind was full of thoughts. Her pretty face became hot, and her body also became a little involuntarily, with an inexplicable longing in her heart.

Mrs. Wang thought of Mu Han's frivolity a few days ago, and her face showed annoyance, but a thought came to her mind, if only Wang Yuyan in the room was herself.

When this idea came up, Mrs. Wang herself was taken aback.

"Damn it, we can't keep him anymore~."

Madam Wang's beautiful eyes flashed a chill, she had already made up her mind.

The maid I sent out should be back.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wang stomped her foot lightly, turned around and went back to her room without stopping.

Hearing Mrs. Wang's departure, Mu Han secretly smiled.

He got up lightly, put on his clothes, covered Wang Yuyan with a quilt, walked out of the room, and closed the door from the outside.

"A'Zhu, A'bi." Mu Han said.

"Master Mu Han!"

A'Zhu and A'bi were outside tending the camellias, and when they heard Mu Han's shout, they also put down their work and came to Mu Han.

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