"Yuyan is resting in the room, please take good care of her, I will pay a visit to Mrs. Wang," Mu Han said.

Wang Yuyan was new to human affairs, and it was not very convenient for her to move around, so it was perfect for A'Zhu and A'bi to take care of her.

"Yes, Mr. Mu Han!"

A'Zhu and A'bi took a look at Mu Han, their pretty faces blushed, and said with a smile.

Mu Han nodded, and walked slowly towards Mrs. Wang's room.


Mrs. Wang was sitting in the room, the voice she heard just now was still echoing in her mind, and there was still a blush on her pretty face that hadn't faded.

This Mu Han is really too much.

Mrs. Wang's pretty face was full of anger, and she slapped the table hard.

I had already warned Mu Han not to provoke my daughter, but I didn't expect that this Mu Han would take his words as a deaf ear.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Mrs. Wang said angrily.


The door opened, and Mu Han walked in, with a faint smile on his face.

"You still dare to come to my place?" Mrs. Wang shouted furiously when she saw Mu Han.

"Why not?" Mu Han smiled.

"¨Master Mu Han, are you still pretending to be stupid in front of me?" Mrs. Wang looked at Mu Han angrily, with a sharp look in her eyes.

Mu Han smiled faintly, he naturally knew what Mrs. Wang was referring to, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Wang, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. It's so unpleasant to be so secretive?"


Hearing this, Mrs. Wang felt that her lungs were about to explode, and when Mu Han said this, he seemed guilty.

"I warned you before, don't touch my Yan'er, why did you ignore my words?" Mrs. Wang didn't hide anymore, and directly started to attack.

"Hehe, you warned me, but it seems that I didn't promise you either?" Mu Han said with a faint smile.


Mrs. Wang was at a loss for words for a moment, but she was speechless.

Mrs. Wang warned Mu Han back then, but Mu Han ignored him at all.

"Master Mu Han, do you really think that you can do anything wrong in my Mantuo Villa with your martial arts skills?" Mrs. Wang (who is rich) said with a sneer.

"Mrs. Wang, since Yuyan loves me deeply, why do you want to be a villain and break us up?"

Mu Han shook his head helplessly, and said, "I will do my best to take care of Yuyan."

"What if I disagree?" Mrs. Wang said coldly.

"Other things are easy to talk about, but this matter, I'm afraid it will be unforgivable. If Mrs. Wang has any dissatisfaction, just let her go, and I, Mu Han, will follow suit." Mu Han's voice also became cold stand up.

It seems that soft ones are not enough, only hard ones can be used.

"Hmph, Mr. Mu Han, you will regret what you have done." Mrs. Wang said coldly.

"Is it?"

Mu Han smiled faintly, and said, "Haha, then I want to see how Madam Wang made me regret it?"

After laughing, Mu Han stepped out of Mrs. Wang's room, leaving Mrs. Wang with a face full of anger. . "

Chapter 65 The killer from Xixia Yipintang, all wiped out! (2/3)

In the following days, Mu Han lived more and more happily, but there was no movement from Madam Wang's side.

But Mrs. Wang didn't move much, and Mu Han didn't bother to talk to her for a while, and enjoyed the moon and flowers with Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and Abi, and the relationship with the three women became more and more intense.

At night, Mu Han took the three daughters to watch the moon, and went back to the room together, preparing for a big battle.

"Master Mu Han, Madam has a request."

A maid came to Mu Han's room, bowed deeply to Mu Han, and said.


Mu Han smiled slightly, Mrs. Wang finally couldn't help it, she was going to do it!

"Brother Mu Han!"

"Master Mu Han!"

Hearing this, Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu, and Abi all looked at Mu Han, with worried expressions on their pretty faces. They all knew that there was already a discord between Mrs. Wang and Mu Han. Han called in the past, there must be nothing good.

Mu Han rubbed the little heads of the three girls, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's fine."

"Brother Mu Han, then you must be more careful." Wang Yuyan knew how powerful her mother was, so she also warned her.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, the three of you are waiting for me in the room." Mu Han smiled wickedly. 730

Wang Yuyan, A'Zhu and A'bi blushed and lowered their heads.


Mu Han followed the maid to the courtyard where Mrs. Wang lived. Mrs. Wang stood at the door and said to the maid beside her, "You all go down."

All the maidservants responded: "Yes!"

When the maid left, only Mu Han and Mrs. Wang were left in the entire courtyard.

The moonlight was cold and shone down, covering the entire courtyard with a layer of silver gauze.

Mrs. Wang was still wearing a long red dress, revealing her snow-white fragrant shoulders, and the mountain peaks on her chest also formed a deep groove. Her uneven figure made Mu Han couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

The bright moonlight falling on Mrs. Wang made her even more charming.

"Madam Wang, I don't know what it means to call me here?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

Although the courtyard is quiet, it hides murderous intentions.

As soon as Mu Han came in, he could feel that in the dark place of this courtyard, there were more than a dozen fierce auras hiding, exuding cold killing intent.

One of the breaths even reached the peak stage.

But in Mu Han's view, these killers hiding in the dark are not even as good as ants.

Moreover, the aura emitted by these killers does not look like people from the Central Plains martial arts, but rather resembles warriors from the Western Regions.

If Mu Han guessed correctly, he should be the master of Xixia Yipintang.

If Mu Han remembers correctly, it is rumored that the wife of the king, Li Qingluo, seems to be a brother and sister of the Xixia Emperor Li Qianshun.

No wonder Li Qingluo was able to transfer a master from Xixia Yipintang, it seems that this rumor should be true.

"Mu Han, you have acted recklessly in Mantuo Villa these days, and tonight I will pay the price for your arrogance these days." Mrs. Wang scolded coquettishly.

"Really?" Mu Han smiled faintly, his voice became much colder.

"Come on, kill him for me." Mrs. Wang shouted.


As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen Xixia Yipintang masters who were hiding in the dark all shot out, holding various weapons, and attacked Mu Han's vital points.

"Mrs. Wang, is this the master you invited?"

Mu Leng smiled coldly, and said contemptuously, "In my eyes, they are even worse than ants."

Hearing Mu Han's arrogant words, the dozen or so Western Xia Yipintang masters were also quite annoyed, and their offensive became more and more fierce.

Mrs. Wang watched all this coldly, tonight is Mu Han's memorial day.

She invited sixteen masters from Xixia Yipin Hall, including five top masters, and among the five top masters, there was even a top late stage master.

No matter how powerful Mu Han is, he might not be able to withstand the joint attack of these sixteen Xixia masters.

Looking at those Western Xia masters, the coldness in Mu Han's eyes became more intense.


When more than ten Xixia masters approached him, Mu Han calmed down, swung his palms suddenly, and behind him, sixteen golden phantoms of eight dragons and eight elephants suddenly condensed.

Between the roar of the dragon and the elephant, a terrifying aura also swept out from Mu Han's body, causing the expressions of more than a dozen Xixia masters to change drastically.

They did not expect that the young man in white in front of them turned out to be a hidden super expert.

"go with!"

The eight dragons and eight elephants condensed out, and Mu Han suddenly swung his palms out, and slapped down on more than a dozen Xixia masters.

"Bang bang bang!"

The eight dragons and eight elephants whizzed out, and bombarded the bodies of the ten or so Xixia masters. Those Xixia masters immediately flew upside down, fell to the ground in a mess, motionless, and died of exhaustion.

At this time, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of Mu Han, holding a golden knife in both hands, and slashed down towards Mu Han angrily.

The sharp blade light pierced the dark night sky, and rapidly enlarged in Mu Han's pupils.

It was the Xixia master who was extremely late.

"That's what makes sense."

Mu Han smiled, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the golden knife.

"court death!"

Seeing Mu Han's actions, that late-stage Western Xia expert had a look of sarcasm in his eyes.

But in the next moment, the face of that Xixia master became extremely ugly.

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