Because he saw that Mu Han grabbed his own golden knife.

That Western Xia master twitched the golden knife vigorously, but he was horrified to find that the golden knife seemed to have taken root in Mu Han's hand, and it remained motionless.


Mu Han laughed, and exerted a slight force on his palm. Under the watchful eyes of Xixia masters, the golden knife burst open and shattered into countless small pieces.


While the Xixia master was shocked, Mu Han had already slapped the opponent's chest with his palm, making a dull sound.


The Xixia master spat out a mouthful of blood, flew upside down, hit the courtyard wall, and died when he landed.

In just a few breaths, the courtyard became quiet again.

"Hehe, the masters of Xixia Yipintang are just a bunch of trash."

Mu Han smiled lightly, standing with his hands behind his back, dressed in white, the breeze was blowing, and the bright moonlight fell on his handsome face, showing a chic and elegant air.

"Madam Wang, did you invite anyone else?"

Mu Han raised his head and looked at Mrs. Wang, who was already in a daze, with a faint smile on her handsome face. . "

Chapter 66 Bathing, Mrs. Wang (3/3)

"Madam Wang, did you invite anyone else?"

Mu Han raised his head and looked at Mrs. Wang, who was already in a daze, with a faint smile on her handsome face.

However, Mu Han's voice was extremely cold, and his whole body exuded a kind of icy chill.

Looking at the scene in front of her, feeling the coldness emanating from Mu Han's body, Mrs. Wang felt fear in her heart, and even her fair forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Mu Han's strength has far exceeded his expectations.

I invited sixteen Xixia masters from the Xixia Yipin Hall. The lowest cultivation bases were all in the first-class early stage. Among them, there were five top-notch masters, and one was a late-stage super-master.

But in just a few breaths of time, these sixteen Xixia experts all died in Mu Han's hands.

Even that top Xixia expert in the late stage couldn't survive a single move in Mu Han's hands.

Why is this Mu Han so powerful?

Is this Mu Han a congenital master?

Mrs. Wang couldn't imagine that Mu Han, who was less than twenty years old, could be so powerful?

Seeing that Mrs. Wang didn't answer, Mu Han smiled lightly, and with a movement of his body, he was already in front of Mrs. Wang.

"You want to kill me?" Mrs. Wang turned pale and shouted in a cold voice.

"Hehe, kill you?"

Mu Han shook his head and said, "Don't worry, you are Yu Yan's mother after all, I won't kill you."

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

If Mu Han really wanted to kill him, he might really be doomed.

"However, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped."

Mu Han said with a smirk, "I want to 'punish' you."

"How dare you?" Mrs. Wang shouted sharply, she had already heard Mu Han's malicious intentions.

"Li Qingluo, you are still playing prestige in front of me."

Mu Leng said in a low voice, if it weren't for his strong martial arts, I'm afraid he would really have to confess here tonight.

Therefore, Mu Han tapped Mrs. Wang's body a few times, sealing several of Mrs. Wang's acupoints.

"What on earth are you going to do?"

Madam Wang looked at Mu Han's appearance, and there was finally a look of fear in her beautiful eyes.

"Hehe, you'll find out later."

Mu Han smiled faintly, put his arms around Mrs. Wang's slender waist, picked her up by the waist, pushed open the door, walked in, and then closed the door with his toes.

And in the room, there is a bathtub with hot water in it, which is constantly steaming out.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the steaming tub, Mu Han laughed.

This Mrs. Wang, after killing herself, is going to take a bath.

Mu Han laid Mrs. Wang flat on the bed, with a wicked smile on his face, and unscrupulous eyes sizing up Mrs. Wang's beautiful face and graceful figure.

I have to say, this Mrs. Wang is indeed a stunner!

Although she was in her thirties, she looked as well maintained as a girl in her twenties. Her skin was as thin as fat and extremely smooth. Although she was wearing a large red dress, she still couldn't hide her fiery figure.

The capital is rich, the belly is flat, a pair of jade feet, white and tender and lovely.

This fiery figure alone is enough to make any man's heart flutter, not to mention Mrs. Wang's appearance is only a little less fairy than Wang Yuyan, but more charming and mature.

"Mrs. Wang, you even have hot water ready, so let's take a bath and change clothes together."

Mu Han smiled faintly, and stretched out his hand to pull the ribbon around Mrs. Wang's waist.

"Do you dare?" Mrs. Wang's face was livid, her beautiful eyes almost burst into flames, and her anger fluctuated, making her look even more attractive.

"Mrs. Wang, now, what do you think I dare not do?" Mu Han smiled faintly.

Seeing Mrs. Wang's appearance, I don't know why, the more Mrs. Wang gets angry, the more excited Mu Han feels.

After the words fell, Mu Han also pulled off the silk belt around Mrs. Wang's waist without hesitation.

And as the ribbon was torn apart, Mrs. Wang's long skirt also became loose, revealing a wonderful scenery.

Seeing the scenery in front of him, the blood in Mu Han's body boiled, and he quickly took off all of Mrs. Wang's long red dress.


Mrs. Wang was about to speak, but Mu Han picked her up, walked to the tub, and put her into the tub.


Mrs. Wang put it into the bathtub, and the wonderful scenery was immediately hidden in the clear water, but it became more and more alluring if it was faintly visible.

"Madam Wang, here I come!"

Mu Han smiled badly, took off his clothes, and stepped into the bathtub under Mrs. Wang's gaze. ···················································

"Master Mu Han, I was wrong, please let me go for Yu Yan's sake."

Mrs. Wang finally became frightened at this time, her pretty face was also pale, and she begged.

"Mrs. Wang, it's too late to say this now."

Mu Han smiled, stretched out his hands, and immediately hugged Madam Wang into his arms.

The two treated each other frankly, the beauty in his arms made Mu Han's blood boil, and Mrs. Wang's body trembled even more in his arms.

Mu Han picked up the towel and gently wiped Mrs. Wang's body. Suddenly, the room became quiet, only the sound of splashing water was heard.

Mrs. Wang's body trembled slightly, and her breathing became short of breath. 0

Mu Han also smiled slightly, and whispered in Mrs. Wang's ear: "Mrs. Wang, although you want to kill me, but for Yu Yan's sake, I don't care about you, but tonight..."

Mu Han didn't finish his words, and believed that Mrs. Wang understood what he meant.

The hot air from Mu Han's mouth spit out on Mrs. Wang's crystal-clear earlobes, making her pretty face look delicate and glamorous, and the fair skin all over her body was flushed with a faint blush.

After hearing Mu Han's words, Mrs. Wang naturally understood what Mu Han meant. She felt a little regretful, why did she provoke Mu Han to cause what happened tonight.

I am really self-inflicted!

Seeing that Mrs. Wang didn't respond, Mu Han chuckled, took a towel, and gently scrubbed.


Mrs. Wang let out a sob unconsciously, but her face was full of shame and anger.

Being humiliated by Mu Han, but in his heart, there was a touch of uncontrollable joy.

The two of them washed in the tub for almost half an hour. Mu Han looked at Mrs. Wang, who was pretty and blushing, chuckled, and said, "Mrs. Wang, after washing, let's go to sleep."

But at this time, Mrs. Wang's pretty face was so pretty that her body was limp and weak, allowing Mu Han to pick her up from the bathtub and walk to the bed beside her.

Looking at Mrs. Wang who was lying on the bed, Mu Han gave a wicked smile, his blood was boiling, and he didn't hesitate anymore...

Soon, a low whimpering sound came from Mrs. Wang's room... "

Chapter 67 Yuyan, I am healing your mother (1/3)

After a fierce battle, even Mu Han felt a sense of satisfaction!

Finally met a good opponent.

This Mrs. Wang is too powerful!

Mu Han can also understand, after all, a field has been dry for many years and needs enough fresh water to irrigate.

This fierce battle also allowed De Muhan to enjoy a long-lost joy.

Mrs. Wang's beauty was even better than Gan Baobao and Qin Hongmian, and she was more mature and charming than Wang Yuyan. Mu Han couldn't describe that feeling in words.

If you really want to describe it, then Mu Han can only use "really cool" to describe it.

As for Mrs. Wang, she also experienced a feeling she had never experienced in her life.

Mu Han has a handsome face, is young and strong, has a solid body, and is powerful. The kind of strength and domineering she gave her has already left a deep imprint on her "[-]" heart, replacing the previous person. .

Looking at Mrs. Wang who was snuggling in his arms without a ray, Mu Han also had a smug smile on his lips.

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