"I still have a younger sister?" A'Zhu said, more and more surprised.

"When you find your mother, everything will be clear."

Mu Han smiled lightly and said, "But before we go to find your mother, we'll go to Shaolin Temple first."

Mu Han's purpose of going to Shaolin Temple is also very clear, that is to meet the legendary Beiqiao Peak for a while.

He also wants to see what a hero this beggar gang leader is!

Mu Han took his three daughters and drove a carriage to a small town near the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, and found the largest inn to stay in.

After telling the three daughters to wait for him at the inn, Mu Han left in a hurry.

If Mu Han remembered correctly, Qiao Sanhuai and his wife lived beside a hillside in the south of Shaoshi Mountain.

After some inquiries, Mu Han came to the south of Shaoshi Mountain, and saw a burly man sitting on a bluestone on the hillside drinking wine, and there were many opened and unopened wine jars beside him.

The man was in his thirties, dressed in a gray cloth robe, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a square face with Chinese characters. Between his brows, there was an invisible mighty aura, but at this moment, there was a look of grief on his face.

Name: Qiao Feng

Sex: Male

Age: 31 years old

Identity: Leader of the beggar gang

Cultivation level: Congenital double

Seeing Qiao Feng's message, Mu Han was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this Qiao Feng was so powerful that he had reached the level [-] innate level, and he was not an ordinary level [-] innate warrior.

Qiao Feng looked up at Mu Han who had arrived, his eyes were full of surprise, but he ignored Mu Han, raised the wine jar in his hand, and drank the wine in it.

Qiao Feng grasped the right hand from the air, and performed the Dragon Capturing Kungfu, sucking a jar of wine not far away into his palm, and unsealed the jar of wine. The Kaifeng wine jar was delivered to Mu Han.

Mu Han could tell at a glance that Qiao Feng wanted to test his martial arts.

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Mu Han stretched out his palm, seemingly ordinary, but it caught the Kaifeng wine jar firmly without spilling a drop of wine.

A strange look flashed in Qiao Feng's eyes. If he hadn't possessed innate cultivation in his hand just now, even if he caught the wine jar, more than half of the wine inside would have spilled out.

And Mu Han was able to catch the wine jar without spilling a drop, obviously he is not an easy character.

"Brother, please!"

Qiao Feng also took a jug of wine, raised his head, and drank gulps while holding the jug.

Mu Han smiled, and also raised the wine jar, and drank the wine.

After the two finished drinking, they looked at each other and smashed the wine jar at the same time.

Qiao Feng saw that Mu Han drank the whole jug of wine, his face was not red and his heart was beating, which also aroused his competitive heart.

"Hahahaha, cheer up!"

Qiao Feng laughed loudly and said: "Brother, drink well, come again!"

Before the laughter fell, he performed the Dragon Capturing Kung Fu again, throwing a jar of wine towards Mu Han.

"Ding! Discovered the top-grade Huang-rank martial art of capturing dragons, do you want to consume 1000 system points to deduce it?" The system prompt sounded.


Mu Han secretly smiled, he didn't expect that drinking a drink would be able to deduce the dragon capture skill.

The two quickly finished the wine beside Qiao Feng!

"The wine is over, let's do it!" Qiao Feng slammed the wine jar in his hand and said 0

"Hahahaha, who said I'm going to fight you?" Mu Han also smashed the wine jar in his hand, and laughed loudly.

"You didn't come to kill me, Mr. Murong?" Qiao Feng said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hehe, does Chief Qiao think I'm Murong Fu?"

Mu Han couldn't help laughing and said, "How can a hypocrite like Murong Fu be compared with you and me?"

"Aren't you Murong Fu?" Qiao Feng asked.

"My name is Mu Han!"

Mu Han said indifferently: "I have heard for a long time that the leader of the Beggar Gang, Joe, is a hero, but seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation."

"Brother Mu is among dragons and phoenixes, it's a great honor for Qiao to meet today." Qiao Feng clasped his fists and said.

"Master Qiao, I have helped you find out who killed Ma Dayuan." Mu Han said lightly.


Qiao Feng quickly asked, "Brother Mu, who killed Vice-Clan Leader Ma?"

"Bai Shijing!" Mu Han said.

Hearing this, Qiao Feng lost his voice and said, "Impossible!"

Bai Shijing has a deep relationship with him, and he knows him quite well. If someone in the beggar gang is the murderer of Ma Dayuan, Qiao Feng will be the first to exclude Bai Shijing.

"Nothing is impossible, not everyone can be as righteous as Gangzhu Qiao." Mu Han said lightly.

Mu Han briefly told Qiao Feng what happened in Xingzilin.

"Kang Min, that bitch is 2.6..." Qiao Feng gritted his teeth.

Qiao Feng couldn't stand others wronging him the most. When he was a child, he was wronged by his adoptive mother because of a doctor. That night he cut off the doctor's head.

"However, even if I didn't kill Deputy Gang Leader Ma, the fact that I'm a Khitan can't be changed." Qiao Feng said dejectedly again.

"What about the Khitan people? What about the Song people? There are good people and there are bad people. But what you should care most about now is not whether you are a Khitan or a Song person, but how to clear up your murder of your father and mother. Charge?" Mu Han said lightly.

"I didn't kill the second elder." Qiao Feng argued.

"I know you didn't kill it, but they don't know!"

Mu Han looked not far away, dozens of Shaolin monks, holding sticks, rushed towards the two of them. . "

Chapter 73 Confrontation, Jianglong vs Jianglong (1/3)

After a while, the group of Shaolin monks rushed to Mu Han and Qiao Feng.

"Is this the master of Shaolin?" Qiao Feng clasped his fists and asked.

Qiao Feng studied under Master Xuanku of Shaolin since he was a child, and he was very polite to Shaolin monks. Although these Shaolin monks had low martial arts skills, Qiao Feng still clasped his fists in salute.

"Qiao Feng, you beast, Qiao Sanhuai and his wife have raised you for so many years for nothing. Even if they are not your biological parents, you can't do such a cruel thing to them? You Khitan people are really inferior to pigs and dogs."

The leading Shaolin monks did not answer Qiao Feng, but instead sternly scolded him.

"Blood! I didn't kill the second elder. When I came, the second elder was already dead." Qiao Feng argued.

"Hmph, Qiao Feng, stop pretending. You killed people to silence your mouth. But unfortunately, the fact that you are a Khitan has spread throughout the rivers and lakes. You can't hide it even if you want to." The leader Shaolin monk said.

"Master, Qiao admires you for your compassion, but you really misunderstood me!" Qiao Feng said.

"Hmph, Qiao Feng, don't talk any more sweet words, come here, take Qiao Feng down and bring him back to the temple to be punished by the abbot." The leader of the 18 Shaolin monks said.


The Shaolin monks behind him responded in unison, all armed with sticks, attacking Qiao Feng, it was the Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin!

These Shaolin monks attacked fiercely and mercilessly, but Qiao Feng was timid, unwilling to hurt the lives of these Shaolin monks.

Therefore, although these Shaolin monks are only first-class or super-first-class in their cultivation, they actually have the upper hand.

"This kid must be Qiao Feng's helper, let's capture him together."

The remaining Shaolin monks saw Mu Han and mistakenly thought that Mu Han was Qiao Feng's helper, so they also attacked Mu Han.


Mu Han's expression darkened, and he swung out his palm, blowing away all the Shaolin monks who were besieging him.


Those Shaolin monks spurted a mouthful of blood, and flew upside down. When they landed, they were already dead beyond belief.

"Master Qiao, you don't want to hurt them, so why waste your time here?" Mu Han smiled lightly.

Qiao Feng also knew that he could no longer be entangled with these Shaolin monks like this, he slapped out with a palm, the sound of dragon chant resounded, and the mighty palm force swept out, sending all these Shaolin monks flying away, but No life was hurt.

"Brother Mu, how about we compare our foot strength?"

Before the words finished, Qiao Feng moved and strode towards the distance.

Although Qiao Feng seemed to be walking, his speed was astonishing, within a few breaths, he was already flying tens of feet away.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, Mu Han smiled lightly, stepped out with the sole of his foot, and in the next moment, his figure disappeared strangely.

Now that Mu Han's cultivation has reached the peak of the first level of congenital, coupled with the two peerless lightness skills of Lightning Light God Walking and Lingbo Weibu, how can Qiao Feng's speed be compared?

Just as Qiao Feng wanted to turn his head to look at Mu Han, he was surprised to find that Mu Han was already on par with him.

"Brother Mu is very good at lightness kung fu, Qiao feels inferior. But brother's attack is too fierce." The two stopped after getting rid of those Shaolin monks, Qiao Feng clasped his fists and said.

"Hehe, those stupid Shaolin monks don't know right from wrong, they turn black and white, and it's just a disaster to stay in this world." Mu Han said.

"Brother Mu made a big mistake. Master Shaolin has always been merciful, this time he was just misled by the big villain." Qiao Feng said stubbornly.

"Master Qiao, why are you deceiving yourself?"

Mu Han smiled lightly and said, "You should be very clear about how those monks treated you just now."

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