Qiao Feng was speechless for a moment.

"Thank you Brother Mu for helping me find the murderer who killed Brother Ma, but Brother Mu must have other things to look for me this time." Qiao Feng said.

Mu Han nodded, and said, "I've heard about the martial arts of the leader of Qiao Gang for a long time, and I really want to learn it. I don't know what Qiao Gang wants to do?"

"Okay! Qiao has this intention, brother Mu, please make a move."

Qiao Feng also had this intention when he saw Mu Han.

When he saw Mu Han for the first time, he realized that Mu Han was not a simple person. From the breath of Mu Han's body, he even faintly felt a danger in his heart.

This feeling has never appeared since he became the leader of the beggar gang.

"Let's ask Gang Leader Qiao to make the move first." Mu Han said with a faint smile.

"Okay!" Qiao Feng said bluntly.


After finishing the words, Qiao Feng took a step forward, waved his palms, and slapped them out angrily, and the sound of a dragon chant resounded through the air.

Vigorous zhenqi swept out from Qiao Feng's body, turning into a golden dragon of zhenqi, with extremely terrifying aura fluctuations, blasting towards Mu Han violently.

It was Kanglong Youhui from the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon!

"Good come!"

Mu Han laughed loudly, looking at the golden dragon with true energy rapidly enlarged in his pupils, he did not retreat but advanced, and slapped out with both palms, and what he showed was also the Kanglong Youhui among the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon.

A golden dragon with increasingly powerful aura condensed out from behind Mu Han, and then roared towards Qiao Feng's golden dragon.

"Boom!" 483

The two golden dragons of true energy collided violently in mid-air, making a deafening sound, and they all exploded. A strong wind, like a storm, swept away from the center of the two golden dragons of true energy.

"As expected of Qiao Feng, he has such formidable strength."

A look of amazement appeared on Mu Han's face, Qiao Feng's palm had already exceeded his expectations, the Kanglong Yougui just now, even ordinary third-level innate fighters, probably had to avoid it.

In the original book, as long as Qiao Feng drinks alcohol, the martial arts power he unleashes will be even stronger.

By the looks of it, there really is such a thing!

Qiao Feng's face was also full of shock.

He didn't expect that Mu Han's strength was so powerful, and what shocked him even more was that Mu Han also knew how to subdue the dragon with eighteen palms. From the looks of it, he was no weaker than himself.

You know, I have practiced the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon to the state of Dzogchen. Could it be that Mu Han has also cultivated to the state of Dzogchen?

What's more, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is an undisclosed secret of the leader of the Beggar Clan. How did Mu Han learn the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?

"Brother Mu, how did you know how to subdue the dragon with eighteen palms?" Qiao Feng asked.

Looking at Qiao Feng, Mu Han smiled faintly and said, "Hehe, if Chief Qiao can beat me, I'll tell you." "

Chapter 74 Lost, Qiao Feng's Questions (2/3)

"Okay! Let's come again!" Qiao Feng laughed loudly.

He knew that he had met his opponent, but he became more and more excited.

Ever since becoming the leader of the Beggar Gang, Qiao Feng has never met an opponent. Even the former leader of the Beggar Gang, Wang Jiantong, was defeated by him.

And Nan Murong, who is as famous as him, has never fought against him, or even met him.

It is also extremely difficult to meet a well-matched opponent nowadays.


After finishing the words, Qiao Feng waved his palms, and unleashed all eighteen subduing dragon palms, attacking Mu Han.

Mu Han also used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to greet him, but did not use other martial arts.

Of course, Mu Han didn't use his full strength. If he used his current real strength, if he went all out, even a true innate third-level martial artist would not be his opponent.

Moreover, he wanted to stimulate Qiao Feng's strongest strength and fight well.

Since entering the world of Tianlong, Mu Han has never met a real opponent, and has no chance to show his strength at all.

Today, when I met Qiao Feng, in addition to seeing Qiao Feng's strength, I also wanted to test my own combat power.

"Bang bang bang!"

All of a sudden, the sound of the sonic boom was continuous, and the violent wind ripples swept away like a storm, and cracks appeared on the ground, and then, like a spider web, with an extremely fast speed The speed spreads towards the surroundings.

Fighting against Mu Han, Qiao Feng became more and more shocked. The opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations.

In less than ten moves, he was already at a disadvantage, and the other party seemed calm and calm, as if he hadn't used his full strength yet.

Qiao Feng has always been proud and arrogant. Since becoming famous, he has never been defeated, and he has never even been defeated. He will never allow himself to be defeated by Mu Han.

Therefore, Qiao Feng also unleashed all his own strength, and even performed supernormally.

Seeing Qiao Feng's offensive becoming more and more fierce, Mu Han also showed a smile on his face.

This is exactly what he wanted to see!


Seeing Qiao Feng's eruption, Mu Han didn't hold back his hands anymore, and went all out to slap out with one palm, and a deafening dragon chant resounded through the air.

Feeling Mu Han's palm force, Qiao Feng's face changed drastically, and he felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart. Vigorous zhenqi surged out unreservedly, turning into a golden dragon of zhenqi, blocking in front of him.


Two incomparably fierce and domineering palms, with indescribable power, slammed into each other head-on, and a thunderous shock erupted, and the violent wind rippled, sweeping away!


Qiao Feng's figure flew upside down, and when he landed, the soles of his feet hit the ground. Wherever he passed, the road surface cracked, leaving deep footprints one by one.

"Ding! Congratulations, master, for defeating innate double martial artist Qiao Feng, the reward system points are 200 points, and the extra reward system points are 2000 points." The system prompt sounded in Mu Han's ear.

"Master Qiao, do you want to continue?"

Hearing the system prompt, Mu Han smiled and looked at Qiao Feng.

"No need, brother Mu, I lost!"

Qiao Feng clasped his fists and said, he knew that he was not Mu Han's opponent, so he admitted his defeat frankly, with no look of frustration on his face.

"Lord Qiao, I've accepted it!" Mu Han said with a faint smile.

As expected, Nan Qiaofeng deserved its reputation, even if it lost, it would be an honorable loss!

"Although Qiao lost, I still want to know where Brother Mu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms came from?" Qiao Feng asked.

"I got it by chance. It's really inconvenient to explain the reason. I hope Master Qiao will forgive me." Mu Han said.

Qiao Feng gave a wry smile, seeing that Mu Han was unwilling to speak, he stopped asking.

"Since Brother Mu doesn't want to talk about it, Qiao doesn't force it. I just hope that Brother Mu won't reveal the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. After all, this is the secret skill of the Beggar Clan." Qiao Feng said.

"it is good!"

Mu Han secretly smiled in his heart, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon are known as the best palms in the world, if you can master it yourself, how can you teach it to others?

It's better to be alone than to be happy with everyone!

"Thank you, Brother Mu!"

Qiao Feng clasped his fists and said, "Brother Mu possesses peerless martial arts, but is indifferent to fame and fortune, which Qiao admires."

Mu Han possesses peerless martial arts, but is unknown in the Jianghu. He is obviously not a person who pursues utilitarianism.

"Guangzhu Qiao is absurd." Mu Han said with a slight smile.

"By the way, Qiao has one more question. How did Brother Mu know that Vice-Clan Leader Ma was killed by Bai Shijing?" Qiao Feng asked.

"I also learned about it by chance, but unfortunately, I was a step late when I was in Xingzilin. The leader Qiao had already left Xingzilin at that time." Mu Han said.

Another chance?

Qiao Feng was not satisfied with Mu Han's answer, and continued to ask: "¨' Then how did Brother Mu know that Qiao returned to Shaolin Temple?"

The young man in white in front of him gave Qiao Feng a sense of mystery, as if he knew him well.

"Could it be that Chief Qiao suspected that I was the murderer of Qiao Sanhuai and his wife?" Mu Han said lightly.

"Brother Mu misunderstood!"

Qiao Feng shook his head and said, "Although Qiao and Brother Mu just met today, Qiao believes in Brother Mu's character? Qiao is just a little strange, it seems that Brother Mu knows Qiao's whereabouts like the palm of his hand."

"Hehe, Chief Qiao is famous. As long as you have the heart, you can find out the whereabouts of Chief Qiao after a little inquiring. What's so strange about that?" Mu Han said with a faint smile.

"Does Brother Namu know who is the villain who killed my parents?" Qiao Feng asked.

Mu Han shook his head. Although he knew the truth of the matter, he didn't tell Qiao Feng his plan.

Even if he told Qiao Feng the truth now, Qiao Feng might not believe it, and let everything take its course.

"Brother Mu, Qiao still wants to track down the villain who killed his parents, so he can't accompany him anymore, so I'll leave now." Qiao Feng said.

Mu Han nodded slightly.

"Well, we'll meet later." Qiao Feng cupped his fists at Mu Han, smiled loudly, and turned to leave.

Watching Qiao Feng's leaving figure, Mu Han also shook his head helplessly.

The reason why Qiao Feng's fate is so miserable is because he has a father who deceives his son.

Xiao Yuanshan pretended to be Qiao Feng and killed people everywhere, making Qiao Feng a public enemy of the Central Plains martial arts.

When Qiao Feng's figure disappeared, Mu Han also turned around and left, heading towards the small town inn. . "

Chapter 75 The Yi Jin Jing, defeated Xuanci with one palm (3/3)

Back at the small town inn, Wang Yuyan and Abi came up to welcome him. Seeing Mu Han, the two girls showed joyful smiles on their pretty faces.

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